Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I am going to finish the play.

I just cannot work right now. I can fart around on twitter because it gives me instant gratification.

I was trucking - doing great after my fall. A doctor told me I could do better with a brace for my foot. I got the fucking brace. Wearing the brace put my back out. I had to go and get injections in my back for pain relief. I was also prescribed pain and anti anxiety meds.

Even if you take them as prescribed, meds tend to build up in your brain and body. I get to being unsteady on my feet. My back does not hurt so no more pain meds. But the other meds help me sleep. I am going cold turkey and I have been awake all night. Gaaaahhhhh! I hope to go to sleep soon. No pills for me.

The good news is - I walk to the bodega without my cane. I am back on the buses. Fired up. Ready to go.  Click the LOVE picture to get to Indivisible PHL.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Russians are reading here again. Why? Speak up Russia. Do not be shy. Maybe I am teaching you люди colloquial American English?  

Saturday, July 22, 2017

KILLER TRUMP the Hair Furor - Signs of the Month - July 2017

Nota bene: I feel odd that the most folks reading me today after I have come back from Crazed Country are...wait for it...Russians. Why do they read me? Why? I have read Marx. Russians do not even read Marx. Dobroye vremya, putinskoye der'mo.

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words." - Arthur Brisbane

Trump fired figurative bullets at me. I saw it on cable. Here are some figurative responses from Artists known and unknown. I give credit when I can find it.

Conversation on the net is a 'vast wasteland.' Every where you go you meet another DIS INFORMATION ROBOT - human or mechanical - accusing (somebody anybody everybody) but Trump of unethical behavior. So you can choose: Russian, Repub or KKK?

I wonder as I suffer PTSD from all the Republican 'punishment' that is coming to me and my daughters, are others as angry and anxious as I am? Do they see the historic parallels?

This image on right is the work of Pegasus Street Artist. He got death threats. Read more at the link.

Artists Refa One, left, and Fulani Carter, both from Oakland collaborate on a mural they call 'Chump Change' off Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, Calif., on Thursday, March 3, 2017. They finish the mural in preparation for First Friday where they hope to have attendees throw pennies, dimes and nickels at the mural. (Laura A. Oda/Bay Area News Group)

Prominent worldwide magazine covers. I love graphic Art.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Weighing the Grocery and Soda Tax in Philly

UPDATE: Soda tax is tanking says Philly.com.

I oppose it. You are taxing the wrong folks. Tax the Corporate Suits, not the poor and middle class. 

Tax the sugary drink and snack makers who make beaucoup money and socialize the costs of doing business. Convenient and disposable? Their detritus is on every street corner for the people and the City to clean up. Got the courage to sue Nestle Coke Frito Lay etc., Mayor Kenney? It will make you famous. Come on, Dude. This is Filthydelphia. Let us lead on this. 

I am tired of cleaning up the chip bags and drink containers that flow downhill from Frankford Avenue and clog the sewers and filthy the sidewalks. It costs our City money to collect this garbage and dispose of it. Make the Corporate Persons pay their fair share.  

Pay attention. Reality is. These folks will tell you all about what is happening to our watersheds. It is not good. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Melancholia Agitata

Melancholia Agitata is what I am suffering through used to be called. I cannot sleep. I am voraciously restless and living in a well of darkness at once. I have been through this before. It ruins my relationships, my work, everything goes kablooey. I never know when it is going to happen. I lost jobs. I lost people. I lost homes.

I will get to talk to Lady Shrink today in the afternoon and that is good.

I do not want to scare anybody. This is not a complaint. It is just a description. I am out of the closet with my crazy. More than anything I want to be understood. It has taken me years to come to terms with my illness. I preferred for a long time to think of myself as bad. You can do something about bad. What can you do with nutz?

A good thing to read if you know somebody like me is Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament by the American psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison. She examines the relationship between bipolar disorder and artistic creativity. 

A study was done which looked at 12 successful Comedians. The parameters were 1. actively working and 2. had earnings of at least $500,000.00 per year. All 12 were Bipolar Bunnies like me. I would give you a link but I am too manic to find the reference right now. 

I am grateful I do not get drunk over this crap and fuck 50 people anymore. Mostly because now that I am older than dirt getting drunk like I used to would kill me for sure. Thank you AA. Lady Shrink told me that 80% of clients presenting with drug addiction are self medicating for a mental disorder.

Peace to everyone especially me. I love you all, my friends. That I write this means I am better than I was.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Resistance Signs of the Month - June 2017

Choose the one you like the best. Can you guess which sign is from Poland? Resist!

There will be some changes made.

I think I am back. Physical pain is gone. Still mourning. I am doing a complete reorganization of my life and my goals. Thank you to all who have been with me on my journey in blogland. It has been years now. Cher Readers, you have made a difference in this introverted maniac's life. 

I apologize to friends who asked me to write them for not writing them. When I said I CANNOT TALK, I meant literally could not communicate in some ways. I have always had a lot to say. I just cannot/could not make intimate conversation. I have never experienced anything like this before. Tears are on my face as I write this. I hope my despair is gone now for good. Peace.