Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tom Wolf wants to liberate LGBTQ folks in PA. We can help.

lgbt-pa-flagI love my new Governor. I am so glad I cast my vote for Tom Wolf. First, he starts to work on the death penalty and now he is working on civil rights for sexual minorities.

I feel like singing Dayenu and I am not Jewish. If Tom Wolf only rid us of the death penalty and created peace for LGBT, it would be enough.

As we sit around our feast day tables, we give thanks and we remember that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, TransGender and Queer folks are our Family, Friends and Colleagues and we love them.

Everything else Wolf might do is lagniappe. Way to go, Governor. What an excellent gift to all of us in Pennsylvania for Passover and Easter.

Now claim the gift, fellow Pennsylvanians, and sign the Governor's petition HERE.
PA-Gov: Wolf Denounces Indiana Bill, Calls for New Legislation
Governor Wolf is pushing for Pennsylvania to become a more inclusive place.In the wake of the controversy over Indiana’s anti-LGBT legislation, Wolf is asking the legislature to adopt a non-discrimination law in PA.
“I simply don’t understand what the Governor of Indiana was thinking when he signed a bill that allows discrimination against people based on who they love,” Wolf wrote in an email to his campaign subscribers. “It’s not only wrong on a human level, but also ill-advised for attracting businesses and creating jobs in today’s global economy.”
“But we have some work to do here in Pennsylvania as well,” the Governor continued. “Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is the only state in the Northeast that doesn’t prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity and expression — and that needs to end.”

Listen to the Philadelphia Biblical University Institute of Jewish Studies class of 2000 music team beautifully perform the popular Passover song Dayenu. Happy Pesach! Happy Easter! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sign of the Month - March 2015

I just had to use this sign again. It was just too perfect for this month.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Yo, Pope Frankie, Happy Birthday!

Pope Francis was leaving the Vatican in the dead of night to "administer anonymously to the homeless of Rome." He got caught.

This Christmas he purchased sleeping bags and gave them to the homeless of Rome on his 78th birthday - upfront.

Good move, Frankie. Now they will not suspect you and you can boogie out the back door when the Spirit moves you.  

Frankie, you seem like a good guy. So I hope you will take my remarks in the Spirit they are offered. 

You are doing good. You make me want to come back to church. I look forward to seeing you in Philly next year.  

Philly used to be a city of neighborhood churches and bars. One of each, church and bar, on every fourth corner. Nine of the Catholic Churches in my neighborhood have closed their doors. The bars are still open and turned into Delis with beer cases. Not a bar stool or a pew in sight. So sad. Where are the places for fellowship? But I digress

First thing, and this is important, nothing is anonymous if you get caught. So stop that. Not the going out, the getting caught hanging with bums. Pray to St. Nicholas, patron saint of runaways, thieves and children for assistance. I must say, you are right on time in the Myth and Public Relations departments.

Second, maybe you can fool others, PaPa, but you cannot fool me. You are not ministering to the wretched of Rome. They, each and every one, are ministering to you.

It is a hard job being a Pope. You often have to deal with an anus like Cardinal Dolan. You got to have some fun. For sure you need a real good hug or two. Ten good hugs a day will keep you sane. Dio ti benedica, caro PapƠ. I know S/He does. Feliz cumpleaƱos! Feliz Navidad!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear of those...and one of those... - Attitude Adjustment

This video makes me want to go out and howl at the moon.
 I want three of these for Christmas. Chocolate, vanilla and ginger.
Desire never dies. 

I think I will give Cheesecake equal time: Vintage PinUp Girls:

Friday, October 10, 2014

BuckeyeB's TEX-MEX Munch Mix

I am not interested in football. I am surrounded by those who do like football. They need football snacks, so I make them snacks. 

BuckeyeB has been kind enough to give me (us) her famous snack mix. You will not believe how good this is until you make it. I give it to you as she gave it to me. 
1 box (12 oz) Cheese-It type crackers
1 stick butter (butter)
1 package Taco Seasoning Mix (I use Ortega Hot & Spicy)
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire
½ teasp. Seasoned salt
Pre-heat oven to 250. Spread crackers on a large foil/parchment lined cookie sheet in a single layer. I always eat a handful at this point, ‘cause the box sizes were different when I first put this recipe together, & there’re too many crackers in a 12 oz. box for my cookie sheet…& ‘cause I’m the cook & I can!
Melt butter in a small saucepan & add the rest, mixing well. Pour over crackers & mix well again. Bake for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes.
When the 1st batch goes in the oven, mix up another batch of the butter mix & do the same with a roaster pan full of whatever you like/have on hand, things like…
1 large can French’s Onions (no generics)
1 can salted peanuts
1 can potato sticks
Corn chips, pretzels, bagel chips, crackers…whatever. Put this pan in the oven when you stir the first batch the first time, & bake it for the remaining 45 minutes, stirring every 15, too…otherwise the onions burn.
Turn both batches out to cool...I use the top of a copy paper box...& sprinkle with a little salt of your choice. I use plain ole kosher! 
If you make a bunch of batches…like at Xmas…write down the
time you put the crackers in the oven, or you start losing track. Trust me!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Smoke House Sausage and Sauerkraut

I was fond of Smokies sausages when I was a child. It was the lunch treat my Polish Mother, the Polka Queen, brought home every Saturday from the supermarket. They disappeared for a bit but Oscar Mayer recently started making them again.

If you are fond of traditional smokehouse flavor and are food additive conscious, I recommend Czerw's Kielbasy and Polish Provisions. Their home made products contain no by-products, artificial color, fillers, or added water.

Shop early in the week, especially on Easter. You will find that lines of people go around the block on Easter. Poles take Easter seriously. 

I buy barrel Sauerkraut, smoked Cajun Kielbasa which my children love, and Kabanosy, a sort of hot Polish Slim Jim. We have lots of assimilation in Foody Nation Philadelphia. You can get directions, history of the shop, and a list of their products at their website.

 Jan Czerw, Grandfather of the current owners, immigrated from Mislsi, Poland. In 1938, Jan Czerw converted a horse stable into a shop. He built the brick ovens meat is smoked in himself. Czerw's Kielbasa still stands in that original spot, using the same brick ovens built almost 70 years ago. For the Czerws, traditon and quality are standard.

Wesolych Swiat i dobre jedzenie!
Note: There are about 600,000 Folks in Philadelphia who think of themselves as Polish. All those good Folks like to eat good Polish Food. I am going to tell you where I find it. There many excellent Polish shops and food purveyors in Philadelphia. I do not pretend this is a thorough list of every single Polish shop in Philadelphia or nearby. It is where I shop. Maybe you know a good place? Leave a comment and I will go there and give it a try. And write about it. - Plum