Wednesday, December 6, 2017


I have lost the ability to comment and six years of comments. I know they are there somewhere. If anyone can help, I need it. Email: I am working on fixing it.


Disqus did it by running two versions of my blog. Now they are sold and will not help me. I humbly apologize to you, Cher Readers. So many comments from so many fine people over the years are gone. Some made by folks no longer commenting with us. I am going to resolve this somehow. Meanwhile...I have to find a solution. I love my readers.

Somebody else has the same problem. Thank you, Julie. I blamed myself too soon.
@MaryEGaughan 4 hours ago
We've been using Disqus on our Drupal site, for over two years. Now the comments have disappeared. It is still installed on the site, up and running in Disqus and permissions are set correctly. The only recent change is that we've gone from http to https, which is not supposed to affect the integration. Any suggestions as to what the problem might be would be appreciated.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Flop Seen Around the World

I enjoyed this as much as the Spenser punch in the face. Punch a Nazi for Jesus. I am helping the video go viral. 

I really enjoyed this video. So satisfying. Turn it up loud to hear what they say because sound is low. I watched it 5 times.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Let Them Eat Cake

I am running this again because the god damn cake war has started up anew. Now it is at the SCOTUS.

A gay Christian is so sad for the homophobe bakers he is running a fund raiser. I never thought when I started to blog I would be writing so much about CAKE

Cake is a metaphor for all the 'things' religious authoritarians want to save me from or for. Feel free to substitute the words 'birth control' or 'abortion' or 'big fat hard cock' for the word 'cake.' Maybe that will help with perspective on this mess.

The impetus for this rant was an article at The Atlantic entitled Is Evangelical Morality Still Acceptable in America?

I do not care if the Evangelical motivation for their political actions is sincere religious objection or bigotry if the result is the same - humiliation, punishment and/or deprivation for physical or social characteristics a customer cannot change or does not need to change - blackness, gayness, femaleness, muslimness, queerness.

When a baker refuses to do business with a person(s) because of perceived gayness, what is the purpose of that action?

Is it to shame/punish the person(s) for being gay? It certainly is not civil religious disobedience, also referred to as conscientious objection.

What is nonviolent civil or religious disobedience? Gandhi's definition is the clearest in my opinion:
"I have also called it love-force or soul-force. . . I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one’s opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and compassion. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent, but on oneself." - Mohandas Gandhi.
The conscientious objector must take upon him/her self the burden of conscientious objection. Transferring the burden of conscientious objection to the Other is not conscientious objection. It is assault. Which assault the Bible directs the religious to commit. Stone the Gay! If you cannot use a stone because it is 21st century America, use a cake.

Cakes or stones, both are punishments and not religious conscientious objection. Religious Authoritarians do not get to inflict religious punishment anymore on folks in the United States of America. No matter how many times they obfuscate and yell Jesus!

Let us face our history and look it dead in the crusade. Religious zealouts will disembowel you for Jesus while singing Onward Christian Soldiers. And feel real good about it.
"The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open." - Hosea 13:16

Thursday, November 30, 2017

America, we still have a problem. I wrote this in 2014. Gun Regulation for Xmas?

Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, we wouldn't have any innocent bystanders. - Chris Rock
I like graphs a lot. Graphs make things clear in a way that words alone cannot. Grok the graphs and weep.

I also like tattoos. I thought this design was subject appropriate. The tattoo design can be seen with other designs by the artist HERE.

In the fierce debate that always follows the latest mass shooting, it's an argument you hear frequently from gun rights promoters: If only more people were armed, there would be a better chance of stopping these terrible events. This has plausibility problems—what are the odds that, say, a moviegoer with a pack of Twizzlers in one pocket and a Glock in the other would be mentally prepared, properly positioned, and skilled enough to take out a body-armored assailant in a smoke- and panic-filled theater? But whether you believe that would happen is ultimately a matter of theory and speculation. Instead, let's look at some facts gathered in a five-month investigation by Mother Jones. See the rest of the article at the link. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sign of the Month - November 2017 - Freeway Blogger is My Hero

You pick the one you like the best.

THEORY - Everything you need to know about how to make signs.

Tales of the Freewayblogger

Because when you put a sign up next to a freeway, people will read it until somebody takes it down.

PRACTICE - 6,000 Signs

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

FUCK YEAH! at the Fruits and Nuts Cafe

WPA Poster
Okay. I cannot write much. I need medication. First, Lady Shrink said so. Then my Black Sister told me I cannot even have phone conversation without saying "I have to leave now." My mind is going 150 miles an hour.

There is no end to my desire to prove I am not really crazy. I am just bad. Calling the doctor today. Thought I was 'handling it.'

All I have got is a sentence published by Dave Weigel who is the only genuine Conservative I know. I miss real Conservatives. 
My brain keeps returning to the sentence “a transgender heavy metal singer defeated the author of Virginia’s anti-trans bathroom bill." - Dave W.

Danica Roems's triumph is kind of amazing. I think she won because of 'the content of her character.' And that is a good thing. And now for a rapid change of focus. Hard to concentrate on one thing when manic.

Right Wing Argument - or - How many times have you met one of these intellects on the Net?

Those who shove millions of people into a set (the left), and assert each and every person in the set holds the same ideas and opinions, can be broken into two groups:

1. Authoritarian followers.
2. Paid disINFObots, Russian or otherwise, whose job it is to create class/race/group chaos and hatred to disable democracies.

Both classes of posters are not capable or worthy of conversation/discussion. They are Shitweasels.

Shitweasel Method of Argument:
When the facts do not serve, argue motive and impugn character.

Shitweasel Method of Argument 2:
And this is a favorite. Misquote your opponent and then go on to impugn character and motives of opponent and/or sources. The 1-2 Method.

Once you notice the ubiquity of these methods of argument, you will be LOLing so hard you cannot get pissed at shitweasel trolls. Takes all troll jollies away.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Frankford True American - News for Republicans with Music

Re: Weinstein the Sexpig.

Raising $$$ and being political does not equal kiddyfucking. Say YES to favorite cause fundraisers sometimes. Say NO to kiddyfucking always.

Hillary Clinton is responsible for Weinstein's dick I am told. I thought she was only responsible for the Big Dog's dick? Is it because she is The One with Balls?

Re: Republicans have become DEATH

USA has one of highest rates of maternal mortality worldwide. You are taking healthcare from children by neglect. CHIPS works. How come the "pro life" are silent? WE CAN SEE YOU. Shyte, it is like explaining things to a toddler.

Re: Freedumb

Men are free to gestate all their pregnancies to term. In the USA, we do not compel women to give birth and/or abort. We leave that to China and the Catholic and Muslim infested governments. 

Art by Favianna Rodriguez. I hope
we can meet here again. Next time doughnuts. If not, see you next election. Or sooner. #ThinkOutsideMyBox.

I am standing for MOTHER'S DAY MARCH and DC OCCUPATION. MAY 13. Campout for Mama? Chautauqua for Condoms? SLUT NATION? Uppity Marching Band?

Anybody have experience organizing a march please write me at I am a fool with no experience organizing anyone but Quakers and Actors. Trust me, it is...ahh...different. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Death Guitar in Las Vegas - Hat Tip to Dave Hickey

I woke up to news of the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

The Republicans passed a bill to make sure whackadoos like me can get guns.


Business community especially take note. These are the places it is no longer safe to go in America because of domestic terrorists: movie theatres, malls, concerts, schools, church, book fairs, parades. Can we fix this now please?

We used to have parades with kids riding bicycles with red white blue bunting. We gave a prize for the best decorated bike. The Mayor and the Knights of Columbus marched.

The mass shooters are primarily white native born males. I think that most of them carried legal guns. It is fair to say many of them had and have mental illness. Like me.

We are suffering in America from stochastic terrorism. I understand numbers better with a graph. I think the graph is saying "Stay out of public places."

Especially now that we have vehicle terrorists and some Repubs are trying to make mowing down protesters in your car legal.

Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable. In short, remote-control murder by lone wolf. Learn more at the link.
This is an example of stochastic terrorism, one of many, used by our POTUS which I saw on cable TV. And here is another example:

And this is an example of the crazy thinking gun toting POTUS and other stochastic terrorists produce. This man is threatening to shoot women of a particular political persuasion.

Artists are fighting back. Read the story of the Chump Change mural.

Words cannot convey my pain, sympathy and sorrow. Music can.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

I have reached PEAK RAGE.

Rage. Not a good thing for a bipolar person. Not good for me. Not good for others. Steve Scalise got shot by one of my brethren in a rage reaction. Rage is starting to leak through into my online communication. Embarrassing. And I do not want the Secret Service to have any need at all to meet me. 

I ran my second husband over with a Volkswagen. I say that onstage and get an instant laugh. I chased him. Luckily he saw a ditch and jumped in it. The wheels of the car rolled right over him. The ditch was low and narrow enough to save him. God saved me or I might still be in jail. I was beautiful so the fool married me anyway. I ask you: Who was the craziest one?

Why am I confessing? I read a letter from which I quote this excerpt:
Mr. Trump’s speech and actions demonstrate an inability to tolerate views different from his own, leading to rage reactions. 
Then I read this article. I found I am part of a "devastating crisis in mental health." Do tell.

I only had a Volkswagen to drive when I had one of my numerous rage reactions. The Scalise shooter had a gun. Donald Trump has nuclear weapons. And in your guts, you know he is nuts.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Pornography - UPDATE

Hugh Hefner is dead. Some folks are casting shade on his memory by calling him a pornographer. Hugh is the wonderbread Modernist version of a pornographer. Now Big Al Goldsten, he was the pornographer's pornographer. I was there.

Portrait of Goldstein on the cover below.

Screw and Al Goldstein are long gone now but I still remember the fights and furor brought on by Screw's content. I came across an interesting blog that features the cover art of Goldstein's Screw Magazine. You want to go there.

Note: Nothing about this essay is safe for viewing at work. I guess my blog is not safe for work too. So sue me.

SCREW #358, art by Bob Dunker
Pornography is ancient and the controversy over its value or lack of value in human lives continues. I reproduce this cover. It illustrates the editorial tone of the magazine better than any words I could write.

I am ambivalent about pornography. I like to look at dirty pictures. Some of what appeared in Screw made me sick. I appreciated the social satire and Goldstein's crusades for free speech.

I love Cartoon Art. I am a fan of vintage pornography. You can see a gallery of SCREW covers by Milton Knight.

Feminists have been in a long dialogue about the depiction of human sexuality.

"Pornography is about dominance and often pain. Erotica is about mutuality and always pleasure."
Gloria Steinem "Erotica vs Pornography", in Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions (1983)

"Pornography is the essential sexuality of male power: of hate, of ownership, of hierarchy; of sadism, of dominance."
Andrea Dworkin, Pornography, Men Possessing Women

“Prostitution, perversion, and pornography are intertwined with independence and radical politics in the history of outstanding women. Radclyffe Hall, Colette, Anaïs Nin, Kate Millett, Erica Jong--all of these women used the money they made from writing about sexuality to make it possible for them to live as rebels, dykes, feminists, artists, or whatever deviant and defiant identities they assumed.” Pat Califia, Some Women

I miss Al Goldstein. Rest in peace. It is true Goldstein was a Dirt. It is true that much of what he published was disgusting. A great deal of it was funny. Very funny. Nothing Goldstein published was as obscene and pornographic as this video below.

Find Out Which Historical Figure You’re Most Like!

This quiz is fun. I am most like Shakespeare. Naturally, I am thrilled. Who are You?

You were Shakespeare in a past life. Many people perceive you as a bit of a nerd, but underneath the fine polish, you are bawdy, perceptive, and deeply entranced by human life. You have an amazing way with words that can let you cut others down, bring them to tears, or reduce them to peals of laughter.

But what really sets you apart is your creativity. Your mind sees things that others don’t and puts them together in new and amazing ways. As Shakespeare, you redefined the English language. What will you do now?..

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Signs of the Month - September 2017- Juggalo March with Music

Juggalos (music fans the FBI calls a gang) and Trumpists had rallies on the same day. Juggalos to protest the FBI. Trumpists going to the Mother of All Rallies.

There were many Juggalos. There were less than 1000 Trumpists. Which convinces me there really are no Trump voters. DisINFObots and Russians do not go to protests and march. We been hacked bigtime.

These were Juggalo signs. My daughter is a Juggalo. Gang my ass. Juggalo song at the end.

Take a look at the Juggalo crowd. Contrast and compare article here. WTF FBI?

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Signs of the Month with Music - August 2017

# hashtag of the month #EmptyThePews.

Fascism is not new. We must fight it whenever and where we encounter it. The song "Bella ciao" was sung by the anti-fascist resistance movement active in Italy between 1943 and 1945. The author of the lyrics is unknown; the music and spirit of the song is based on a folk song sung by rice-weeders on the River Po basin in the early part of the 20th century -- "Alla mattina appena alzata". A version of this song was recorded for music researchers by Italian folk singer Giovanna Daffini in 1962.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I could not watch this all the way through.

A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more. Jeremiah 31:15
What is White heritage? Jello? Wonder Bread? Velveeta? Slavery? Civi War?

I am redhead with blue eyes. My Grandparents, Polish and Italian, did not speak English when they came here in early 1900s. I am not checking the CAUCASIAN box on the census anymore. This is white heritage? I am going to check OTHER. Or write in HUMAN.

There are only two sides in the dance of protesting and it is easy to see who is what. By this test, antifa does not make the set (GOODIES).
BADDIES = masks, baseball bats, torches, brass knuckles, fists/feet, shields.
GOODIES = signs, songs, clergy robes, nonviolent conscientious objection, sermons.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

God Told Me to Murder People

Matthew 15:18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them.
Robert Jeffress argument for incinerating thousands of people is 'God told us would be kool.'

That is the same argument the mentally ill use to justify actions like stabbing six people and murdering a fifteen year old girl.

“For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”
Charles Bukowski

Thursday, August 3, 2017


These videos will go a way toward improving the CUSS-ABILITY of the average American. A good CUSS OUT is an Art.

There are 429 swear words in Pulp Fiction. You can figure out the plot from just the cussing.

And it seems the Guyanese and Irish are Cuss Artists of the first rank. Cussing, to be effective, must have a rhythm and range. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I am going to finish the play.

I just cannot work right now. I can fart around on twitter because it gives me instant gratification.

I was trucking - doing great after my fall. A doctor told me I could do better with a brace for my foot. I got the fucking brace. Wearing the brace put my back out. I had to go and get injections in my back for pain relief. I was also prescribed pain and anti anxiety meds.

Even if you take them as prescribed, meds tend to build up in your brain and body. I get to being unsteady on my feet. My back does not hurt so no more pain meds. But the other meds help me sleep. I am going cold turkey and I have been awake all night. Gaaaahhhhh! I hope to go to sleep soon. No pills for me.

The good news is - I walk to the bodega without my cane. I am back on the buses. Fired up. Ready to go.  Click the LOVE picture to get to Indivisible PHL.