Sunday, September 25, 2011

Off the Pigs !!! with Update 1 and 2 and 3 and 4

I never thought I would drag the sentence above out of the 60s and 70s and into the present. I am a peaceful Quaker for years now. I am shocked to find myself thinking it. I am so angry. Some history:

Seems like shocking rhetoric, does it not?

 Well, here is some shocking present day mayhem brought to us by Mayor Bloomberg and the Boys in Blue below.

Just  look at the video above. What other response can you have to the NYC PigForce penning peaceful female protesters behind a barrier and Maceing them. Where was the provocation and necessity, Pigs? How many of you Pig Perverts came in your pants when the women were screaming and crawling?

Hey, Mayor Bloomberg, do you stand for this perverted "justice?" Are you not a Jew? Why then would you sponsor gestapo tactics in a police force? Or did you get a copy of the tape to view and whack off with back at Gracie Mansion? Men do not need their penises to rape women. When getting your peener out is inappropriate, you can always use an object and men do that with anything at hand: a stick, a knife, a can of mace.

Let us for once tell it like it is. A goodly number of Philly cops and cops around the country are using steroids and addicted to them and they do not get drug tested. Cops will lie at the request of their superiors or to cover their own crimes without turning a hair. Most cops are dumb as stumps and understand the law they are "enforcing" not at all. These paragons feel free to attack innocent women because Bloomberg gave them permission. Say what?

You may say "How dare you say such a thing?" to me. I have evidence. Try reading this blog for a couple of weeks and then tell me:

How safe do you feel? Still have respect for the police?

Update One:

Witness accounts and extensive information on who maced the innocent women, and what YOU can do about it, and a picture of Tony Baloney the perpetrator of the cowardly attack, can be found at this site. Let us do something more sensible than shout Off the Pigs. While it may be satisfying, it is only self indulgent. Let us take action.–-Suspend-Tony-Bologna-NOW?via=stream

Update Two:

Citizen Journalists are on this like white on rice. Tony Baloney maced his own. More eyewitness testimony. The cops were setting the protestors up to look like criminals. It is just like what they did at the Vietnam protests.!-You-F!ng-Maced-Us!?via=siderec

Update Three:,-Manhattan-DA,-to-investigate-use-of-pepper-spray-on-demonstrators?via=siderec

What is to "investigate." We have film of the crime and the criminal in action.  Tony Baloney needs to be fired and charged with assault. I pray the deaf woman who was victimized files a civil suit too.

I will not argue with due process. But it is clear this event is being handled with obfuscation from the starting gate. "Investigate" leaves the impression there is some doubt as to what happened.

There is no doubt. Tony Baloney assaulted several women (and others) using his can of mace as a penis. He clearly physically and emotionally enjoyed the torture of helpless women. Have you noticed that all the protesters assaulted were at some kind of physical disadvantage when attacked. They were women and men burdened by cameras.

He is a criminal and a sexual pervert. I am sure this behavior is not at all new. So let's tell it like it is:

New York City and its Mayor are happy to keep sexually perverted criminal sadists employed, pay them a large salary and defend them when they are caught. NYC does not need to defend itself against foreign terrorists so much. They create and nurture their own terrorists. They need to start cleaning up their act bigtime.

Update Four:
Love and Babies happen in SexPig City too; and Tony Baloney will not be supported by the NYC Police in court. Tony Baloney is being sued by his victims. Question: Why has the NYC PoPo failed to arrest Baloney for assault?

Friday, September 9, 2011


I am still here and alive and thrilled to be so. I have new knees and straight legs. I am convalescing.

It is a good thing I am mean and I have a bigmouth or they might have tormented me to death in the hospital.

Am I glad I did both knees at once? I think so; I am still in a lot of pain.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Becoming Bionic

On August 10 ( if I live through the surgery), I will become a Bionic Woman, a Wonder Woman, the Hero of my girlhood. Both my knees will be replaced with knees that function.

I am remarkably healthy for a woman of my age. No diabetes, no heart disease, no high blood pressure. But my remarkable health will quickly deteriorate if I cannot do what has kept me healthy all my life: WALK long distances.

No scooter for me. I am making an investment in my future health and productivity. I am scared. I am doing the scary thing anyway.  I will be gone and convalescing for a bit. Meet you soon, cher Reader.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dance and the World Will Dance with You

This video is one of the most inspiring I have seen of late. Derek Sivers is remarkably astute. Below is a link to his blog. This is how new movements and unique projects begin and grow in my experience. Someone stands for the idea and develops the intention and begins the dance. Then the second and third and nth followers show up. A profound idea is here in a silly hat.

I offer a bit of the Tao Te Ching, translation by Herrymon Maurer, that seems appropriate. The Tao Te Ching was written by Lao Tzu (translated "Old Man") as a moral and spiritual treatise and counsel for Leaders and Creators.


When a superior man hears about Tao,
He goes after it diligently.
When an average man hears about Tao,
He both gets it and loses it.
When an inferior man hears about Tao,
He laughs loudly at it.
If he did not laugh,
It would not be Tao.
There is an old saying:
The bright way looks dark;
The forward way looks backward;
The smooth way looks rough;
High virtue looks low;
Great whiteness looks defiled.
Broad virtue looks deficient;
Solid virtue looks illicit;
Simple virtue looks decayed.
Great space has no corners.
Great talent ripens late.
Great music is out of key.
The great symbol is out of shape.
Tao is without name and hidden.
Hence Tao helps and completes.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Cher Reader, how I have missed you.

Did you think I was never coming back? It would take more than two blown knees to keep me from You, ma Cher. I danced for a living for years. And my knees have finally cried "Enough."

On August 10, I will receive two new knees. I have been taking a lot of pills for pain. I find they interfere with my ability and desire to write.

Nevertheless, I am delighted to have found the energy and clarity of mind to write today. Who am I trying to kid? It is more like the energy to rant, whine, kvetch, and stamp my feet.

Stay tuned. Some rants coming up anon.


For those concerned about the SCOTUS' Citizens United decision ( that a Corporation is a legal person with all the right of free speech attached to that status ) and the effects of the decision on the body politic, I point you to a diary at dKos.

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission refused to grant a license to sell Raging Bitch  beer in Michigan because Flying Dog brewers are rude. In March of this year, Flying Dog filed suit, citing a violation of their 1st Amendment rights.

It seems that the State cannot now protect us from an artisan beer maker's raunchy sense of humor and deprive of us of an excellent new beer.  A good thing, eh?  Go get yourself a Raging Bitch beer and settle in your favorite chair. This may amuse you as much as it amuses me.

"This week, the Michigan Liquor Control Commission reversed their position. They did so based on the outcome of a U.S. Supreme Court decision last week that said the state of Vermont could not prevent pharmaceutical companies from harvesting data about doctor's prescribing patterns and habits as a way to market to them more effectively. This restriction on the rights of states to regulate "speech" by corporations is beginning to have far-reaching impacts." - from the diary at the link above.

When you get done laughing, think about this whole debacle. What will this decision do to the labeling regulations, for example? You know, those laws that have kept the Corpos from poisoning, maiming, and bamboozling us since 1920.

I think the Suits and Robes and Corpos have overreached. Bigtime. Get thee some popcorn and a couple more Bitches, sit back, and enjoy the ride. It is going to be a Hoot. And it will only get funnier and more absurd (if that is possible) as the months go by. And laughing at the Azzoles sure beats crying over the whole sickening mess.