Nota bene: I feel odd that the most folks reading me today after I have come back from Crazed Country are...wait for it...Russians. Why do they read me? Why? I have read Marx. Russians do not even read Marx. Dobroye vremya, putinskoye der'mo.
"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words." - Arthur BrisbaneTrump fired figurative bullets at me. I saw it on cable. Here are some figurative responses from Artists known and unknown. I give credit when I can find it.
Conversation on the net is a 'vast wasteland.' Every where you go you meet another DIS INFORMATION ROBOT - human or mechanical - accusing (somebody anybody everybody) but Trump of unethical behavior. So you can choose: Russian, Repub or KKK?
I wonder as I suffer PTSD from all the Republican 'punishment' that is coming to me and my daughters, are others as angry and anxious as I am? Do they see the historic parallels?
This image on right is the work of Pegasus Street Artist. He got death threats. Read more at the link.
Artists Refa One, left, and Fulani Carter, both from Oakland collaborate on a mural they call 'Chump Change' off Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, Calif., on Thursday, March 3, 2017. They finish the mural in preparation for First Friday where they hope to have attendees throw pennies, dimes and nickels at the mural. (Laura A. Oda/Bay Area News Group)
I wonder as I suffer PTSD from all the Republican 'punishment' that is coming to me and my daughters, are others as angry and anxious as I am? Do they see the historic parallels?
This image on right is the work of Pegasus Street Artist. He got death threats. Read more at the link.
Artists Refa One, left, and Fulani Carter, both from Oakland collaborate on a mural they call 'Chump Change' off Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, Calif., on Thursday, March 3, 2017. They finish the mural in preparation for First Friday where they hope to have attendees throw pennies, dimes and nickels at the mural. (Laura A. Oda/Bay Area News Group)