Tuesday, October 18, 2016

MOLON LABE PUSSY GRABBERS - Sign of the Month October 2016

Monsters by Andrea Dietrich

Monsters live in houses, like you and I. 
They eat and sleep and go to work each day. 
They laugh and they feel pain.
Perhaps they cry!

They have different games they like to play.
They need to have control.
Therefore, most seek a victim
who is young or not so strong.

They think they are almighty,
but their mind is weak. 
Depraved, they pay no heed to right or wrong. 
They may seem crude, but some of them are slick. The ones with brains play too well at their game.

All monsters love what normal folks find sick. 
They brutalize and rape, and feel no shame. Beware! One could be living on your street or be that charming guy you’ve chanced to meet!

Monday, October 10, 2016

::: pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy :::

Take this as an invitation to show us your precious pussy. Meow. A picture of your cat will do. Heh. Or find us another pussy song and post it in the comments.

Photograph is a flower Hydnora africana.

Hydnora africana is an plant native to southern Africa that is parasitic on the roots of members of the Euphorbiaceae family. The plant grows underground, except for a fleshy flower that emerges above ground and emits an odor of feces to attract its natural pollinators, dung beetles, and carrion beetles. The flowers act as traps for a brief period retaining the beetles that enter, then releasing them when the flower is fully opened.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Crooked Hillary

I am voting for Crooked Hillary. Crooked Trump gets caught. I like people who do not get caught.

Now that mess is dealt with, this is why we must persevere and wear the name Social Justice Warrior with pride. The children are watching us and weeping.
Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not. Jeremiah 31:15

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Van Gogh Paintings Recovered

2 Stolen Van Gogh Recovered By Anti-Mafia Police In Italy
September 30, 2016
Anti-mafia police in Naples, Italy, have recovered two paintings by Vincent van Gogh that were stolen from a museum in Amsterdam more than a decade ago.
The Van Gogh Museum announced Friday that a curator inspected the two works, at the request of Italian authorities, and 'drew a firm conclusion: They are the real paintings!' 
The director of the Van Gogh Museum, Axel RĂ¼ger, said the museum owed a debt of gratitude to Dutch and Italian authorities. 'The paintings have been found!' he said in a statement. 'That I would be able to ever pronounce these words is something I had no longer dared to hope for.' Read more...
I traveled to the Brooklyn Museum to see the Van Gogh exhibit. I had to stand in a long line of art lovers cheek by jowl. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I Got a Flu Shot and What is Truth?

It tired me out that shot. I can I do nothing but have flan for breakfast. I like it when my day starts with a laugh and the joke has historical precedent.

Did your Mom fall for "Not my fault. It was Jimmy who made me do it. Honest, Mom, I did not want to."?
"No matter what is said up there (in Newark), I had no knowledge prior to or during these lane realignments," Christie said. "I had no role in authorizing it. I had no knowledge of it. And there has been no evidence ever put forward that I did." - Chris Christie
and an oldie but a goody.
In the presence of English Barons, Henry II—who is now utterly vexed by Becket's actions—cries out: Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest? Believing the King meant for Becket to be murdered, four knights ride to Canterbury Cathedral and kill Becket on December 29, 1170.
Murder of Thomas Becket - Awesome Stories
and a nothing with a tautology
The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. - John G. Roberts Jr.  
See what happened when the Roberts court did that and what I predicted here and what happened here. 
What is truth?...I am innocent of the blood of this just person; see ye to it. - Pontius Pilate
Evidently this is tradition. It is somebodys other than the real perpetrator who should take care of the mess. We take good care of and give money to the mass poisoner and ignore the poisoned with our taxes. The Big Mahoff never goes to jail. It is no longer a sane strategy to be law abiding in the USA.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Any man can lose his hat in a fairy-wind. - Irish Proverb - UPDATE

John Michael Gray of The Hat Sisters has gone to glory. Rest in Peace and Feathers. A GoFundMe site has been set up to help Gray’s husband and Hat Sisters partner defray medical expenses. From the page:
In time of great social turbulence, profound illness, isolation and heartbreak in the gay community, John Michael Gray and Tim O’Connor created an extrodinary and heroic presence, by creating flamboyant works of fascinator haberdashery. The Hat Sisters joyously and generously entertained people from all walks of life with their unique and artistic fashion statement. They did not walk away from controversy. They walked towards acceptance, breaking down barriers of prejudice wherever they went. Just as they walked for us then, we will walk for them now.
I need to get out more. I just found The Hat Sisters. They have been making hats for fun, charity and each other for 30 years. I love hats. The Hat Sisters could be seen in their natural habitat at Carnival in Provincetown in July for many years. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Filth and Dirt - Censorship and Poetry

Disqus is an internet comment system I use on my blog.

Dear doG, I hate internet censorship with all my heart and soul. Disqus channels' robot censor suspends Charles Bukowski. A Poetry site. He is unacceptable. I wonder if he will ever get out of PENDING. 

I tell you the truth, I cannot live in a world where Bukowski is unacceptable and I cannot use the word SLUT in a bit of Doggerel. I wonder if I will ever get out of PENDING.

Here is my doggy silly transgression:
He's oozing all over me.
Fat right winger on a spree,
Peddling God for the GOP.

Calling me 'slut' for a fee,
To takeThe Pill from me,
Peddling shame and eternity.

Left FUX Snooze TV,
To run for the Presidency
An act of cupidity.

Just ignore the crucifix in the parlor.
Suckabuck sells Jesus for the dollar.
Here is what the great Bukowski is not allowed to say. And he is such a cute old guy. I think he was old when he was young. And he got younger when he got older.

Ultimately, when I think about it, I have been pretty unacceptable at times. When you are bipolar, you tend unacceptable. So take the grain of salt with the whining.

Back To The Machine Gun - Poem by Charles Bukowski

I awaken about noon and go out to get the mail
in my old torn bathrobe.
I'm hung over
hair down in my eyes
gingerly walking on the small sharp rocks
in my path
still afraid of pain behind my four-day beard.

the young housewife next door shakes a rug
out of her window and sees me:
"hello, Hank!"

god damn! it's almost like being shot in the ass
with a .22

"hello," I say
gathering up my Visa card bill, my Pennysaver coupons,
a Dept. of Water and Power past-due notice,
a letter from the mortgage people
plus a demand from the Weed Abatement Department
giving me 30 days to clean up my act.

I mince back again over the small sharp rocks
thinking, maybe I'd better write something tonight,
they all seem
to be closing in.

there's only one way to handle those motherfuckers.

the night harness races will have to wait.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Teenager Cold Cocks a Pervert and Gets Arrested - UPDATE

Teenager Cold Cocks a Pervert

I love this. I would do the same to any sexpig Preacher. 

There is a difference between Law and Justice. The Pervert Preacher got justice; Tabitha Brubaker got law.

You go, Tabitha Brubaker. Such a satisfying sound that bat makes. I wonder if the pervert came when she connected?

This Pervert Preacher denounces homosexuality and holds signs telling young women they deserve rape for not being true Christians.

Brother Dean posted YouTube video of his demonstration at Apollo High School. In the video, Dean admits he is often confronted and yelled at. He uses a megaphone to tell students they're going to hell.

It is too bad they do not teach Machiavelli in high school. 
People should either be caressed or crushed. If you do them minor damage they will get their revenge; but if you cripple them there is nothing they can do. If you need to injure someone, do it in such a way that you do not have to fear their vengeance. ― NiccolĂ² Machiavelli
Her big mistake was that she rendered her act without thinking things through. She didn't plan accordingly to deliver her brand of "street justice" without getting caught. Perhaps she should have toked a bit more and thought it through.
All she had to do was a little homework, casing, observation, and planning.
Wait outside his place of employ/home/worship, etc after dusk donning dark clothing, leather gloves, a ski mask and a tire iron. Simply wait for him to exit into the outdoors. Ski mask over face, walk over, deliver karma across kneecaps, and cleanly escape into the night via a pre-planned getaway scheme. Lay low for a couple of days, say nothing to no one, no posts on FB, no tweets about it... discard any forensic evidence ala Dexter style... boom... done. Maybe she learned a few things for next time. :P
Listen to all the shyte this pervert said to children. No need to wait for the thunk. You can scroll to the end and listen a couple of times to the nice solid connection Tabitha made with a good ash bat. 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Jokes from God

I write Comedy and Plays among other things like this Blog. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

Example: this conversation about

"Did Bill Clinton bump uglies with Liz Gurley while Hillary was in the room next door?"

on a right wing blog. Authoritarians worry about these things. This conversation is verbatim.
Our Bill, he's a slut and I love him.
he's also probably had to deal with his share of STD's and I would be surprised if his 'tool' has shriveled up and fell off by now. What a disgusting pig of a man. God help us though because Oblamer is worse than him. Barry is a man slut. (sic)
You have a rich full fantasy life.
And you have your cranium up your distal alimentary canal.
Google "scat" and you will get what you so obviously want and need.
I don't buy this crap. Bubba is a sex fiend but I don't think every woman in the world is susceptible to his serpent-tongued "sweet talking". I'm sure there are quite a few women who would vomit at the prospect.
One can only hope this is true but I think it is becoming more of a rarity. Even my ex-wife was "sweet talked" by some low life from the internet she met playing scrabble. Doesn't say much for her and the woman she has become. I'm with a woman now who I can confidently say would fall into that category of those "who would vomit at the prospect." She's a real lady, all woman and a total class act, so to speak.
I would do Bill Clinton in a New York minute. Let me at him. Sexiest man in the world. One of the smartest men in the world too. I envy Hillary bigtime.
You like perverts? He also has a few rapes under his belt. Wear a condom, don't want those nasty STD's!
Depends on the pervert. I do not like you.
I am writing a play (trying to write a play) about the politics and sociology of abortion/contraception in the USA. "What is funny about that?" you might ask. Good question. I was asking myself the same question. And coming up with nada.

People do not come to your plays if you bore them silly. All I have to do is plug this conversation among characters into the script with a bit of editing. Cracks me up. Scrabble? This is the wages of hanging out on message boards. Laughing my ass off.

Monday, September 12, 2016

It is a Kurt Vonnegut world. So it goes. - UPDATE - Monument go Boom!

Oh, a sleeping drunkard
Up in Central Park,
And a lion-hunter
In the jungle dark,
And a Chinese dentist, 
And a British queen--
All fit together 
In the same machine. 
Nice, nice, very nice;
Nice, nice, very nice;
Nice, nice, very nice--
So many different people
In the same device.
― Kurt VonnegutCat's Cradle
The Satanic Temple plans to erect a monument to Satan in Oklahoma. It may include an interactive display for children. This is the statue. Satanic Temple has proposed to erect it on the Capitol Building lawn near the Ten Commandments Monument recently erected at the State Capitol.

The ACLU is suing to take down the Ten Commandments Monument. And the Satanists say they do not have a problem with the Ten Commandments Monument as long as Satan gets equal time. The Atheists are suing the State because the Constitution...well you know.

Lord Hanuman moves the Mountain
Rajan Zed, president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, said in a statement that if the Oklahoma State Capitol was open to different monuments, "We would love to have a statue of Lord Hanuman, who was greatly revered and worshiped and known for incredible strength and was a perfect grammarian."

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has also expressed interest in erecting their own monument and have been denied. Get out the popcorn. This is going to be a hoot.

Touched by His Noodly Appendage

Ten Commandments Monument reduced to rubble. 

Quote: Reed allegedly told agents with the Secret Service that Satan made him crash his car into the statue. He also told agents that the devil told him to urinate on the monument. 


Quote: “The Satanic Temple was appalled to learn of the act of destructive vandalism laid upon the 10 Commandments monument in Oklahoma today. As many are aware, we are seeking to have a Satanic monument erected alongside the 10 Commandments — and only alongside the 10 Commandments. We do not want our monument to stand alone. If our monument stands at the state Capitol, we want it to compliment and contrast the 10 Commandments, with both standing unmolested as a testament to American religious freedom and tolerance. We hope that by respecting religious liberty in allowing our monument to be displayed, Oklahoma will help ameliorate any animosity between differing perspectives, not cultivate them.”

“To be clear, The Satanic Temple will not seek to erect its monument unless the 10 Commandments is restored.” Oklahoma City has the option to wait until the ACLU’s case regarding the legal status of the 10 Commandments is resolved before it permits its replacement. However, if the 10 Commandments is immediately reconstructed, our monument will be ready for unveiling quite soon.”

Monday, August 29, 2016

Life is Good or Drunk Ramblings

I got a bottle of Stella Artois and some decent doob. I got the Monday night quiets. And that is good. It is cooling down a bit outside.

Huma and Hillary prove the law. When a husband acts like a manwhore and follows his dick, it always his wife's sin/fault/responsibility. I get married and his dick becomes mine. I do not ever want to be a dicksitter.

Walter brought me a copy of the Polish paper and the St. John Cantius festival is happening again. Maybe I can find some old Polish Eagle to jump on. And I need real Polish food like a drunkard needs his booze.

I will give more information about the festival, but at the moment I am trashed. And happy about it. And dancing my ass on out here in internetland.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Super Mary Says No No! Musical Accompaniment Provided Below.

Flip Benham's float or march presentation entered into a Pride Day Parade celebration can be seen in the video below.

Tasteless and poorly rehearsed. No feathers. No body paint. At least Westboro has banners.

Flip Benham is the guy way in the back wearing jeans, white shirt, red tie, suspenders and large bay window. Muscle and Bullhorns. So phallic.

I cannot understand why some sweet slightly crippled old lady like me has not walked up to this fat ugly Benham dude all smiling, crucifix flying and kicked him square in his junk. 

One could roll up in one's wheelchair on one of the Twins, pretending to have found a rainbow dildo that has got you all twitterpated, and use your cane. Badda bing.

I admit that on manic days I advocate violence. I am a diagnosed nut. I do not hit people or disrespect them in real life. Only in my blog fantasy. What is Flip Benham and his Sons excuse? Why fret? They dissing folks for Jesus. We all know that is not good. Ain't Christian. But it is mighty Right.

Losing my Mind on Tuesday Afternoon

Very often the comments on my little essays are better than my remarks. A fine intelligent creative set of folks bless me with their company.

PhoebeQueen said something in the comments recently that spoke to my condition.
I understand people are testy. I can see it all around me. People have lost their fucking minds.
I saw my handsome Black neighbor waiting on the EL by chance. So we chatting. He looks me dead in the eyes and tells me he is voting for Trump. And grins.

Man is about 55 and he must work in some serious sort of job. Always spotless white shirt. Black suit. Never jeans. If he wears jeans on Saturday they are pressed.

I try to find out why. For him, like a lot of Trump's supporters, this is a big fuck you to Republicans and Congress. Race has nothing to do with it. Or party really. Democrats included. Bi partisan FUCK YOU.

I am giving him the whole whitebread civil rights argument and he is steady nodding. I asked him straight out "I can tell by your grin you are going to vote for the monster." His grin got bigger.

 "What have you got to lose?" asks Trump. And that is a good question.

Somebody tell this Hippy that my Neighbor is not correct. Tell me that the intelligent vote right now is not a big FUCK YOU in one form or another. Talk me down. I have lost my mind.

I get it. What is there to respect? Right now there is a Governor who is a proven poisoner of children and others. Public tax money is paying for his defense. He is wealthy; he will never see one day in prison. Nobody is fixing the poison pipes. We are paying, you and me, to save the Poisoner rather than stop the poisoning. I so get it. My Neighbor is correct. There needs to be a big FUCK YOU.

The Black Man who made this video knows where he stands and who he is. I am just a flaming ball of rage and sadness. Lady Shrink told me today that many folks are experiencing fear, sadness and rage during this endless disgusting campaign.

Fear and sadness and rage are contagious. Especially for those of us who are second generation Americans with Grandparents who immigrated here fleeing grinding poverty and/or war and Fascism. Lady Shrink says Do not Look. Disengage. But it is like a car wreck on the interstate. You cannot look away. I get it that the Black Men's forebears have been here, speaking English, longer than mine.

I learned a new phrase. Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable. In short, remote-control murder by lone wolf. This is a disgusting election. It has to be over soon.

Comment from my Millennial Daughter:

The problem is for a long time politicians. especially GOPers, no matter how much they "want" to lower taxes, use taxpayers as one big endless slush fund. I think they act this way because taxes are taken out automatically. No citizen is trusted to pay them ourselves like we do gas and electric bills.

To be fair I like paying taxes for things like schools, roads, social programs whether I benefit from these things or not, and I appreciate not having to remember to pay them but I am incensed by the sheer piglike attitude of some state, local and sometimes federal politicians and their assumption that I am a cash bearing tree, ever fruitful and never in need of gardening care.

Do I want to fund a big war machine? No. Do I want to keep sending military aid to countries with so so human rights. No. If you "love America" then start speaking up about what taxes you don't like while shutting up and paying up. Don't just shout no more taxes.

Where do you live that money is not needed to keep the ball rolling? I don't want to hear some old man with no kids tell me he doesn't want his taxes to pay for public schools. Do you want to live in a nation full of idiots incapable of creating, thinking, or even defending our country. This isn't about "issues" its about common sense use of public money.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Smile with Music

Even though I am sick to death of this election, I am going to make telephone calls at the Democratic Party local headquarters on Wednesday night.

I give good phone. I used to work on the phone selling advertising for the Princeton Packet group of newspapers. I started in classified and won a prize selling the most Pick a Present ads at Christmas.

Never volunteered for a political party before. Did lots of volunteer church work. Trashmouth old me cleans up good if I have to. It is so hot that I spend most of my time at home in my undies. This was a good excuse to put on a skirt, some jewelry, a little Chanel.

I met Alvin, my section leader. He is 26 and cute. Too clean cut for me. I like the faintly evil type. August, the month of boredom and flies.

Art from Freaking News. 

Smile is based on an instrumental theme used in the soundtrack for the 1936 Charlie Chaplin movie Modern Times. Chaplin composed the music, inspired by Puccini's Tosca. John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons added the lyrics and title in 1954.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #4 - Buster Keaton

One who never smiled, carried a face as still and sad as a daguerreotype through some of the most preposterously ingenious and visually satisfying comedy ever invented. That was Buster Keaton.
James Agee in "Comedy's Greatest Era" in LIFE magazine (5 September 1949), p. 75
Buster Keaton is one of the great physical comedians. This short film used to be hard to find. All Keaton's work is now in the public domain. 

The seduction scene with Charlotte Greenwood is so funny, I almost choked from laughing so hard. Enjoy. The entire film was made by using Keaton's home as the set.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Signs of the Month - August 2016

Drawing by Avelict at Deviant Art. He draws hands often and this was my favorite. 

Twang my Magic Goggle Finger! 

ANTI TRUMP SIGNS. These signs were the ones I like the best.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #3 - Red Skelton Comic Genius

Red Skelton thought of himself a clown rather than a comic:
"A comedian goes out and hits people right on. A clown uses pathos. He can be funny, then turn right around and reach people and touch them with what life is like. I just want to be known as a clown, because to me that's the height of my profession. It means you can do everything—sing, dance and above all, make people laugh."
Red Skelton was also a fine painter and he sold a considerable amount of his work. See the illustration on the right entitled Holly Clown.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

FANghazi ! - Update

Skeletor rides again. I know PROGRESSIVES will whine now and call me looksist. Up their giggy. Implying Governor Rick Scott of Florida is a monster is right on point. See the article below. I think this would make a fabulous Halloween costume.

Better yet. Read the article in its entirety at the provided link. Then ask yourself:
Self - is this the kind of medical mind we want to have in charge of public health in the time of Ebola and antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis? And now Zika?
Essentially, Scott created a incurable virulent public disease vector to save money? So, how good is he on Zika? No good. Scott is offering Zika kits, we are told. Funny thing is, nobody knows where the kits are or how to get one.

I have been thinking and reading for awhile about this subject. If you feel like it, Cher Reader, kindly leave a comment and tell me what your Self thinks. I get lonely in the kitchen.

Despite a warning from the Centers for Disease Control, it's the latest move by the Florida governor to gut public services.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Help. I am Manic. I had to take an ativan.

I absolutely hate feeling this way. I can remember dancing for hours and hours to dance it away. Dance until you drop.

I had a newspaper columnist lover who wrote at home. He had a wooden floor and original 78s of folks like Nat King Cole. He would lend me his spare room and I would dance for hours. I miss him.

I ran my second husband over with a Volkswagen feeling this way. Hubby saw the look on my face and his face turned white. I floored it. He knew there was no way to outrun me and he looked around frantically for a savior. He saw a small wide ditch and dived for it. My wheels ran right the fuck over him. By the time I got ready for the second pass, he had made it to the house.

God saved me. Always had a soft spot for God after that. My child did not need to have a Mother in jail. Hubby stayed with me another 10 years. I often wonder who exactly was the crazy one? The whole thing was so sad.

So, all I have to say is, talk me down, Friends. I am lonesome, horny, maudlin and dangerous. Okay, Ativan kicking in. I will be napping in blessed peace and not stabbing anyone. Good thing. Be back later.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dead Comedians Sunday #2 - I will take France...ahem...Ukraine.

Time for some attitude adjustment. Plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂªme chose.
"I drank myself a thousand bottles of vodka. I celebrated night after night. They beat the crap out of me. I am now the Putin."
Rest in laughter, Jon and Milton.

Mort Sahl is still with us and going strong. See Milty give him a comedy lesson below.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

This election is making me crazed. How you doing?

The physicians at Penn are some of the best in the world. My psychiatrist is a Penn guy and just as smart as he can be. He has a silver white beard and he looks like a Jewish Santa Claus. He is funny and it feels good to just be around him. I mention his appearance because he said something interesting. "I believe in the old saying," he said "that after 50, one gets the face one deserves."

I rest his case. I tried hard to find one where Trump was not grimacing. Speaking as an actor, I wonder if Trump practices his expressions and head angles in a mirror, but I digress:

Top of Trump

Bottom of Trump

The Alternative. I tried to get one with neutral expression and wrinkles not air brushed away.

Hillz bottom.

No contest for me. What, Cher Reader, do you think? I know, the whole thing is ridiculous, right? At this point, nothing seems too ridiculous in light of what we have seen. Maybe Santa Claus is right. Here is how one artist sees it on Freaking News below.

I say: Let the debates begin! Some people say Trump is going to chicken out. This is the best election ever. Thank you, Santa, for my Ativan. My Russian readership just tripled. Any of my Russian readers want to tell me why? Can somebody translate what is on his cap?

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Hillz is here to save the day! Commonsense is on the way!

Video illustrates one of the reasons I am voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton for POTUS. Go Hillz! Balls of steel.

Hemorrhage and sepsis in childbirth and illegal abortion are the three leading causes of maternal death worldwide. Abortion and contraception, indeed a full spectrum of reproductive health care, are human rights.

Legislatures must not practice medicine. Trump says women must be punished for having an abortion. We will go back to that standard of reproductive healthcare over his dead body. Figuratively speaking of course. Fuck you, NSA.

Dead Comedians Sunday #1

Television: A medium. So called because it's neither rare nor well done. - Ernie Kovacs
Ernest Edward "Ernie" Kovacs (January 23, 1919 – January 13, 1962) was an American comedian, actor, and writer. Kovacs' visually experimental and often spontaneous comedic style influenced numerous television comedy programs for years after his death by automobile accident. - wikipedia
Ernie Kovacs does Tchaikovsky. Ernie told a lie. Ernie did television well and often. Rest in Laughter. I cannot leave out Solfeggio at the end.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bigot's Blood Sweat and Tears

I have been following the struggle in North Carolina for LGBTQ civil rights and against State interference in local government. The NBA has announced it will move the NBA championship competition to New Orleans. Wow.

This is the response of Pastor Mark Creech, one of the architects of HB2, via press release. I am sure this speech will comfort the business community. Sure it will.

“Under the direction of Adam Silver, a man who has advocated for the legalization of the evil and immoral practice of sports betting, it comes as no surprise that he now leads the NBA in a malicious scheme to score a wicked goal on North Carolina.

It’s simple despite the NBA’s objections and misrepresentation of HB 2. Men shouldn’t be allowed to use women’s bathrooms. Women and young girls shouldn’t be forced to undress or shower in the presence of men. Neither should the government be allowed to force people or groups to promote ideas or participate in events they find morally objectionable. HB 2 overturned Charlotte’s egregious ordinance which would have perpetrated these injustices on its citizens, as well as others in the state.

North Carolina shouldn’t be daunted in its support for its lawmakers who passed the bill or it’s Governor, who signed it. We should only be ashamed if we were willing to prostitute the safety of our women and children out for the approval of sports and entertainment figures and the promise of their money. We should only be ashamed if we were willing to sell America’s birthright, which entitles private businesses and churches to live and work according to their peacefully held beliefs, in exchange for the NBA’s mess of pottage.

Make no mistake, by insisting that the common sense measure HB 2 either be repealed or amended as they require before bringing the All-Star Game to Charlotte, is not only a form of blackmail, but a decadence based in political correctness that turns true morality on its head.

North Carolina should answer the NBA in the same manner Peter responded to sinful Simon Magus in Acts chapter 8 and verse 20. In so many words the Apostle said, ‘May your silver perish with you, because you thought something so precious and sacred could be purchased with money.”

Meanwhile, Governor McCrory moans and pules  Oh the schadenfreude. It is delicious.

This is the good man who made it clear to the NBA that leaving was the ethical thing to do.

USA Today reports:

In a ballroom at the Wynn hotel and casino in Las Vegas two weeks ago, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, team owners and high-ranking league executives attended a Board of Governors meeting to discuss league issues.
In a poignant address, Golden State Warriors president and chief operating officer Rick Welts, 63, who is openly gay, explained his meaningful and lifelong affiliation with the NBA and told league owners he didn’t feel comfortable attending the All-Star Game in Charlotte if the law remained as is.
His words weren’t emotional, and they weren’t delivered as a threat. But Welts, who was instrumental in shaping All-Star weekend into the big-time event it is today, didn’t plan on attending if the North Carolina law wasn’t repealed or changed.]
Following the meeting, a few owners talked, and a prevailing message emerged: If Rick Welts doesn’t feel comfortable coming to the All-Star Game, the decision to relocate just got easier.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Banned Room just sent me this pile of shit.

NebDem and Crazed Ricki, go fuck yourselves with a rusty shovel. 

I do not go to your blog. Do not come to mine. You are nuts the both of you. I spent 5 minutes on your blog and inherited this? I do not know either of you whackjobs. I was invited to come to your blog. The moment I got there I was attacked by Crazed Ricki. I am not going to ban someone here because you do not like something someone said there at BR.

Any further threatening letters you send me will go automatically to SPAM. Cunts. Mortacci tua.

Re: Disqus User "17"

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:00 AM, Neb and Ricki The Banned Room <thebannedroom@gmail.com>wrote:

Disqus User "17" (hereinafter referred to as "User") is a poster on your blog, Plum Street Chili. As a poster on your blog, he continues to harass, threaten and target, RIcki and Nebdem, both of whom are co-owners of a blog which uses the Disqus commenting system, The Banned Room. User is using your forum as a vehicle to perpetrate his harassment and threats. The Banned Room currently averages approximately 8,000 comments per week, and has a solid base and community.

It has repeatedly come to our attention that User is in continued violation of the Terms of Service for Disqus, specifically, Basic Rules No. 1 and 4, and Plum Street Chili is in continued violation of the Terms of Service for Disqus, specifically, Basic Rule No. 1, which state as follows:

"Disqus doesn't moderate or manage the communities that use Disqus,but using Disqus to do any of the following things breaks our Terms of Service and appropriate action (which can include removing a comment or discussion, resetting a profile, or banning an account) will be taken to enforce them.

Targeted harassment or encouraging others to do so

The targeted and systematic harassment of people has no place on Disqus, nor do we tolerate communities dedicated to fostering harassing behavior.
Direct threat of harm

This covers active threats of harm directed towards a specific person or defined group of individuals."

It appears that Plum Street Chili has not acted in good faith in moderating the comments posted by User. Plum Street Chili has yet to acknowledge the serious nature of User's continual harassment and threats. User has a separate chat page created on Chatzy.com and is using this chat page to slander, harass, threaten and libel, Ricki, Nebdem and The Banned Room. He has solicited other Disqus Users while on your forum, to join him in his vendetta to collect information for the sole intended purposes of slandering, harassing, libeling and threatening, Ricki, Nebdem and The Banned Room, which in turn is having a direct negative impact upon their reputations and brand. User is advertising this chat page on your forum at every opportunity. User advertises this chat page on your forum each and every time he posts as it is provided as a link on his open user profile.

This communication is for the express purpose of putting Plum Street Chili on notice that the blog is fostering the behavior and practices of User and it is unacceptable, and, again, in direct violation of the Terms of Service for Disqus, specifically, Basic Rules No. 1 and 4.

We have every expectation that Plum Street Chili will choose to be in compliance with the Terms of Service for Disqus and will ban User from further engagement on the blog, including deletion of any and all comments by User and any other party regarding same. We would appreciate a timely response to this communication regarding your intentions moving forward.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


The Banned Room

Monday, July 18, 2016

Catcall This! - Artists Give Me Such A Woody

I found a new political cartoonist. Go to Angry Girl Comics for more from this new to me cartoonist Wendy M. Xu.

I must give credit where credit is due: some of the most thought provoking and startling images on the Internet can be found at sexgenderbody. For grownups only.

I love this man. I am voting for his wife with bells on. Also too.

Hey America. Remember when your biggest problem was some guy getting a blowjob?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Australian Sex Party

The Australian Sex Party fights for common sense policies around gender and sexual equality, secular government, drug law reform, taxing religious institutions and voluntary assisted dying. 

Do Australians do it better?