Wednesday, December 31, 2014

No Dancing in the Street

Banksy tells it like it is. --------------------------->

In 1964, it was safe to dance in the street. And Martha and the Vandellas were leading the dance in Detroit with their signature single.

In 2014, the cops knock you down for dancing in New York City. You dancing? What the fuck is the matter with you?

I call Philly the Land of a Thousand Dances. I wonder if it is still safe to dance in the street in my city.

Planning a trip the the Big Apple to celebrate Christmas anytime soon? Do not bring your dancing shoes or your sense of humor. Laughing and dancing get you beat up in New York City.

Where are you, Sgt. Shamar Thomas? We need you.

The Dancing Man is the name given to the man who was filmed dancing on the street in Sydney, Australia, after the end of World War II. On 15 August 1945, a reporter took note of a man's joyful expression and dance and asked him to do it again. The man consented and was caught on motion picture film in an Australian edition of the newsreel Movietone News. The film and stills from it have taken on iconic status in Australian history and culture, and symbolise victory in the war.

Monday, December 29, 2014

ZOMG. I am turning into a Stalker Troll.

National Review Online published an article about the retirement of Tom Coburn. I am glad he is going. NRO quietly removed my comments. 

I am an abuse survivor. I tend to become enmeshed with folks who reject me. What happened NRO? No more @troll game and piling on like beserkers? Just simple deletion?

I liked it when you all ran around like your hair is on fire, hurling @troll, answering comments you have removed and clogging disqus with impotent rage. I feel so let down.

This whine has no redeeming social value. It is just me obsessing on having my comments removed. This is what I am not allowed to say at National Review Online. Now I admit my initial remark was provocative.
The problem with Tom Coburn is that he is crazier than an outhouse rat.
Mind you, normally I would have typed shithouse rat. I try to be good around authoritarian rightwingers. Really, I do. I commented again.
I will try being more polite. The problem with Tom Coburn is that he is not sane. 
"It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor." —Coburn, two weeks after the near-fatal shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) 
"The gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and they wield extreme power… That agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today. Why do you think we see the rationalization for abortion and multiple sexual partners? That's a gay agenda." - Tom Coburn
They removed my comment. I tried once more. I hollered "The Emperor has no clothes!" I even gave them a link to the source of my quotes:
Tom Coburn is so crazy that it interferes with his reputation. Cognitive dissonance raised to high art.
"Tom Coburn explains how senior citizens prospered in the pre-Medicare days of widespread old age poverty and constant death:
"You can't tell me the system is better now than it was before Medicare," he said.
Coburn agreed that some people received poor care - or no care - before Medicare was enacted in the 1960s, but said communities worked together to make sure most people received needed medical attention.
He also conceded that doctors and hospitals often went unpaid for their efforts, or accepted baked goods or chickens in partial payment."
Internet Civility folks are such Nazis. I hate the Tone Patrol and the Language Police. Now that I have whined a bit and cried on your shoulder, Cher Reader, I can start the New Year at peace.

In conclusion, I quote the Illustrious and Reknowned Bammac who truly deserves the last word.:
With a scrabbling of tiny claws and a waft of foul, a shithouse rat appears at the edge of the old single holer, spits, and says "there are crazy Dems, too!"
"Are they living in an outhouse, like you"? I ask...
"" He wheezes...
"Crazy is relative" I tell him, as I swing the shovel down...

Friday, December 19, 2014

Yo, Pope Frankie, Happy Birthday!

Pope Francis was leaving the Vatican in the dead of night to "administer anonymously to the homeless of Rome." He got caught.

This Christmas he purchased sleeping bags and gave them to the homeless of Rome on his 78th birthday - upfront.

Good move, Frankie. Now they will not suspect you and you can boogie out the back door when the Spirit moves you.  

Frankie, you seem like a good guy. So I hope you will take my remarks in the Spirit they are offered. 

You are doing good. You make me want to come back to church. I look forward to seeing you in Philly next year.  

Philly used to be a city of neighborhood churches and bars. One of each, church and bar, on every fourth corner. Nine of the Catholic Churches in my neighborhood have closed their doors. The bars are still open and turned into Delis with beer cases. Not a bar stool or a pew in sight. So sad. Where are the places for fellowship? But I digress

First thing, and this is important, nothing is anonymous if you get caught. So stop that. Not the going out, the getting caught hanging with bums. Pray to St. Nicholas, patron saint of runaways, thieves and children for assistance. I must say, you are right on time in the Myth and Public Relations departments.

Second, maybe you can fool others, PaPa, but you cannot fool me. You are not ministering to the wretched of Rome. They, each and every one, are ministering to you.

It is a hard job being a Pope. You often have to deal with an anus like Cardinal Dolan. You got to have some fun. For sure you need a real good hug or two. Ten good hugs a day will keep you sane. Dio ti benedica, caro Papà. I know S/He does. Feliz cumpleaños! Feliz Navidad!

OMG GOP WTF? - Open the Old Cigar Box

Tom Delay hates the new Cuba policy.
“This is surrender,” DeLay said. “This is a president who is a socialist to begin with reaching out to his socialist friends and opening up relationships with one of the most oppressive regimes in the world. The only worse one I can think of right now is North Korea.”

China and Saudi Arabia are repressive regimes. We have relationships with them. North Korea? Tom is nothing if he is not fashion conscious. And just a chickenshit scared as SONY evidently. 

Tom Delay is not integrity challenged. Hell no! As Kinky Friedman once said "I'm not supporting their economy, I'm burning their crops."

Monday, December 15, 2014

Do not like it? Do not look. Boycott.

“I felt like crying but nothing came out. It was just a sort of sad sickness, sick sad, when you can't feel any worse. I think you know it.” ― Charles BukowskiTales of Ordinary Madness
I am not watching TV because of the torture 'debate' the networks are sponsoring now. Torture is not debateable.

I feel sick thinking that my government has made me a torturer.

The networks think I am going to pay for this torture debate shyte and Little Luke Russert too? Out of their fooking minds. Not even to keep Lawrence and Joy and Rachel.

There is nothing to debate. Cable TV is a vast wasteland. And I am paying big bucks for it.

I can stop doing that. I have done it before. I can get Netflix on my laptop. There is life after cable TV.

Click for more of Meathead  Portraits !
There is nothing to debate. Torturers are the scum of the earth. 
"So grotesque and preposterous are the principle characters in this galaxy of clowns and crooks that none but a thrice double ass could have taken them for rulers." Officer in the Allied Control Commission describing the architects of the Shoah during Nuremberg Trials for War Crimes. 
We are paying big bucks to insure our Clown Rulers and their toadys have their legal expenses paid if they are sued or prosecuted for doing the torture. Seems I cannot stop paying for torture, one way or another. They keep putting Cheyney on TV. 

Unless, of course, I do what the Founding Fathers did. Revolution is traditionally American. Just like watching TV. Just like boycott. By the way, you can get this or any other Meathead Portrait on a Tshirt.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear of those...and one of those... - Attitude Adjustment

This video makes me want to go out and howl at the moon.
 I want three of these for Christmas. Chocolate, vanilla and ginger.
Desire never dies. 

I think I will give Cheesecake equal time: Vintage PinUp Girls:

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Please sign the Petition to prosecute Bush and Cheny et al.


Prosecute, to the full extent of the law, all of the parties responsible for the use of torture outlined in CIA report

Torture is a war crime. There is no statute of limitations on war crimes. Those that have committed this crime should be tried and punished to set us right with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We need justice before there can be redemption. The time is now to set our moral compass in the proper direction by holding those responsible for the horrific acts done in our countries name. There needs to be accountability - there needs to be justice - there needs to be a trial for war crimes now that we know just what was done in our name.
Published Date: Dec 09, 2014 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Apache Land Grab - Sign the Petition

On December 4th, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which included a provision to transfer 2,400 acres of Apache ancestral and ceremonial lands to a foreign mining company.
“Since time immemorial people have gone there. That’s part of our ancestral homeland. We’ve had dancers in that area forever – sunrise dancers – and coming-of-age ceremonies for our young girls that become women. They’ll seal that off. They’ll seal us off from the acorn grounds, and the medicinal plants in the area, and our prayer areas.”~ Terry Rambler, chairman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe
Prior to the House vote, the House and Senate Armed Services Committee attached a provision to the NDAA that would transfer Apache ancestral lands located in the Tonto National Forest to Resolution Copper, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto an Australian-English mining company. Sen. John McCain (R- AZ) was instrumental in pushing to get the provision language included.
Apache leaders learned of the inclusion of the provision to the NDAA while attending, ironically, the White House Tribal Nations conference. Republican lawmakers have tried for years to secure the transfer of these lands, but have always run into strong opposition from the San Carlos Apache Tribe and Democratic lawmakers.
The NDAA now goes to the Senate for vote.
Sign the White House petition to stop the Apache land grab:

Protesters rally against the proposed Kinder Morgan oil pipeline on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia on November 17. (Photo from Flickr / Mark Klotz) 

We can fight nonviolently and win. Click the picture to find out more. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thug is the New @#$%^&

You find that new usage by perusing the contents of this comment thread on Cops are getting fired for using the "N word"on social media. So they have substituted "thug."

It is true I hate the police. You can tell by the street art I chose. Evidently I am not alone in my hatred and distrust. I have never been arrested or charged with any crime. Maybe I am biased nevertheless. You read the comments and tell me what you think.

" is a discussion forum for law enforcement officers, and while anyone can access some of the site content, commenting privileges are available exclusively to verified police. The staff "confirm[s] the status of all officers registering for PoliceOne by calling that officer's department directly."

Posted by SAPDMAS on Wednesday, December 03, 2014 08:27 PM Pacific Report Abuse
People are sick and tired of thugs. Certain people better wake the hell up and stop supporting the thugs. 2 years 1 month before the head thug gets thrown out and hopefully a real POTUS gets elected.

This is the post that disturbed me the most below. Do you want to be policed this way and with this attitude. In Great Britain the police do not have guns and very few police shootings. In Japan the police help Seniors get their groceries home. American cops are the thugs. And it is not just poor Black folks who are being murdered by the Police anymore. It is the mentally ill. It is upper middle class business owners. It is old women. It is children.

Posted by haziz on Thursday, December 04, 2014 01:01 AM Pacific Report Abuse
President just does NOT understand - it is NOT police who need modify or change their approach to public encounters with blacks, BUT blacks who must not turn almost every encounter with police into a racial incident.
My 5 tips on how black and others can survive a police encounter with police are very simple and if you stop and think about it make a lot of sense:
1.Do NOT under any circumstance ARGUE with police out in the street. You cannot win an argument with police out in the field.
2.2. Do NOt raise your voice, but stay cool and calm. Do NOT make any quick or aggressive movements. Remember the police officer does NOT know you and will react to protect himself or those around him.
3.Police know that hands kill, so always keep your hands in plain sight. Before you move your hands ask permission, officer I need to go into my back pocket to get my ID, is that OK with you?
4.NEVER run from police even if you are innocent. When you run you create a heightened sense that something must be wrong here.
5.DO NOT resist arrest – if you do one of three things is going to happen:
a.You are going to get beat down till you stop resisting
b.You are going to get injured or accidentally killed
c.And you are going to have charges taken out against you

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Nick's Place - Poetry by Nick Vanocur

With the GOP turning to mush
There arose the candidate Bush.
With the white folks in dread
They said "You're our boy, Jeb
And we'll give you millions in slush."

Monday, December 1, 2014

Sign of the Month - December 2014 - Brotherhood of Man

“I wish I could say that racism and prejudice were only distant memories. We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust…We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better.” - Thurgood Marshall 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

JONIK - Artists Give Me Such a Woody

I found another great political cartoonist. See more of the Artist's work HERE and HERE:



Tuesday, November 4, 2014

TALK BACK by VOTE! - November 2014 Sign of the Month

I learned how to do a write-in vote this morning. It was easy. The election judge never did a write-in vote before. So we both did something new.

And now I am teaching my kids all about the write-in vote. I do not have to settle for a substandard candidate. Democracy - it is a wonderful thing. Writing in the guy you really want is the way to go. I voted for myself. Nobody better.

I voted YES! for Tom Wolfe and Jason Dawkins. 

NO on Brendan Boyle. I will not vote for an anti choice Democrat. And time for a change from the Tartagliones. Past time. 

That said, the little sign is the party machine sign.  

The big sign is the TALK BACK SIGN. Hat tip to scribeboy

Monday, October 20, 2014

Send Money and Lawyers because the Personhood Shit Keeps Hitting the Fan. No Guns. Hat Tip to Warren Zevon.

The United States legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, in part because of the clear evidence that restrictive laws were not ending abortion but were exacting a significant public health toll, notably on lower-income women who could not travel or pay for safe services. Almost immediately afterward, pregnancy-related deaths and hospitalizations due to complications of unsafe abortion effectively ended." - From Facts and Consequences: Legality, Incidence and Safety of Abortion Worldwide, Guttmacher
You can make a difference and beat back personhood laws. If you go HERE, you can find out some ways to do that. Even if you have not got an extra cent, you can paste this news to your facebook page.

There is no issue more important than bodily integrity for women and men. No one is permitted by general agreement to seize someone's body for treasure or to benefit any 'person.'

Friday, October 10, 2014

BuckeyeB's TEX-MEX Munch Mix

I am not interested in football. I am surrounded by those who do like football. They need football snacks, so I make them snacks. 

BuckeyeB has been kind enough to give me (us) her famous snack mix. You will not believe how good this is until you make it. I give it to you as she gave it to me. 
1 box (12 oz) Cheese-It type crackers
1 stick butter (butter)
1 package Taco Seasoning Mix (I use Ortega Hot & Spicy)
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire
½ teasp. Seasoned salt
Pre-heat oven to 250. Spread crackers on a large foil/parchment lined cookie sheet in a single layer. I always eat a handful at this point, ‘cause the box sizes were different when I first put this recipe together, & there’re too many crackers in a 12 oz. box for my cookie sheet…& ‘cause I’m the cook & I can!
Melt butter in a small saucepan & add the rest, mixing well. Pour over crackers & mix well again. Bake for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes.
When the 1st batch goes in the oven, mix up another batch of the butter mix & do the same with a roaster pan full of whatever you like/have on hand, things like…
1 large can French’s Onions (no generics)
1 can salted peanuts
1 can potato sticks
Corn chips, pretzels, bagel chips, crackers…whatever. Put this pan in the oven when you stir the first batch the first time, & bake it for the remaining 45 minutes, stirring every 15, too…otherwise the onions burn.
Turn both batches out to cool...I use the top of a copy paper box...& sprinkle with a little salt of your choice. I use plain ole kosher! 
If you make a bunch of batches…like at Xmas…write down the
time you put the crackers in the oven, or you start losing track. Trust me!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

St. Louis Blues - Sign of the Month - October 2014

Another young black man in St. Louis shot by an off duty white police officer because he was "running like he had a gun." Say what? His name is Vonderrit Myers Jr. 

Seems like a 'pedestrian check' is the St. Louis version of "Papers please." I would run from the cops in St. Louis and I am pink. 
This is the statement from St. Louis PD sent to Buzzfeed reporter Jim Dalrymple:
An officer working department-approved secondary for a security company, wearing a St. Louis Police Officer's uniform was in the 4100 block of Shaw when he attempted a pedestrian check. The male suspect fled on foot. The officer pursued the suspect. The suspect turned and fired a gun at the officer. Fearing for his safety, the officer returned fire striking the suspect, fatally wounding him. The officer was not injured. A gun was recovered from the scene. The officer is a 32-year old white male. He has been on the force for 6 years. The suspect is a black male believed to be 18-20 years old. As is department policy, the officer has been placed on administrative leave. The investigation is ongoing.
This post has musical accompaniment - St. Louis in better days - and we have to go back to 1929 to find those 'better days.' Now that is sad. It is more than sad. It is intolerable. This video is beautiful.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Illegal Abortion in America

In 2014, four decades after the Supreme Court upheld a woman's right to choose, pregnant women once again find themselves crossing the border to Mexico and haunting back-alleys in search of medical care. - Laura Bassett

I had an epiphany the other day. Roe v. Wade was an attempt to regulate abortion because the abortion situation was entirely out of control in 1970.

Women were dying in ugly and public ways from illegal abortion. Lots of women die of illegal abortion now at home and worldwide. 

Clergy were directing women to safe though still illegal abortion and advertising the abortion referral service in the New York Times. Rest in peace, Reverend Moody.

NOW was giving parlor teach-ins conducted by nurses to instruct women in the art of 'menstrual extraction' and how to make the device to extract with.

The JANE women's collective was doing safe cheap abortions by the thousands.

A wealthy well known woman with a thalidomide-deformed fetus inside her defied the law and had an abortion abroad. The Media made the rebel abortioneer even more well known and thereby made the plight of poor women who could not travel abroad and needed an abortion more poignant.

Nobody was waiting for the government to approve abortion. And there was absolutely no control at all. Everybody was doing illegal abortions - the Mafia, your local Nurse moonlighting, Doctors with a conscience, etc. It was a Vonnegut style circus.

All by themselves, screaming they are moral, the forced birth cultists have deregulated abortion in America. The back alley abortion is back. There will be no regulations for safety or time limits on when a woman can abort. Gosnell City is here. And the 'pro lifers' built it.

I would be laughing my ass off except I remember what it was like the last time abortion was illegal. My teen Sister self aborted with quinine. Even my Catholic Mother got an illegal abortion. We could have lost her. I know someone who lost her Mother at age 9 to unregulated illegal abortion.

How many women will get maimed or die this time around the block? How many women will go to jail and leave their children to foster care? How many peaches will you get if you harm the tree? If you think I exaggerate, familiarize yourself with recent events in my backward state of Pennsylvania:

NOTE: I find it gratifying that the Guttmacher Institute agrees with me. Who knew?

The United States legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, in part because of the clear evidence that restrictive laws were not ending abortion but were exacting a significant public health toll, notably on lower-income women who could not travel or pay for safe services. Almost immediately afterward, pregnancy-related deaths and hospitalizations due to complications of unsafe abortion effectively ended." - From Facts and Consequences: Legality, Incidence and Safety of Abortion Worldwide, Guttmacher

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ms. Mary Walker's Green Tomato Chutney

I know that I am not the only gardener in Pennsylvania gazing at a bumper crop of tomatoes. Ms. Walker has been kind enough to share her recipe for Green Tomato Chutney with me.

You can learn more about Ms. Walker, British expatriate HERE. 
Unconditional surrender of Europe occurred on my 11th birthday and, in the evening my dad suggested that we ‘go for a walk’. My sister warned that we would be late for the curfew. My Dad simply answered – “It’s such a nice evening, I don’t think we’re going to worry about that tonight”. Cat’s Whisker receivers WORKED! 
Mi casa es su casa. So I am sharing with you, Cher Reader. I give it to you as she gave it to me. Stay tuned for her recipe for Garlic Jam. When Ms. Mary said Garlic Jam, I began to salivate immediately.


5 lbs chopped green tomatoes
1 lb chopped onions
1 tsp whole peppercorns
1 tsp salt
1 lb sugar
1-1/2 cups vinegar (I use either white wine vinegar or cider vinegar)
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup sultanas

Mix tomatoes, onions and peppercorns in a large bowl and let sit overnight (covered)
Bring vinegar and sugar to a boil (until sugar is melted) 
Add sultanas and raisins and simmer for 5 minutes
Add tomatoes and onion mixture and simmer till thick (about 40 to 45 minutes).
Put into 8 oz jars - leaving about 1/4inch head-space - and can for 15 minutes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Uppity Texans Unite. Go Texas!

Below you can read a long and earnest Manifesto from 

They are ambitiious. They are raising Hell in Texas as I type. I thought Texas was Hell. I think somebody famous said that. 

I support the abortion platform. I stop at the 'ending pornography' part. That is a little too bluestocking for trashmouth old Me. I like to look at dirty pictures. So sue me. 
If nothing changes, on September 1st all but six abortion clinics in Texas will be closed (there were 46 in 2011).
Women will begin dying from dangerous illegal abortions. Others will be imprisoned for self-inducing abortions. Thousands more will have their lives foreclosed by being forced to bear children they do not want – shattering their dreams, trapping them in abusive relationships, and/or driving them into humiliating and dangerous poverty. Rural, poor, immigrant, and women of color will be hardest hit.
Worse, this emergency in Texas is not an isolated problem.
Hundreds of abortion restrictions have been enacted in recent years. Six states have only one abortion clinic left. Eight abortion doctors and staff have been murdered. Countless women have been shamed and humiliated.
Those driving this attack on women's most fundamental rights are deadly serious. They will not stop until all abortions have been criminalized forall women in all circumstances.
THIS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED! Forcing women to have children against their will is a form of enslavement.
Courageous people are doing important work to keep abortion available. At the same time, it must be confronted soberly: much more is needed.
What happens this summer in Texas will affect women everywhere. It is the responsibility of everyone who does not want to see women forced to have children against their will to stand up and fight. Not some time in the future, but now.
This is a time for courage. For people to defy fear, to shatter silence, and to break their isolation. To refuse to wait for politicians or courts to make our will known. To raise our voices and fill the streets, to make art and wage protest, to defend doctors and assist women, to change hearts and enlighten minds. To engage in acts of militant non-violent direct action. To call forth thousands and soon millions until we have STOPPED these attacks and DEFEATED this war on women.
We reject the view that a woman's highest purpose is to bear children. Women are full human beings with the moral, ethical and legal right to decide when and whether to be mothers.
NO MORE women denied the right to dream, the right to live full lives, the right to love, the right to decide for themselves. WE WILL RESIST!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

ZOMG. I am in LOVE.

This is what funding abortion looks like. Handsome man of the Cowboy Nerd persuasion and Banana his Cat. I want them both with a purple passion. I have always wanted to do twins. Take the Drink a Beer and Eat a Taco and Fund Abortion Challenge.

In Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, send a contribution to Women's Medical Fund. 

Hold Up, So How Does This Work?

You find yourself a fucking taco, or a fucking beer, or a fucking taco and a beer, then you eat the fucking taco or drink the fucking beer or eat and drink both the fucking taco and the beer, and then you donate some money to an abortion fund. You fucking film yourself doing this shit and then you send us the fucking video and we put it on the fucking internet.

Friday, August 22, 2014

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words." - Arthur Brisbane

Go HERE for more. Just keep scrolling. All kinds of good stuff. 

Have a taco or drink a beer and fund abortion. Works for me.

I am never going to pour ice on myself. Never. I hate COLD.

I love tacos and beer. And I got an extra few bucks. I can do this. Margarita's Restaurant here I come.

Eat a taco or drink a beer. Make a video and send a donation to help women. Now that is win-win.

Kudos to the confident and generous prochoice men in the videos. The sexiest man in the world is a prochoice man. See more photographs and videos at the tumblr site or at #tacoorbeerchallenge. 

Hold Up, So How Does This Work?

You find yourself a fucking taco, or a fucking beer, or a fucking taco and a beer, then you eat the fucking taco or drink the fucking beer or eat and drink both the fucking taco and the beer, and then you donate some money to an abortion fund. You fucking film yourself doing this shit and then you send us the fucking video and we put it on the fucking internet.

A Note From The Founders

Dear Concerned “Pro-Life” Folks,
A number of you have written into the #TacoOrBeerChallenge tumblr with the suggestion that theChallenge’s founder “abort” herself. This proposal has been further explored and expounded upon on Twitter by a particularly vocal and especially thoughtful group of erudite individuals.
The Taco Or Beer Challenge has taken your proposal under advisement, but the Taco Or Beer Challenge regrets to inform you that it will not be implemented at this time. Thank you so much for your helpful input and your powerful witness in the light of the glory of Jesus Christ.
The Taco Or Beer Challenge

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"Are they Prostitutes?" asks Baby Saver Servant. - Sexpig of the Month - August 2014

In a fit a black humor, I decided to create a Sexpig of the Month series. I made myself sick with it. It got unfunny and truly scary and disgusting fast. I grossed myself out.

I decided to lay off writing about Sexpigs for awhile for my own mental health. Then I came across these videos below and I just had to share. Trigger Warning: video is really creepy.

Baby Saver Servant who produced this video expects to be seen as sane and caring. That expectation is the chief delusion of the Forced Birth Cultists. Brace yourself. The woman has a higher register than Sarah Palin the Tundra Tart. This is the kind of speech SCOTUS calls 'counseling.'
Last week, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told us that these people are not anti-abortion “protesters.”  Instead, he glowingly described them as, “counselors” who wanted “to comfort these [pregnant] women” by speaking to them, “quietly and in a friendly manner.” 
- Dean Obeidallah
I call this madness. And I think a federal law to make this activity illegal is needed. Stalking and harassment are crimes. Is this stalking and harassment? You tell me. I will tell you where it is at for me. I would have all I could do not to give this fetus freak the bitchslapping she so richly deserves. And that is why I am not a clinic escort. Clinic escorts are models of restraint.

Here is the whackjob practicing medicine. 
This is counseling, Fat Tony?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sign of the Month - August 2014

Gainesville welcomes a new Hobby Lobby store. I had a hard time picking the sign out of the wealth of candidates.

Get the story of the protest and quotes from the protesters from the Gainesville Sun.

And get more photos of the protest HERE. 

Everybody was there. And the signs were clever and creative. Ultimately, the prochoice man with the simple information sign about how to resist the Hobby Lobby decision was my choice. The sexiest man in the world is a pro choice man. See the runners-up below. And see the Satanic Temple for another way to resist. 

Some 90 people join protest against Hobby Lobby
Hobby Lobby's new Gainesville store opened quietly Friday ahead of its official grand opening Monday morning, but it was noisy on the sidewalk outside. Passing cars honked in support of sign-waving protesters who oppose the company's stance on women's contraceptive health care.