Friday, December 3, 2021

Gun Factoid

Injury is the leading cause of death for persons aged 1-44 years in the United States. More than half (55%) of all injury-related deaths are caused by motor vehicles and firearms.. Although the number of deaths from motor-vehicle crashes has exceeded those from firearms, since 1968, differences in the number of deaths have declined: from 1968 through 1991, motor-vehicle- related deaths decreased by 21% (from 54,862 to 43,536) while firearm-related deaths increased by 60% (from 23,875 to 38,317).
Based on these trends, by the year 2003, the number of firearm-related deaths will surpass the number of motor-vehicle crashes, and firearms will become the leading cause of injury-related death. This report compares trends and patterns of deaths resulting from firearm- and motor-vehicle- related injuries in the United States from 1968 through 1991. - CDC
I have written a lot about guns and other weapons here over the years. My attitude progressed from earnestness through despair through insult to cheering for all the penis woundings in editorial tone.

Ultimately, I am tired down to the ground of all the dead toddlers. Not the famous school shooting toddlers. Every day toddlers. Every week I read about another child death from guns. Now, we have 11 year olds shooting 8 year olds over a puppy. A toddler killed its Mother. I am so tired of grieving. Our toddlers are dangerous now. And so it goes.

I read the above from the CDC and the light came upon me. I am not going to argue on right wing ground with ammosexuals. See example of such below. We do not need to take away guns by force from whackjobs. I think my plan could work. Talk me down?
Pat PlumDumpling • Like I said, you completely ignore Logic. Just because you don't like or want guns does not mean you have any say in my rights to own one. Want to confiscate them?, I would say you might get some if you start in someplace like CA, but guess what?, you will be starting a very bloody 2nd civil war, not to mention how many of the idiots going door to door would not make it past the first block. And again with the stupidity in thinking that this will do anything to help gun violence, when you are not addressing the problem, that the criminals (the group that commits the vast majority of gun violence) will not be following any of your new laws. Also, any form of registration, or mandate on legal gun owners will not work because at that point you are infringing on our rights, and unless you can get the 2A and 4A removed you are just another blathering Anti-gunner.
I say: A gun should be like a car. Registered, licensed and insured. Each and every gun. With the same penalties if you violate the rules. Department of Motor Vehicles for Ammosexuals. BAM!

One of the nicest things about not owning a car is not having to stand in line to pay fees and fines at DMV.

Kermit Gosnell City Now in Texas

WOMAN is the nigger of the world. - ONO/Lennon

Kermit Gosnell murdered pre and post partum infants and called that abortion. He kept the corpses in his refrigerator. It is Gosnell City now in Texas. All possibility of compliance is eradicated. All regulation as to time and safety of procedure is gone. And the wombnazis screaming LIFE have now created death.

The soulless media will report on every Woman bleeds to death and leaves 5 kids and a husband behind with glee and every 13 year old self aborts with a pencil, every Woman forced to carry a stillbirth to term, every victim of a Catholic hospital's idea of miscarriage care.

Then after enough blood has been spilled and Women made to die in disgusting pitiable ways, abortion will be made legal again. Will anyone pay for the death and destruction? Did one single Doctor, who destroyed midwifery and safe abortion in USA last time abortion was criminalized, pay for even one Woman they murdered? Nope.

If democratic voting will not preserve our civil rights now and law also will not protect our Family or Women, we are left with no political choice but assassination. Shoot Alito and Barrett and Roberts should do it up good. Forget chivvying me FBI, I am too old and crippled to carry it out. But others are not. It is not just Margery Taylor Greene calling for assassination now. I am a hippy peacenik GrandMother calling for assassination. You just might have a little problem on your hands.

Never mind SCOTUS assuming all who need an abortion are promiscuous immoral young Women. Focus on SCOTUS reaching into the American FAMILY to force childbirth. Forget one or two or three and done now.

If FEDGOV OR STATEGOV is going to become in loco parentis or inter parentis then IT must pay to feed clothe and educate the child until college completion. And if the female head of family dies in childbirth, the various governments must indemnify the Family. Legislatures and wombnazis must not practice medicine or family planning.

12/3/21 9:51 AM

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Mother Mary Comes to Me Singing

I was a grown Woman with a Child in 1973 when SCOTUS affirmed by Roe v. Wade that I am the owner of my own body. I anticipate FEDGOV becoming my Rapist today. They debating the instrument. I feel sad, scared and sick. 

I have been raped more than once. I am an expert on rape. I can kill you with experience. Republicans have the rape and breeder slavery of women in their party platform. Republicans have contempt for women. Get off me is a Republican aphrodisiac. 

To my fellow survivors and #MeToo travelers, men and women who have been raped and men and women who have not:

You get one good drunk or cry if wombnazis win this round, if you need or want it. One. Take a deep breath. When calm has been achieved, organize not agonize. Make policy. Then do.

Do not give clicks or notice or comments to the kind of Woman-hater filth raining down on social media. That will make its hatefulness very apparent. And you will not be supporting it with your attention. Never interrupt an opponent when it is making a mistake. Let it be.

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." - Sun Tzu

What is nonviolent resistance.? I am awed by this example below. Basically, you resist by not doing anything that will get you shot. And everything that will freak folks out. Want folks to change something? First you have to get their attention. Works for the French. Black Women have been saving our dupa for a long time now. How about we give them some help?

Posted By  on Thu, May 21, 2015 at 12:13 PM

I suggest staring intensely at the penis of every Republican wombnazi in Congress and on SCOTUS. Surround the buildings. Bring binoculars. Think cat focused on its prey. Pay special attention to the penis of Alito and the non penis of Barrett. Yell "I suffer not a no-penis person to speak." Weak, both of them, because they are NUTZ and easy to freak out. 

Or just point at their penis and say "Mr. Happy" or "Wee Willy Penis" and giggle behind Chinese fans you bring for the occasion. Whistle at the uptight bastids. Throw flowers. Or condoms. If you have got a parasol, bring it. Or a feather boa. Large flowery hats are good too. Think Josephine Hull in Arsenic and Old Lace.

No Republican or wombnazi can stand that for long. Ridicule is mightier than the pen and the sword. And wombnazis killed and maimed a lot of Women the last time they criminalized reproduction. They deserve ridicule. 

Published on
12/1/21 3:33 PM

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Kielbasa Appetizers. So good.

I am not a sports fan. I am often surrounded by sports fans who are ravenous - watching football etc. is calorie intensive activity evidently - and requires snacks and copious amounts of beer. Folks hang near the kitchen looking handsome, hairy and hungry like this handsome Wolf.

These Kielbasa Bites are delicious. Just delicious. Good for holiday guests of all sorts as well. 


1 – pound kielbasa
1 cup dry white wine
1 heaping tablespoon light brown sugar
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons of brandy
3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Cut kielbasa into one-inch slices. Cut each slice into quarters. Put kielbasa in heavy skillet large enough to hold all the pieces in a single layer. Cover with wine.
Bring the wine to a boil. Cook, uncovered, until wine almost has evaporated and looks syrupy, about 12 minutes. Stir in brown sugar, mustard and brandy. Cook one minute more.

Toss kielbasa with parsley and pepper to taste. Serve with toothpicks for spearing and thin rounds of crusty bread for dipping in the juices. So good.