Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sign of the Month - March 2016

I am not apologizing to anybody for this folk sign. Even though I am a Democrat. It is funny. Funny is more important than earnest ranting and raving partisanship in politics. It is a lot more fun and stuff may get done. Congress is at its lowest approval rating ever and will not or cannot govern.

When the doctrine of allegiance to party can utterly up-end a man's moral constitution and make a temporary fool of him besides, what excuse are you going to offer for preaching it, teaching it, extending it, perpetuating it? Shall you say, the best good of the country demands allegiance to party? Shall you also say it demands that a man kick his truth and his conscience into the gutter, and become a mouthing lunatic, besides?     - Mark Twain
"Consistency", paper read at the Hartford Monday Evening Club on 5 December 1887. The Complete Essays of Mark Twain.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Please Read This

from Hanksy
Here are Jordan Ray Correll’s comments about his experience at a Donald Trump rally in Fayetteville, NC:
“So, if you know me or my friend, Seth Quackenboss, then you know that we often get ourselves into ridiculously wacky situations, especially when we're together. Yesterday was one of those days. We decided to drive down to Fayetteville in order to hear a certain orange politician speak. Yes, you guessed it. We went to a Donald Trump rally.

Now, I am not a supporter of Mr. Trump in any way, shape, or form. I'm quite inclined to a certain berning sensation that I've been experiencing for some time. But that's beside the point. The point is, we thought that we were in for a time of jokes and hilarity. And at the beginning, it was. There were a few speakers before Trump came out and they were not well organized at all. They were comical. One man, a veteran, said that he had shed blood on 7 continents. And unless I missed the great Antarctica War, I highly doubt that's true. Let it be known for the record, that I am not against veterans in any way shape or form. I just thought that particular comment was funny. Because I doubt he actually wounded someone in Antarctica. But a more plausible explanation would be that he was doing penguin research and accidentally pricked a penguin and it bled. Anyway…

One speaker also said that we needed to get rid of 911 calls and we all need to handle our problems ourselves. Well...that's highly unlikely. I can't imagine that people will start forgoing 911 calls when their house in burning down in order to try and extinguish the fire themselves. But, ya know, it's a nice thought.

from Freaking News "Trump Primps for Debate"
So those were my laughable moments. Trump was about to come out. We had our signs ready. We were going to go all out. Yelling and screaming and whatnot. Because, why else were we there if not to join the spectacle? He comes out. People go crazy. For the first twenty to thirty minutes I sat there with high expectations of hilarity. After half an hour, my feelings turned extremely grim. I was scared and upset. Let me explain...

Trump basically said the same few things the whole time. He knows exactly what will get a cheer from the crowd and he says it. He mentioned his wall several times. About five or six if I can remember correctly. At one point he said "We're going to build a wall. And who's going to pay for it?" And the crowd yelled, "Mexico!" and then they lost their minds. Now, we all know exactly why this is stupid. So I won't elaborate. It was just very unsettling. He mentioned ISIS several times. About ten. But not exactly how to stop ISIS. Just comments like, "We're gonna get ISIS," and "ISIS is going down." Blanket statements. He did say that for America to win again (any sort of winning, not just against ISIS) we have to go outside of the law and he isn't afraid to do it. And that's unsettling for several reasons. But I'm just reporting the facts. And that was all he said on policy. Completely void of content or substance. Just statements that would get the crowd cheering.

Now, let's talk about the protesters. There were many. I think throughout the hour long rally, there were roughly 15-20 groups of protesters. Some of them were individuals and some were in groups. They popped up throughout the rally here and there. And some of them were yelling and causing a raucous but some of them were just standing there with their anti-Trump shirts or their pro-whoever else shirts. They were all removed. Peaceful or violent.

One man had a shirt that said "Love is the answer," and he was thrown out. Trump's comment on this man was, "And love is very important but I mean, who's making love to that guy?" And my stomach churned. A few minutes later, a woman stood up not far from where the other man was and starting protesting. She was removed. Trump's comment was, "She was with the other guy. They're actually a couple. A *clears throat* beautiful *gagging noises* couple." And the crowd laughed and cheered. It was horrifying.

But out of everything I saw, the crowd was the worst part. I have never seen more hateful people in my life. Everyone was just filled with so much hatred. If a protester had a sign, even the peaceful ones, they would take the sign from them, rip it up, and throw it back at the protesters. Whenever a protester would get removed, the crowd would yell horrible things. Once, after a protester was removed, Trump said, "Where are these people coming from? Who are they?" A lady, sitting not 5 feet from me, said, "Well hopefully when you're president, you'll get rid of em all!" Get rid of them? Get rid of anyone who opposes Trump? It was sickening. I felt truly nauseous. And these people loved the protesters. They loved the drama and the chaos. And Trump fed upon it. It was easily one of the strangest and uncomfortable things I've ever witnessed. I could just hear the horrible things being spoken around me and it made my skin crawl.

Needless to say, there was very little laughter on my part. I thought this was going to be joke...and it was, but for a very different reason.

I implore you, if you're thinking about voting for Trump, reconsider. You are only promoting chaos and hatred. I witnessed it firsthand. And trust me, this is not something you want to see in person. This is not what you want to happen to our country.

Jordan and Seth went there so Old Lady Me does not have to.  Thank you. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sigheil Drummpkopf - UPDATE BELOW

The Artist is deaddog at Freaking News. Too funny.

We are in more danger from white supremacists than ISIS. They are the terrorists who live next door. And Drummpkopf is their leader.

This scares me bigtime. I know fascism can happen here and I suspect it is happening here. Our wars are making us poor and angry. The solution is not jingoism and more war. That never has been a solution through the centuries although it does 'reduce the excess population.'


He who uses Tao to guide rulers
Does not force beneath-heaven with arms.
Such things recoil on their users.
Where armies are
Briars and brambles grow.
Bad harvests follow big wars.
Be firm and that is all:
Dare not rely on force
Be firm but not haughty,
Firm but not boastful,
Firm but not proud:
Firm when necessary,
Firm but non-violent.
Things that flourish
Fall into decay.
This is not-Tao,
And what is not-Tao soon ends.


Friday, March 4, 2016

Freedom of Speech Must Include Freedom to Offend

The Intelligence2 debates are subject to taste. Not all are worth one's time and the wear and tear on one's sciatic nerve. This one speaks to my condition.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Texas Farts Back! Yes this is a pun and I committed it.

I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different.
- Kurt Vonnegut

Details of the struggle are HERE: 

Getting Real Jiggy in Texas

I'm from Texas, and one of the reasons I like Texas is because there's no one in control. - Willie Nelson
By August 1 of next year, if you are a frugal college student attending a state school like the University of Texas, everybody is allowed to conceal carry a gun into your classroom and on campus.

They are posting signs and making slide shows to counsel the Faculty.

The Faculty is beside themselves and many are threatening to quit or strike. Daniel Hamermesh has already quit.
“Will I be the first of many?” Daniel Hamermesh told the Guardian. “No.
The reason I won’t be the first of many is for me it’s a pretty low-cost item. I’m 72, I have a very large pension and I have lots of alternatives. I’m fairly successful and economics is a good business. So it’s sort of cheap heroism. I’m a cheap hero. On the other hand it will cost the university and other universities in the state.
Because while people who are here are to some extent stuck, those who are thinking of coming here have alternatives. So I think the real thing is, it’s going to cost us either more money to recruit people or we’re just not going to get as good-quality people recruited to the faculty here; that’s where I think it’s going.”
If you are a rich kid and can go to private college, Baylor University for example, guns are/can be forbidden. All the private Texas schools have yet to make a decision to allow guns on campus and in classrooms. Most have opted for gun free campus. The state schools do not get a choice.
Nobody really knows for sure what the LAW means in its entirety. Everybody has to figure it out before August 1 of next year. Meanwhile...

bill that allows children of all ages to handle guns passed Iowa’s house of representatives on Tuesday.

Approved by a 62-36 vote, the bill permits children under the age of 14 to have “a pistol, revolver or the ammunition” while under parental supervision. The bill will now head to the state senate.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sickening Kiddyraper Disses the Girl Scouts

St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson is urging priests to disassociate from the Girl Scouts because the organization promotes values "incompatible" with Catholic teachings. The Roman Catholic Church is concerned about the "formation of children." Read his letter HERE

I loved Girl Scouts. I got a badge in basketmaking. I went on field trips and did Art. We did the play Cinderella and I was an ugly Stepsister. 

I was always afraid in church and afraid of the Nuns and Priests. Now, I ask you, if you want to send your girl to some kind of creative weekend activity, who are you going to call?

Now, watch the same Archbishop Carlson testify he did not know kiddyraping was a crime.

"In the clip above from a recent videotaped deposition, released today, Robert Carlson, the Roman Catholic archbishop of St. Louis, claims that he didn’t always know it was a crime for adults, including priests, to have sex with children. He testifies that he’s not sure when he learned that it was illegal. He testifies that he’s not even sure he knew as far back as the 1970s that sex with children was illegal.

If this testimony is accurate, Archbishop Carlson is a moral idiot who lacked the sense to run a Boy Scout troop, much less a Catholic parish or diocese. But there is good news for the archbishop: documents released yesterday indicate that he may simply be a butt-covering coward perjurer":
Read more... 

Friday, February 19, 2016

God bless Australia and Tim Minchin. I know S/He does.

Favianna Rodriguez
You may know Tim Minchin's hilarious The Pope Song. Well, he has done it again.

One day the Roman Catholic Church may repent and reform and tell the truth about all the kiddyfucking. When they do, it will be in part because of the intelligent ridicule of Tim Minchin and the courage of the child sexual abuse survivors.
Comedian Tim Minchin has taken aim at Cardinal George Pell in a provocative song in which he calls Australia's highest-ranking cleric in the Catholic Church scum, a coward and a pompous buffoon.
The musical attack aired on Network Ten's The Project on Tuesday night and immediately attracted a swell of support from viewers and social media users, despite outrage from The Project co-host Steve Price. Read more:  Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

If you go to the Sydney Herald and read the whole article, you will find a place to send a contribution so that the Survivors can go to Rome and spit in Cardinal Pell's face, unfortunately only figuratively speaking.

Chief KiddyFucker Cardinal George Pell can "Sue me. Sue me. What can you do me? I hate you." Does not matter if you kiddyfucked, George Pell. You covered for the kiddyfucking priests. Jesus is waiting for your chubby ass, Georgie. "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea." - Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Westerfield and Bevin plan to rape every woman in Kentucky who wants an abortion.

Molon Labe
How come nobody is planning to sue or arrest these two sexpig motherfuckers? Go ahead, Sen. Westerfield and Matt Bevin, you dumbasses, and pass SB152.
Derek Selznick, the Reproductive Freedom Project director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky, has been a vocal critic of the wave of anti-choice bills in the state’s legislature. He told the Courier-Journal that this bill “is not informed consent.” 
“This is about politicians trying to bully, shame and humiliate women who have already made their personal and often heart-wrenching decision to end their pregnancy,” Selznick said.
My friend Sydney suggests:

Then women will make copies of the ultrasounds, send them off to Westerfield and all authors of such bills, attached with the following FBI's definition of rape:
“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
Republicans have made me a one issue voter - women's reproductive autonomy. I will vote for anyone with DEM after their name. Republicans have the rape and breeder slavery of women in their party platform. 

Do not fuck with women, you might lose your tiny balls. Mrs. Bevin and Mrs. Westerfield, if you actually exist, you might want to review Lysistrata.
There are a lot of things about us women
That sadden me, considering how men
See us as rascals.
As indeed we are. 
The links in the names Westerfield and Bevin will take you where you can comment on the motherfucking (literally) rapists about how much they love and care for women.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Asshats on Parade - Does Prayer Work? Answer: Yes It Does.

Kali Durge Namo Namah
UPDATE: Scalia is dead. I only had to pray 3 years and some months from the original publication date..............

I am old. I have been in favor of Gay civil rights since I was 16. I had a serious conversation with the first Gay person I ever met. Some folks have children they love dearly who are Gay. I have family and friends who are Gay. 

I pray daily for Fat Tony Scalia's heart attack. I pray in Jesus name like the Nuns taught me. I pray fervently. But the Mofo does not die. 

I can't figure out why prayer is not working. Maybe I am praying to the wrong deity? Maybe Kali is the answer? I will try most anything legal.  Up your giggy, Fat Tony. Sideways.  And no KY for you. 

I warned you in the masthead that I was a trashmouth. The picture of Kali at the right comes from this interesting website. 

New Yorker Magazine:  A few months from now, when the Supreme Court hears arguments in the two same-sex marriage cases it accepted for review last Friday, many observers will likely be in Hosie’s position—listening with some amazement to Scalia as he berates lawyers, fascinated by his animosity, wondering about the point where a cruel note removes any enjoyment one might find in intellectual theatrics. There haven’t exactly been signs that Scalia is mellowing. His dissent, this year, in an Arizona immigration-law case, was as politicized and angry as ever—and gay-rights cases do not exactly bring out his soft side. For the health-care case, we had broccoli arguments; for same-sex marriage, we will likely be coming back to bestiality.
Click Me!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sitting at Home in the Polar Vortex

When unhappy or bored, I look at pictures of animals. HippySloth spoke to my condition.

I will be back to complain and disclaim as soon as I get some coffee. We are out of coffee. Bad planning.

Bill Maher fires up on the air. Why does he always grin like a 2 year old found whizzing in the geraniums. I did good, Mom, right? Yes dear.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Signs of the Month - February 2016 - Standoff in Oregon

If I did not know this was a standoff between townspeople and militia, I would think I was at the Memorial Day Parade in Hopewell NJ in 1956 outside my Uncle Joe's tavern. This sign is funny. The horse and rider so beautifully rural and American. The flags.  

But if you scroll through the linked material, you can see the Locals are serious as a heart attack. Serious. They brought coffee and snacks.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Republican Men Are Sexpigs

Print by Favianna Rodriguez
What is wrong with Republican men?

During the last presidential election cycle, Republicans spent a lot of time telling me they plan to force birth of the 35,000 rape pregnancies that occur each year. Essentially, their position is that if I get pregnant, it was not really rape. I consented in some way.

I am a rape and sexual abuse survivor. I had PTSD almost the entire year. 

I cannot tell you how embarrassed I am before the world. I spent a whole year listening to Republicans tell me that rape is not a good enough excuse to have an abortion. I did not think there would be a new low.

  • Radio Host Frequented By Gun Activists Calls For Shooting of Bush Family & Obama, Sexual Violence Against Hillary Clinton 
- See more at:
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN)
Donald Trump attacked Hillary Clinton in vulgar terms Monday night, saying that her bathroom break during the last Democratic debate was just too "disgusting" to talk about and then stating she "got schlonged" by Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential race.
  • Trump attacks Megyn Kelly:
“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever,” he said.

Trump’s fury was sparked by Kelly’s opening question, asking if calling women “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals” is behavior befitting a president.
  • Donald Trump’s rally in New Hampshire was interrupted today by a squealing sound. 

  • Trump asked, “Was that a dog?” A supporter in the audience shouted, “It’s Hillary!” Trump threw his head back in laughter, “Uh oh! It’s Hillary? Ha, ha, only in New Hampshire! First it was screechy dog and then it was a very serious dog, right?” Watch below at the 30-minute mark.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Pain pain go away.

I have found an intelligent woman doctor whose office I can walk to when I am better. And although the robot machines were there, operated by smiling helpers, Doctor does actual examination of her patient. Very efficient.

She finally took care of my chief complaint = unending pain. I do not hurt while I type now. Maybe I can get some writing done. I have enough pain meds to keep me from continuing pain. Constant pain saps all energy. All I feel is very tired. I have not slept well in days. Now I will sleep.

Ms. Tucker, please write on these pages please, how you truly are. And peanut cat? Confess. I am sending good wishes to all the wounded. Thank you for sharing with me.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole,
n'aria serena doppo na tempesta!
Pe' ll'aria fresca pare già na festa...
Che bella cosa na jurnata 'e sole.
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day!
The air is serene after a storm,
The air is so fresh that it already feels like a celebration.\
What a beautiful thing is a sunny day!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Mourning, Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth. I have got to cut it out.

I am/was going to write about Ted Cruz calling for carpet bombing. Something...

But every time I type carpet bombing, tears roll down my cheeks.

It is the concussion not worked out yet. I just cry like a fool.
This is what the Lord says: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Jeremiah 31:15
It is the awful photos of Dresden. Dresden had no strategic value. We broke it because we could. It is what Kurt Vonnegut wrote about being there and here:

“The corpses, most of them in ordinary cellars, were so numerous and represented such a health hazard that they were cremated on huge funeral pyres, or by flamethrowers whose nozzles were thrust into the cellars, without being counted or identified,” Vonnegut wrote in “Fates Worse Than Death.

“America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register.

Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I was born today in December on the 9th in 1943.

I am going to have steamed Alaskan Crab with Drawn Butter for birthday supper. I am eating an almond croissant. Nothing hurts me at the moment although I seem rather dim. God bless us every one.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

To All my Friends, Foes and Fellow Music Gnomes

Hello Everybody.

I had an MRI yesterday. And what is even better, I do not need or want a pill for pain for the first time since November 13. There is nothing like severe pain to adjust your priorities - clears your sinuses right out.

I ate. I bathed myself by myself. I have the cutest Brazilian physical therapist named Leo who is also a gardener. He and I will be walking around the Hood with my new walker. Leo says I cannot go anywhere by myself.

Leo hopes I 'will not give up gardening.' I will never give up gardening. What is even funnier was hearing a snatch of a fellow client's explanation of how how he happened to be in the orthopedist's office "...well, I was in the garden..."

My Shrink beat my GP up thoroughly for conspiring - with my garden - to get me.

You Gnomes from the Music Grotto even made mention in the 'Yes, she is Sane' testament. I do not know why. I encourage her to read these pages. While the love and conflict around here is superior, some of us may make the SANE CATEGORY only with a some judicious trimming and shoving into place.

Thank you for all the cards and flowers and good wishes.

I am on SLOW. It took more than an hour to compose and correct this note to you all. That is pathetic. So I still need brain rest.

And just so you know it is really me, let me tell you I would rather fuck Leo. Hmmm, I am getting better.