Sunday, May 22, 2016

Third Leading Cause of Death and Misery is Medical Mistakes

I am going to share some of Mike Evans writing today about a mutual concern.

I have been putting the task off because it means ferreting around in the feelings I had when I fell in my garden and got badly hurt. I experience ptsd when I go into my garden.

I am still going to grueling physical therapy twice a week. So trauma is still very fresh in my mind. I could not remember where I put whatever crap I wrote about falling and not receiving proper medical treatment. I am still feeling the results of concussion.

As I find stuff, I will add to this essayette. So Mike and you, Cher Reader, can read them. I might have put it under the label Torture. 

So this is what Mike Evans wrote. He spoke to my condition. You can contact Mike Evans directly with any feedback at:

Art by Favianna Rodriguez.

Philadelphia doctors accused of selling $5M in pills (
Editorial page
commentary by @6abcmember:disqus
posted Fri May 13th 2016

Sorry Jim. But the "ugly truth" and far greater crime behind this story is how the DEA's forcing our nation's doctors (thru intimidation and outright threats) to stop writing prescriptions for painkillers of any kind regardless of a patient's health circumstances and genuine medical need for them.

The untold truth is millions of patients every day are being given no alternative but to purchase whatever they can get off the black market or continue suffering in constant chronic pain. Isn't that a wonderful choice for lifelong decent law-abiding citizens to be forced into having to make?

Why don't you do some genuine investigative research and reporting into that unspoken part of this story rather than simply towing the all too familiar self-aggrandizing government line? "Oh, look at the wonderful deed we just accomplished today. Everyone paste a gold star upon our forehead and pat us on the back for a job well done!"

Our nation's DEA has turned into yet another rogue Draconian government agency that's become totally out of control and now biting the very hands which feed it. Please make a sincere effort to report the hidden truth behind this greatest portion of the overall story rather than parrot the latest stream of Orwellian newspeak oozing from the government pipeline.

The black market for painkillers exists solely because a genuine medical need for them exists. The DEA has artificially and intentionally created that situation to justify its own existence and self-perpetuation. Get off the backs of our medical professionals and let them do their jobs!

The DEA is wholly unqualified to make any such medical or judgement calls thus has no business inserting themselves into our lives as if they did. What PhD's do they hold ensuring they're the least bit qualified to make any medical decisions and judgement calls which profoundly affect our daily lives and physical well being? None, nada, zip!

Get in a serious car accident where you break several ribs and are struggling literally every passing second in agonizing pain with each breath you take as your rib cage expands and contracts worsening the already unbearable pain.

We'll see what you think about the need for any serious kick butt painkillers then. I've been thru that very scenario not just once but twice during the past decade so fully understand their purpose and need.

I've also been in a few car accidents and serious winter season falls which injured my spine and neck. Try sitting at your desk in front of a TV camera doing your job at the 6ABC studios under those difficult circumstances.

An Rx grade analgesic becomes absolutely necessary to reduce the pain level just sufficiently enough to make it thru your workday. I've also been thru that scenario well over a dozen times during the past 59 years. You'll be stunned to discover just how dramatically slower clocks run when under such physical duress.

Not many of us are as fortunate nor well off as you benefit and salary wise where we might have the luxury of taking a day or two off under such difficult circumstances. Many can't afford to take even a single day off without being unable to pay our grocery and other monthly bills.

Without the proper level of pain medication (such as Morphine) when medically necessary given severe injury or trauma a patient will quickly go into shock and die before anything can be done to reverse the situation.

Anyone who's ever served on the battlefield has witnessed and knows this cold hard reality. In fact, it's how most everyone will eventually die. The body lapses into a state of shock for one reason or another and completely shuts down organ by organ like a chain of dominoes in very short order.

Respectfully, Mike Adams

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bye bye, Morans. Don't let the door . . . well you know.


Texas Republicans barely avoided having to vote on whether Texas should secede from the United States on Friday. So I dragged out this old chestnut. TEXIT y'all! Founder lives in Russia.

November 13, 2012

Some folks want to secede "peacefully" from the Union and they have petitions at

Some Authoritarian types petitioned in return that the Secessionists should be deported. My Grands emigrated here from Italy and Poland. My question to the Deporters is this: To which Country would someone like me be deported? Do I get to choose? Most everybody here in America is an immigrant or a child of immigrants.

The second Authoritarian response I saw was "Bring it on." Those who do not remember the Civil War may be doomed to repeat it. Do you want your backyard looking like this again? "Bring it on," my Ass.

And the Authoritarians wonder why they lost the election? Shaking my damn head. You just cannot make this stuff up

I confess I signed the petition to deport the Secessionists even though I know it is bullshit. Sometimes Poo must be flung, know what I mean? Better Poo than Bullets. Or rocks.

Then somebody had a better idea. It was suggested in a petition that we give the poor forlorn Secessionists a nice warm cup of soup. I agree with the Soupers. This election has been exhausting. We are all a bit peckish.

Who knew the White House petition site was going to be so fun?

Saturday, May 7, 2016

I love my Daughters

Luscious Lulu accompanied me to the yarn store, we tried on a million shoes and bought none. And then Margarita's. Good Mexican restaurant. Always crowded and noisy. I had Chiles Rellenos and a Corona.  I have done my physical therapy duty. It hurts good hurt. And I am hanging at home. 

Tomorrow Lizzie Borden is taking me to the garden store in her car so I can carry stuff I cannot carry on the bus. Life is good. Tomorrow it may not rain. I may see Sun. I am going to plant cilantro and basil for sure. Life is good.

Art from Sun Inspired Mandalas.

I decided I am going to stop reading or looking at or listening to anything about the election for my own mental health. Woosah.

How many peaches will you get if you harm the Tree?

So I used my magic google finger again and searched WOMAN TREE and TREE WOMAN.

I got so many images, that like the Old Lady in the Shoe, I did not know what to do.

These are the images that spoke to my condition. You can use your finger to take you to magic googleland too.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Richard Mourdock Redux

Fetuses could be granted constitutional rights under measure approved by Missouri House

State Rep. Tila Hubrecht, R-Dexter, said during debate that women shouldn’t decide to get an abortion just because they are raped.

“It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist,’” she said. “Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.”

You can email Ms. Hubrecht. And just in case you do not remember Mr. Mourdock, you can go here to find out what and who he is.

She started doing political cartoons for The Greenville News in 1975.

In 1976, Kate joined the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists and attended her first AAEC convention. She and Etta Hulme, of The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, were the only two women cartoonists in attendance that year. Kate's husband, Jim, was the first male member of the then-called "Ladies Auxiliary".

In 1980, the (now renamed) Field Newspaper Syndicate began distributing Kate's cartoons nationwide. In 1981, she received the Freedoms Foundation's George Washington medal for editorial cartooning.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Signs of the Month - May 2016

I stopped finding signs when my garden bit me. So good to be back and at them. Them, of course varies.

The first image is sexy and funny. First Prize.

The second is a screen shot. It is the sign on the shirt that really creeps me out. Video below.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

My Gritty City Gets It Right - Update


Kathryn Knott, Dad, Bucks County Sued for $5 Million for “Retaliation” Over Anonymous Internet Comments
Read more at... 

Now send the Bucks County detectives after me, Knotts. I have bupkis and balls of steel. Will be a hoot to participate in a free speech mess. I am old. I got nothing to do but hang out. And I have a new screen name. See the comments.

Written February 9, ,2016

Kathryn Knott is going to jail for gay bashing. And she has been kicked out of the City of Philadelphia and cannot enter without a compelling reason to do so. 
God bless the Judge and Jury for keeping the Gayborhood safe for everybody. Philadelphia Magazine provides an archive of the whole affair.

Hugh E. Dillon's photographs of Brian Sim's protest in Love Park show you that in Philly, we really do take 'brotherly love' seriously. No bashing people just because you can.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Fuck YOU Adsense.

Update: The fuckers at google paid me. But now they will not let me use adsense on my food blog. Cute. Push me around and then kick me again
Close my adsense account. You will not censor my blog.

You will not force me to list my account as a porn site.

Publisher ID: pub-1222599309808625

Please remit money accrued. You have my bank information. You provide no other way for me to communicate with you. I looked and looked.

I think this is beautiful. You think it is porn.

I have Russian readers. What happened? Putin get upset? You want to see what real pornography is? Go here.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Crappy Crap

Somebody posted a link to this study on disqus. I am banned by the disqus blog, so I thought I would comment here. Really sucks to be bipolar sometimes. I cannot be tactful when crazed. 

I think the study is crap. People are influenced by what they read? Well duh. I must admit that the site is interesting otherwise.
As people increasingly turn to social media to access and create health evidence, the greater availability of data and information ought to help more people make evidence-informed health decisions that align with what matters to them. However, questions remain as to whether people can be swayed in favor of or against options by polarized social media, particularly in the case of controversial topics. We created a composite mock news article about home birth from six real news articles and randomly assigned participants in an online study to view comments posted about the original six articles. We found that exposure to one-sided social media comments with one-sided opinions influenced participants’ opinions of the health topic regardless of their reported level of previous knowledge, especially when comments contained personal stories. Comments representing a breadth of views did not influence opinions, which suggests that while exposure to one-sided comments may bias opinions, exposure to balanced comments may avoid such bias

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Memento Mori

Song: “Fear no more the heat o’ the sun” 

Related Poem Content Details

(from Cymbeline)
Fear no more the heat o’ the sun, 
Nor the furious winter’s rages; 
Thou thy worldly task hast done, 
Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages: 
Golden lads and girls all must, 
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. 

Fear no more the frown o’ the great; 
Thou art past the tyrant’s stroke; 
Care no more to clothe and eat; 
To thee the reed is as the oak: 
The scepter, learning, physic, must 
All follow this, and come to dust. 

Fear no more the lightning flash, 
Nor the all-dreaded thunder stone; 
Fear not slander, censure rash; 
Thou hast finished joy and moan: 
All lovers young, all lovers must 
Consign to thee, and come to dust. 

No exorciser harm thee! 
Nor no witchcraft charm thee! 
Ghost unlaid forbear thee! 
Nothing ill come near thee! 
Quiet consummation have; 
And renownèd be thy grave!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Redneck Liberal - Language Warning for Those at Work

I love this guy. I will not editorialize this too good speech. Says it all with no help from me. Enjoy. 

Art by Terry Bradley. You can purchase a print at his website. I call it Working Class Hero. I do not know what Terry calls it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My heart leaps for joy... Psalms 28:7

For a long time, I was a member of the Society of the Friends of Jesus (Quakers). It was and is a Hicksite congregation. We had silent meeting. No pastors. Each member had a ministry. I had an Arts ministry. It was austere and good. Note: Quakes would disapprove of my trashmouth ways. 

Truth be known, I love African American congregations and this is why. I understand why Friends choose to have no pastors. I must say nevertheless, this man speaks to my condition.:

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Springing Off with Update
It is Spring and the Bipolars are blooming. I am out of my mind. Please leave a message.

Trump makes me wonder if I have company on the trip.

Update: Seems I am not alone in wondering if Trump has diminished mental ability.

Does Donald Trump have dementia? by Steve King

Trump’s father, Fred Trump, suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease before his death in 1999. Recent studies have shown that Alzheimer’s affects its victims much earlier than previously thought, and, considering The Donald’s behavior on the campaign trail, it might not be too far off the mark to consider that Fred Trump gave more to his son than millions of dollars and a particularly virulent form of racism.

List of other articles re: Trump is nuts and/or has brain issues.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Hillary loves Henry. Henry is a dick. I feel the Bern.

This post has musical accompaniment below.

I am an anarchist who caucuses with Democrats. I am voting for Bernie. Hill thinks Henry Kissinger is just grand. Grand. He may be be charming and funny and intelligent. Still a dick.
Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.
Henry Kissinger
The issues are too important to be left for the voters.
Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger gets the Flying Dick award. First time recipient. My Brother and my Uncle are not useless dumb animals. If I have to hold my nose and vote for Hill, I will do so. We cannot have a Republican. But I do not like it. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Florida Asshat on Parade - Was Cara right that Ricky is an asshole?

Rick Scott met one of his constituents in a coffee shop. She tried to talk to him, got frustrated and called him an asshole.

Here is part of what she did:

Here is what Rick Scott did in retaliation.

Here is why she did it:

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Cruiser Cruz Gets the Bronx Cheer

I am the child of Polish and Italian immigrants. This event cheers me up. Notice they threw out an articulate non violent community leader.

I will vote for any Dem who gets the nomination. Dems do not want to shove things up my vagina for God.

Bronx cheer

a sound of derision or contempt made by blowing through closed lips with the tongue between them; a raspberry. 

PETS - Home Alone

I posted this because I love my pets and I know you love and care for yours too. I did not know this, although I knew plugged in electric coffeemakers have caused tragedies.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

PETS - Sunday Morning or How Hard Does Your Cat Work?

This is too funny. Just perfectly funny. On Sunday morning, all this pet owner wanted to do was watch the news on the TV. However, his cat, Henry, and black lab, Ellie, had wrestling in mind.

Friday, April 1, 2016

"Ever notice how sometimes you come across somebody you shouldn't have fucked with?"

The men of the Republican party believe that women and women alone are to be held responsible for the fact that humans have sex. Republicans lost women voters by 10 points nationally and are headed for a 20 point loss.

My Mother had an abortion because of financial hardship when it was illegal. She and my Dad decided three of us was all they could handle. We were 14, 12 and 10. My Mom could have died. I know a past President of NJ NOW whose Mother died of illegal abortion when she was 9 years old.

Mom was 37, working full time and doing IBEW work. Dad was intermittently crippled with a congenital form of arthritis. Another pregnancy would have been a serious social, financial and physical disruption for her and for our family. Most women who get an abortion already have children.

It is despicable to compel folks to give birth to children they cannot afford, and/or do not want, or are defective BY LAW. It is Nazi stuff.

Woman forced to give birth to stillborn in Texas

If you are one of the "prolife" activists, I have questions for you.

My body and its contents belongs to (pick one):

1. You.
2. the State.
3. Me and my family.

My children belong with and to:

1. You.
2. the State.
3. Me and my family.

I look forward to your answers. I will tell you something right now. You Republican ghouls will not turn me and my daughters into baby farmed corpses like poor Mrs. Munoz. We vote.

ILLEGAL ABORTION and CHILDBIRTH (sepsis and hemorrhage) are the leading causes of maternal death worldwide. Fertility is serious business for women. Abortion/contraception is a human right.

We know contraception prevents abortion. Why do folks like Huckabee want to interfere with women getting contraception? How many peaches will you get if you wound the Tree? And why is this fat jowly guy calling me a slut with a Sugar Daddy? That is the Christian Republican idea of good politics evidently. Jesus loves Huckabee but I think he is an anus.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Forcing Birth in Indiana

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Thursday signed a bill that bars women from seeking an abortion because the child will be born with a disability - like these in the video below perhaps.

Legislatures and Mike Pence must not practice obstetrics/gynecology or mandate unnecessary suffering for women and their families.

Birth defects can cause problems in overall health, how the body develops or how the body works. Learn about birth defects and other health conditions, what they are and how they happen. Common birth defects include heart defects, cleft lip and cleft palate and spina bifida. Read more from the March of Dimes. 

If the State acts in loco parentis and takes choice of whether to bear a child with Downs Syndrome, a more common birth defect, from its biological parents, then the State must pay all expenses associated with such forced birth.

Enjoy, Indiana, the tremendous tax burden you have just assumed with this bill. I know the State will love and provide for these babies generously. Sure they will. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I hope they vote as hard as they rap. I hope everybody votes.

I have a great relationship with the blacks. I've always had a great relationship with the blacks.
Robinson, Eugene (18 April 2011), "Donald Trump as GOP hopeful: Take him seriously", The Washington Post, retrieved on 2011-05-07
I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters. - Donald Trump
Laziness is a trait in the blacks. ... Black guys counting my money! I hate it. - Donald Trump
"Fuck Trump." Thank you, dat Terance and your friends. I second that emotion. And I am a 73 year old Pink Lady.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sharron Angle is a Hoot - UPDATE

UPDATE:  Sharron Angle, the GOP’s disastrous 2010 nominee, is back for another Senate campaign in Nevada. READ more... 

October 19, 2010

Sharron Angle (I call her Spangle because she sparkles so) is one of the most entertaining candidates running for public office. Every day she presents us with some new atrocity.  I am laughing myself silly. And buying lots of popcorn.

Spangle calls press conferences and then runs from the press.

Spangle is campaigning to do away with Social Security as we know it, just as the biggest population wave the USA ever experienced, the Baby Boomers, are getting ready to apply for the retirement funds they spent their entire lives paying into. Bad timing at the least.

Spangle thinks my sex life is her business and rapists should be able to choose the Mother of their babies the old fashioned Biblical way: If you rape her, she must marry you and/or bear your child.  As Big Ed would put it, it is Psycho Talk. Spangle smiles while she compares incest pregnancy to ... "lemons?" Huh?

I note lots of Folks asking if Spangle is stupid or crazy for taking these stances and smiling away while people gasp. Spangle seems not to hear the gasps or notice the dropped jaws.

Spangle is neither stupid nor crazy necessarily. I am a recovered addict. I can spot an addict easily. Spangle is making my High Alarm clang bigtime. Spangle looks and acts like a lady in my Quaker Meeting who is misusing (with the help of her physician daughter) Xanax. Same ever present big fat meaningless smile, same vacant wide eyed countenance, same lack of appropriate affect. Smiling and smiling.

 If it is yellow like a duck, quacks like a duck ... well, you know. Prescription drug misuse is common in America. It happens to the nicest people even, witness the lady from my Meeting. Nicest lady you could meet and she runs the First Day School. Smiling.

I could be wrong; I often am. Bigtime wrong. But in this case, I don't think so. We need to randomly and regularly drug test public employees, especially Congress. What is sauce for the working American must be sauce for our employees.

This is why Horsey is a Pulitzer Prize Winning Editorial Cartoonist.

    David Horsey
    Editorial cartoonist

    David Horsey is a Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist in the United States. His cartoons appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer until December 2011 and in the Los Angeles Times currently and are syndicated to newspapers nationwide. - Wikipedia

Friday, March 18, 2016

It is Good to be the King - Mel Brooks

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato
I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position. - Mark Twain American Claimant (1892).
On Sunday, my Daughter and I are throwing a Writing-a-letter-to-Senators festival. Will not take long. We have stamps and envelopes and paper. Do your job, Senators. SCOTUS needs a new Justice. Lots of work to do.
“A Bloomberg poll found that 78 percent of voters would like to see Citizens United overturned, and this view held across a range of partisan loyalties: Republicans at 80 percent; Democrats at 83; and independents at 71.”

I would vote for Trump tomorrow, the shitweasel, if he said "When I am POTUS, we are going to try the architects of the Iraq War, which has impoverished all of us, for treason." Trump said that the Suits lied us into the Iraq war and that took big giant balls. Or a lot of cocaine. That is how Donald Trump the Vulgar could become King. Think about it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

BOLERO - Musical Interlude for Attitude Adjustment

Published on Jan 10, 2014 
Le Boléro de Ravel interprété par des musiciens de l'Orchestre national d'Île-de-France et des étudiants du conservatoire à rayonnement départemental d'Aulnay-sous-Bois lors d'un Flashmob à la gare Saint-Lazare en novembre 2013. Direction Christophe Mangou.

Why do we hurt each other when we could do this instead?

Monday, March 14, 2016


In the morning they are giving me injections into the nerves in my lower spine. The injections do not bother me. The anesthesia that takes away my consciousness scares me. I might not wake up.

I am worrying about the general state of my consciousness for other reasons as well. I am having fantasies in print of stabbing Trump protesters. I am 73 and having a hard go walking at the moment. So while I am serious, the whole plan is silly. At least for now.

So my Shrink has a word for what I am doing at the moment. I cannot remember what the word is. Damn. I have a mood disorder. I once ran someone over with a car. I have to work at living a little differently than others. I have to notice myself.

I am getting caught up in the air of violence coming out of my TV set. Even though they say the steroids into the spine will not make me manic, they are full of shit. Less manic than other forms. Thank God for Ativan.

I started reading about the Shoah and Hitler when I was about 17. I read William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich in 1960. I read all the books about Evil and Zen that followed. I am a well read maniac. The Republican Party is scaring the beejesus out me. The Trump rallies are like cruelty parties. I am a Polish Roman Catholic. I know about cruelty parties. I have been in the middle of a mob of good old boys. Scary.

So, wish me luck. In spite of my whining, I will be fine. And my dropped foot and pain will have further improved. And Shrink is calling me tomorrow. I still want to stab people. Thank God for Ativan.