Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mitt Romney Advertises on My Blog with Update

I give space to Adsense for Content which makes me a few bucks. Adsense has blog crawlers (creepy ain't it?) that relate ads to the content of your pages. That is why you will see Meet Latina Women! ads on here occasionally when I talk about SEX. I hate them goddamn dating ads.

I despise Mitt Romney the Lying Liar with a purple passion. His campaign advertises here anyway. Why, I ask myself? Because I talk politics? Rmoney has money to burn? Because his campaign staff is stupid? Because Rmoney has so much contempt for me that he would casually lie to me and on the pages of my cherished Blog? Who knows? Who cares? Paybacks are a bitch. 

Update: I tweeted this blog entry at Mittens. 
Shhhh, do not make a sound. I think he is gone now. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

It is the Sin, Stupid.

"Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday opened a meeting of Roman Catholic Church leaders from around the world to debate how to counter rising secularism on the 50th anniversary of the momentous Second Vatican Council." Read more...

There have always been agnostics and atheists in the pews. We all come to experience community. Secularism is not harming the church. The Roman Catholic hierarchy are harming the church. I do not know why they think this conference will help. The RCC actively discourages telling the truth and they excommunicate or demote any theologian, like Hans Kung, who points to reality.

The RCC can always tell you who is to blame for their decline. It is the Gays' fault. No, it is the children's fault. No, it must be secularism. It must be my fault. I left your church when I was 13, swearing to never come back, and so did every other sane Catholic kid. We all know the RCC is never to blame. Never. 

It is the kiddy fucking and the kiddyfucker aiding and abetting that is the cause of your decline, stupid Nazi-Poop. It is trashing Gay folks. It is the Magdalen Laundries. It is prohibiting condoms in Africa. It is promoting Cardinal Law. It is the sad and sickening sexual dysfunction. It is your SIN, you dumbass arrogant Perverts.
“The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures, and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all from continual lying to other men and to himself.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

Friday, September 21, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Video

I stole this video from a new political blog 
edited and written by Cecelia Morgan.

Scott McPartland provides us with a real sense of the space, emotional and physical, that is Occupy Wall Street and Liberty Park. I felt there in spirit when I watched it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Scrofulous Donkey Dick with Music

I got mad at Governor Sam Brownback. I cannot believe what I twatted to him on Twitter. I am so going to Hell.

One day, young Miss Emma Sullivan tweeted a nasty tweet to Governor Sam Brownback. Con brio.
Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot
Somebody from the Governor's office called her school and reported her. How high school is that? It was so corn snorting pea picking stupid that news of the event went viral. The British press even got hold of it.

Brownback ended up apologizing to Emma Sullivan. I like to think I had a small hand in that. Some snarky blogger suggested we bombard Brownback's office with nasty tweets in a show of support for Ms. Emma. Seemed appropriate to me. Some people don't know what Peace is unless they have experienced Fuss.

I tweeted (twatted?) nasty tweets to Governor Sam Brownback in the service of Justice and the American Way. Old Women can say any goddamn thing we want to say.  It is one of the perquisites of being older than dirt.

I have to confess (brag about?) how mean to Sam Brownback I have been. I need absolution, Cher Reader. You know what the worst part is? It was fun being a Filthy Tweeter. I discovered I am not half bad at it. It is like putting a message in a bottle and tossing it in the sea. One hopes for a response.

I twatted, among other things:

Yo Sam, stop sucking off prostitutes in the capitol rest room. You embarrassing the junkies.

 sucks scrofulous donkey dick.

I now have 20 new Twitter Followers. Filthy Tweeters of America Unite! You have nothing to lose but Sam Brownback. Phooey. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wonderful Political Cartoons

The artist is John Darkow. I found this website that publishes and sells political cartoons. I have signed up. Link below:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

OCCUPY is Back. Hallelujah!

Thousands are gathering in Liberty Park for the one year anniversary of the Occupy movement. I am so proud of them. I hope no one gets hurt.  They are really brave. There is a gathering in San Francisco also. More information at the link below:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Boys with Toys in Tampa

Welcome to Tampa and the Republican Convention 

 I comfort my SeIf with the thought that:

I do not wonder what the sex workers are doing right about now in Tampa. I know that "Republican kink" is not a fantasy. It is an understatement. Think of the way they have been mentally raping women for months now. Translate that mindset into amorous expertise across the Bell Curve. It will be a hot time in the old town tonight. Shudder.

Please note: Those who object to my attitude toward Law Enforcement (da PoPo, Sexpigs etc.) will understand me better if they go to this Website. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Twitter Follies

I am fricking old. So I do not entirely understand how Twitter works.

However, I have big brass ovaries and I often learn things by jumping right into the mess to see what happens.  So I have Twatted in the past.  I decided today that I can learn a lot more by creating a new hash tag and watching how it grows. Maybe it will grow; maybe it will not.

New Hash Tag:

My first tweet:

Paulie Ryan has a dick,
Eee Eye Eee Eye Oh 
Who would fuck him? He makes me Sick.
Eee Eye Eee Eye Oh.

Now you might ask "Why is such a sweet Old Lady saying such nasty things about Paul Ryan?" Eezy Peezy. Just read THIS. No that is not ME above. It is a protester at the RNC.

I draw your attention to this carefully researched essay on Rape. I recommend every woman and any man who loves women read it. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Four More Years

By Ralph Maxwell

O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou, Mitt Romney?
You flip-flop here, you flip-flop there,
You flip-flop almost ev'rywhere.
You ballyhoo what you're gonna do
And then you pull a switcheroo;
You now malign what you found fine;
Seems like you've got a jellyfish spine.
Obamacare, by you begun,
Now you'd trash it on day one.
Gun control you did extol,
But now you're preaching decontrol.
O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou, Mitt Romney?
We've got no clue what you will do
Or what new view you'll pander to.
Time was you championed women's choice,
But you no longer heed their voice;
On gay rights, too, guess you withdrew
Support they once enjoyed from you.
Global warming, EPA,
Immigration, minimum pay,
Roe V. Wade, also fair trade,
All joined your flip-flop cavalcade.
O, Romney-O, Romney-O Wherefore art thou, Mitt Romney?
So many things that you were for
You've turned against and slammed the door.
Stimulus and cap and trade,
Education, foreign aid,
Campaign reform, tarp rescues, too,
All victims of your switcheroo.
You take your stand on shifting sand,
We never know where you will land;
You vacillate, you fabricate,
A wishy-washy candidate.
O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou Mitt Romney?
As gov'nor you let taxes rise,
Now ev'ry tax you demonize.
You say regardless of the facts
You'd take an axe to the millionaire's tax;
You'd feed the greed of the richest few
The poor and middle class you'd screw.
Your tax returns you hide from view
What evil lurks there we've no clue;
If they're not bad why hesitate?
Is it that they incriminate?
O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou Mitt Romney?
At Bain you plundered with a flair
And walked away a zillionaire.
You shipped off-shore, good jobs galore
To China, India, Singapore;
A job creator you are not.
And to boast you are is tommyrot.
As a total fraud, Mitt's got no peer;
What we must do is crystal clear:
Let's give Obama four more years!
Yes, it's Obama – four more years!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chicken Follies

Tomorrow, August 1, is Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day for the Fundagelicals. The Fundagelicals want us to know they hate Gay Folks and they want to let us know that they have a right to say so.  I agree.

I hate to be left out. So I will express my appreciation for Chick-fil-A right here, right now. I do not know who this young woman is, but I would like to buy her lunch. Anywhere but Chick-fil-A.

For those who support our LGBT brothers and sisters and really like the sandwiches, I have a solution.  Here are the directions for making your own southern-style chicken sandwich.

For those of you in NYC, Schnipper's Quality Kitchen is donating $1.00 to Marriage Equality USA for each chicken filet sandwich sold in August. See the link below:

Gay folks are not the only folks suffering under the yoke of Dan Cathy's "biblical principles." He fires women who have had a baby and replaces them with men. He fires Muslim managers who do not want to participate in Christian prayers at business meetings.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Billy Lynn Takes One for The Team

PHILADELPHIA — Msgr. William J. Lynn was found guilty of endangering children, becoming the first senior official of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States convicted of covering up sexual abuses by priests under his supervision. Read more...

To see more of this New York Times article and get the facts, go to the link above. What you get here is a personal reaction from a lapsed (big time lapsed) Catholic.

I congratulate our District Attorneys Williams and Abraham and our brave Grand Jurors on this important conviction. Now get back to fixing the statute of limitations problem please. Archbishop Chaput has been defanged a bit. Thank you.

I take no pleasure in watching this (curiously boyish, chubby, gray, befuddled, cute) Old Man dragged off to the pokey. I think of him taking that book of offenders names from the safe late at night, and adding to it in secret. I think of Lynn keeping it when Rome wanted it destroyed. Think of it.

Monsignor Lynn did all he was allowed by Rome to do: keep his mouth shut. And then he did more. He kept the truth for us when Rome wanted the list of offenders destroyed.

Cardinals Krol and Bevilacqua, princes of the church, died quietly in their beds at home. They used their law degrees to shield child rapists upon orders from the Vatican. They never went to trial after hiding mucho child abuse with holy aplomb for decades. Think of me wailing here like a child "... but it's not fair."

Let me be clear. Monsignor Lynn deserves to go to jail for his part in aiding and abetting kiddyrapers for years. But Lynn is the least of the offenders.

Sure makes you wonder exactly what his fellow priests were applauding at the big dinner, don't it? Was it keeping the secret book of offenders? What heroic act were they applauding? Taking one for the team of course. Like I said.

Msgr. Lynn got standing ovation at Chaput dinner, say those at event:

Msgr. William J. Lynn, the former church official awaiting trial for allegedly protecting sexually abusive priests, drew words of encouragement from Philadelphia's new archbishop and a standing ovation from scores of priests at a private gathering last month, according to people familiar with the event.

During the invitation-only dinner for Archbishop Charles J. Chaput at a parish hall in Montgomery County, Chaput singled out Lynn in the crowd and noted how difficult the ordeal has been for him, according to one priest who attended and two people briefed by others at the gala.

Much of the audience, which included hundreds of priests, then stood and applauded, said the sources, who asked not to be identified.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tea Party is No Party for Hungry Americans

Citizens of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, thank Governor Tom Corbett for his plans to make working people poorer by removing subsidies for public transportation and requiring food stamps recipients be absolutely destitute.

Evidently, Republicans as a group are bigtime into paying for The Shrub's wars and the deregulation of the banking industry on the backs of the average Joe and Josephine. And yes, the Republicans do expect us to thank them for these fiscally sound ideas.

The Tea Party and Rand Paul and Tom Corbett are evil little mushrooms.

What happened to the old style Republicans like Ike? Ike's tax rate on capital gains was 90%. And everybody had money and job. These MoFos want to take the food out of the mouths of children and old folks. Literally.

Maybe this Rand Paul guy should come down to my local church food pantry and see how poor and beat down some of the Mothers and Seniors look who come for food aid.

I bet this Rand Paul guy never went to bed hungry a day in his life. If you believe this FruitBat, I got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn real cheap and . . .

Friday, June 15, 2012

Pride. It is a Beautiful Thing.

Thank you Kameron Slade. I am so sorry that you were kept from delivering your Excellent Speech.

If I were this young man's Momma, I would be bursting with pride. And then I would be on that school like The Banshee. I would wail so loud the ACLU can hear me.

Thank you President Obama for standing up for the LGBTQ members of my Family and for Public Education. The Obama campaign has posted Pride 2012's cover image to their Tumbler page. You can read the magazine online in its entirety.

Update 1:
 Kameron Slade got to deliver his Awesome Speech after all.  He delivered it with Pride in front of the New York City Council.  God bless the InterNet. See the video at the link below. Go Kameron Slade and Kameron's Mom. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Continuing Adventures of Bionic Me

I have been missing, I know. It seems that I have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. That means the last two fingers of my right hand are numb, electric shocky and not functioning. Try typing without two of your fingers. Yuck. In addition, my computer is broken. Thank God for Frankford Library and their public computers.

The good news is that my hand can be fixed and will be next Tuesday. It will, however, be even harder than it is now to type, slice good hard crusted bread and whack off. Poor me.

I will not be deterred. I have quite a few really rude things to say and I am looking forward to saying them over the next few weeks. And, old as I am, I know I can find somebody to help with the whacking off part. And eventually my computer will be repaired or replaced.

So it is all good. See you soon.