Showing posts with label LGBTQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBTQ. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sign of the Month - April 2015 - STFU David Brooks

David Brooks wants Gay Rights Advocates to "Go Gently"with their opposition

Remember Matthew Shepherd?
When was the last time LGBTQ activists tied a fundy Xtian to fence, beat the Xtian bloody and left him to die?

Remember the Upstairs Lounge arson?
When was the last time a LGBTQ activist set fire to a Xtian Purity Ball and murdered 30 people.

Remember Eric Rudolph?
When was the last time a gay activist was responsible for a series of anti-Xtian motivated bombings which killed two people and injured 111 others.

Who is David Brooks and why should we care? You think he is married? 

David Brooks needs to STFU. He is a bigot and a paid professional liar and obfuscator. No LGBTQ activist is killing and maiming and torturing Xtians for shitz and giggles. No LGBTQ activist is calling for the execution of Christians. The same cannot be said of fundamentalist Christians.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tom Wolf wants to liberate LGBTQ folks in PA. We can help.

lgbt-pa-flagI love my new Governor. I am so glad I cast my vote for Tom Wolf. First, he starts to work on the death penalty and now he is working on civil rights for sexual minorities.

I feel like singing Dayenu and I am not Jewish. If Tom Wolf only rid us of the death penalty and created peace for LGBT, it would be enough.

As we sit around our feast day tables, we give thanks and we remember that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, TransGender and Queer folks are our Family, Friends and Colleagues and we love them.

Everything else Wolf might do is lagniappe. Way to go, Governor. What an excellent gift to all of us in Pennsylvania for Passover and Easter.

Now claim the gift, fellow Pennsylvanians, and sign the Governor's petition HERE.
PA-Gov: Wolf Denounces Indiana Bill, Calls for New Legislation
Governor Wolf is pushing for Pennsylvania to become a more inclusive place.In the wake of the controversy over Indiana’s anti-LGBT legislation, Wolf is asking the legislature to adopt a non-discrimination law in PA.
“I simply don’t understand what the Governor of Indiana was thinking when he signed a bill that allows discrimination against people based on who they love,” Wolf wrote in an email to his campaign subscribers. “It’s not only wrong on a human level, but also ill-advised for attracting businesses and creating jobs in today’s global economy.”
“But we have some work to do here in Pennsylvania as well,” the Governor continued. “Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is the only state in the Northeast that doesn’t prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression — and that needs to end.”

Listen to the Philadelphia Biblical University Institute of Jewish Studies class of 2000 music team beautifully perform the popular Passover song Dayenu. Happy Pesach! Happy Easter! 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Todd Starnes the Cherry Picker - Asshats on Parade

"Isn't it wonderful that we are all so queer." - Minnie Jane Hamm at Trenton Friends Meeting.
Todd Starnes conflates homophobia with Christianity. As does a beleaguered Navy Chaplain named Modder. Fundamentalist Christians use Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 to condemn and vilify gay people. Chaplain Modder uses the Biblical rules to shame people who have premarital sex. The Asexual and biblically stunted must not make rules for the normally sexed. 

Leviticus 21:16-22 says that no man with a defect, specifically of his genitals or his eyes, may as much as approach the altar. Some how and some way Fundamentalist Christians ignore the rules when the rules do not suit them.

So if your pastor wears glasses, has only one testicle, prostate cancer or psoriasis, he may not go near the altar to preach, bless or pray. That means Chaplain Modder. That means you Todd Starnes. You wear glasses. You cherry pick the Bible at will, Todd, when it is your ox being gored. 
Todd Starnes
16 The Lord said to Moses, 17 “Say to Aaron: "For the generations to come none of your descendants who has a defect may come near to offer the food of his God. 18 No man who has any defect may come near: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; 19 no man with a crippled foot or hand, 20 or who is a hunchback or a dwarf, or who has any eye defect, or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles. 21 No descendant of Aaron the priest who has any defect is to come near to present the food offerings to the Lord. He has a defect; he must not come near to offer the food of his God. 22 He may eat the most holy food of his God, as well as the holy food; 23 yet because of his defect, he must not go near the curtain or approach the altar, and so desecrate my sanctuary. I am the Lord, who makes them holy.
Ever hear these phony religionists mention these verses? They lie by omission. Lying is a sin. Do these folks not realize that Gays and other Queer Folks are our family, our friends and our colleagues that we respect and may love dearly?
Matthew 5:22 - He who beats his brother must answer for it to the court; he who sneers at him will answer for it in the fires of Hell..
How can Fundamentalist Christians ignore Jesus this way and feel honest? It is time for the US military to hire only those folks with real expertise in counseling and human behavior to be Chaplains. It is time for the US Military to retire Modder. Past time.

I am so queer. I fantasize egregious sexual assault. I have been so hurt by sexually bent religous authoritarians. I am for it, but I am not going to do it. Jesus told us not to do that revenge stuff. I have to find a way to love these guys. God help me.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fred Phelps is dead and all I got is these nasty pictures. - UPDATE

UPDATE: You can find more photoshop artistry at You will be amazed and delighted by the work there.



You can read the full text of Bell's Addicted to Hate at the link.

“Mark remembers the family coming back once to find Pastor Phelps jogging around the dining room table, beating the sobbing [Nate] with a broom handle; while doing so, he was alternately spitting on the frightened child and chuckling the same sinister laugh so disturbing to those who've seen him on television.”

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Get Your Stoning Right Here! - UPDATE

Shreveport Louisiana asked to stone some gays by transexual woman.

What is really ironic is the guy who proposed the bill in question appears to wear glasses because he has a defect in his eyes. And I wonder if he has prostate issues? According to the Levites, Ron Webb has no right to preach or even approach the Altar of God. Does he have both his testicles. Maybe he will let us check?

Leviticus 21 states:

17 “Speak unto Aaron, saying, ‘Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations who hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God.
18 For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,
19 or a man who is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,
20 or crookbacked, or a dwarf, or who hath a blemish in his eye, or hath scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken.

I wonder if Ron Webb has ever read the book he is thumping. Man is an embarrassment to Christians. Blasphemy is a sin, if you are into the sin type of coercion. Personally, I like Pope Frankie's approach. The thing to keep in mind when dealing with religious authoritarians is - they have very high standards - for YOU.

If you read my blog, it is no secret I despise religious authoritarians. I hope this action becomes a standard way of dealing with religious zealots. In your face!

Call these folks out on their bullshit. Make them live up to all of the "rules," not just the ones that suit their personal prejudices. They cannot live up to their own rhetoric.  Biblical morality will get you arrested.

PHOTOS: LGBT Activists Demand Stoning at Antigay Harlem Church
Well, they'll stone you when you walk all alone
They'll stone you when you are walking home
They'll stone you and then say you are brave
They'll stone you when you are set down in your grave
But I would not feel so all alone
Everybody must get stoned. 
- Bob Dylan, Poet

Another uppity queer woman. Is this a new trend? I approve.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Culture Cakes

Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation is raising a hue and cry for freedom.

Phillips is dismayed that Governor Jan Brewer vetoed SB1062 in Arizona. You know, The Gay Bill. He fears the end of it all will be slavery and the Penis Cake. And the Orgy.

The crusade is diverse. The Phillips crusade is not just about Christians. He wants to protect Muslim caterers from pork. I would make a pork joke here but it is too easy.
"Should a devout baker be required to create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it or should a baker be required to create pastries for a homosexual wedding in the shape of genitalia? Or should a photographer be required to photograph a homosexual wedding where the participants decide they want to be nude or engage in sexual behavior?" 
I thought this Phillips person was full of feverish fantasy and a little over the top. I thought I would check it out. I googled Penis Cake. ZOMG! I need to get out more.

You can get a Penis Cake for most any occasion. Penis Wedding Cake anyone? 

Penis Cupcakes? 
Or Penis Bread?

I can see how this situation might create anxiety. Gives a whole new meaning to "Let them eat cake." Or "the staff of life."

If Judson Phillips becomes entirely too anxious, he can always soothe himself by learning how to bake a Booby Cake. Boobs are soothing. Nom nom. 

Or Judson Phillips could just stop thinking about that icky homosexual sex. Or take a damn Xanax and keep his fevered dreams to himself. When did minding your own business go out of fashion as an American value? When did humiliating customers because Jebus come in?

Friday, February 7, 2014

ебать себе Путина

Putin wins a Fickle Finger of Doom!

I am here and I am queer.

Originaly meant strange or odd. Now stands for anyone who is sexualy different but may or may not mean gay. Queer covers any type of gender or sexual attitudes that are outside of the mainstream of one man one woman monogamy. You can be Queer and still have a heterosexual orientation if you have unusual sexual or gender identites, philosophies or habits.
Queer covers all that includes: 
Chubby-chaser/Poly-amory ect...ect... - by Ki


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Queer Nation Confronts Russian Business Leaders

It is a lovely thing to watch folks speak truth to power. Go Queer Nation! Thank you, Scott Wooledge, for all you do to keep us informed.

Go here for the story of the Rainbow Flag. 

Keep laughing, Russians. You are making Putin look like an ass. No matter what he does now, the world will be laughing at him. I do not think he enjoys that. Welcome to New York City.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Political Sign of the Month - April 2013

Advertising is the greatest artform of the 20th century. - Marshall McLuhan. 
I had a difficult time selecting the best Political Sign for April. I found the fabulous Political Loudmouth political sign website. You can go there and select your favorite. This one is my favorite because it is fiery. I am thinking it needs to be a Tshirt. 

The word sign has a number of meanings. The Oxford Dictionary says that a sign is
An object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
Given that definition, I am going to propose that this House is really a Sign. I am not April Fooling. "The medium is the massage/message." -  Marshall McLuhan. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chicken Follies

Tomorrow, August 1, is Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day for the Fundagelicals. The Fundagelicals want us to know they hate Gay Folks and they want to let us know that they have a right to say so.  I agree.

I hate to be left out. So I will express my appreciation for Chick-fil-A right here, right now. I do not know who this young woman is, but I would like to buy her lunch. Anywhere but Chick-fil-A.

For those who support our LGBT brothers and sisters and really like the sandwiches, I have a solution.  Here are the directions for making your own southern-style chicken sandwich.

For those of you in NYC, Schnipper's Quality Kitchen is donating $1.00 to Marriage Equality USA for each chicken filet sandwich sold in August. See the link below:

Gay folks are not the only folks suffering under the yoke of Dan Cathy's "biblical principles." He fires women who have had a baby and replaces them with men. He fires Muslim managers who do not want to participate in Christian prayers at business meetings.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Pride. It is a Beautiful Thing.

Thank you Kameron Slade. I am so sorry that you were kept from delivering your Excellent Speech.

If I were this young man's Momma, I would be bursting with pride. And then I would be on that school like The Banshee. I would wail so loud the ACLU can hear me.

Thank you President Obama for standing up for the LGBTQ members of my Family and for Public Education. The Obama campaign has posted Pride 2012's cover image to their Tumbler page. You can read the magazine online in its entirety.

Update 1:
 Kameron Slade got to deliver his Awesome Speech after all.  He delivered it with Pride in front of the New York City Council.  God bless the InterNet. See the video at the link below. Go Kameron Slade and Kameron's Mom.