Thursday, May 5, 2016

Richard Mourdock Redux

Fetuses could be granted constitutional rights under measure approved by Missouri House

State Rep. Tila Hubrecht, R-Dexter, said during debate that women shouldn’t decide to get an abortion just because they are raped.

“It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist,’” she said. “Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.”

You can email Ms. Hubrecht. And just in case you do not remember Mr. Mourdock, you can go here to find out what and who he is.

She started doing political cartoons for The Greenville News in 1975.

In 1976, Kate joined the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists and attended her first AAEC convention. She and Etta Hulme, of The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, were the only two women cartoonists in attendance that year. Kate's husband, Jim, was the first male member of the then-called "Ladies Auxiliary".

In 1980, the (now renamed) Field Newspaper Syndicate began distributing Kate's cartoons nationwide. In 1981, she received the Freedoms Foundation's George Washington medal for editorial cartooning.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Signs of the Month - May 2016

I stopped finding signs when my garden bit me. So good to be back and at them. Them, of course varies.

The first image is sexy and funny. First Prize.

The second is a screen shot. It is the sign on the shirt that really creeps me out. Video below.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

My Gritty City Gets It Right - Update


Kathryn Knott, Dad, Bucks County Sued for $5 Million for “Retaliation” Over Anonymous Internet Comments
Read more at... 

Now send the Bucks County detectives after me, Knotts. I have bupkis and balls of steel. Will be a hoot to participate in a free speech mess. I am old. I got nothing to do but hang out. And I have a new screen name. See the comments.

Written February 9, ,2016

Kathryn Knott is going to jail for gay bashing. And she has been kicked out of the City of Philadelphia and cannot enter without a compelling reason to do so. 
God bless the Judge and Jury for keeping the Gayborhood safe for everybody. Philadelphia Magazine provides an archive of the whole affair.

Hugh E. Dillon's photographs of Brian Sim's protest in Love Park show you that in Philly, we really do take 'brotherly love' seriously. No bashing people just because you can.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Fuck YOU Adsense.

Update: The fuckers at google paid me. But now they will not let me use adsense on my food blog. Cute. Push me around and then kick me again
Close my adsense account. You will not censor my blog.

You will not force me to list my account as a porn site.

Publisher ID: pub-1222599309808625

Please remit money accrued. You have my bank information. You provide no other way for me to communicate with you. I looked and looked.

I think this is beautiful. You think it is porn.

I have Russian readers. What happened? Putin get upset? You want to see what real pornography is? Go here.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Crappy Crap

Somebody posted a link to this study on disqus. I am banned by the disqus blog, so I thought I would comment here. Really sucks to be bipolar sometimes. I cannot be tactful when crazed. 

I think the study is crap. People are influenced by what they read? Well duh. I must admit that the site is interesting otherwise.
As people increasingly turn to social media to access and create health evidence, the greater availability of data and information ought to help more people make evidence-informed health decisions that align with what matters to them. However, questions remain as to whether people can be swayed in favor of or against options by polarized social media, particularly in the case of controversial topics. We created a composite mock news article about home birth from six real news articles and randomly assigned participants in an online study to view comments posted about the original six articles. We found that exposure to one-sided social media comments with one-sided opinions influenced participants’ opinions of the health topic regardless of their reported level of previous knowledge, especially when comments contained personal stories. Comments representing a breadth of views did not influence opinions, which suggests that while exposure to one-sided comments may bias opinions, exposure to balanced comments may avoid such bias