Showing posts with label Boys with Toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boys with Toys. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2017

Death Guitar in Las Vegas - Hat Tip to Dave Hickey

I woke up to news of the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

The Republicans passed a bill to make sure whackadoos like me can get guns.


Business community especially take note. These are the places it is no longer safe to go in America because of domestic terrorists: movie theatres, malls, concerts, schools, church, book fairs, parades. Can we fix this now please?

We used to have parades with kids riding bicycles with red white blue bunting. We gave a prize for the best decorated bike. The Mayor and the Knights of Columbus marched.

The mass shooters are primarily white native born males. I think that most of them carried legal guns. It is fair to say many of them had and have mental illness. Like me.

We are suffering in America from stochastic terrorism. I understand numbers better with a graph. I think the graph is saying "Stay out of public places."

Especially now that we have vehicle terrorists and some Repubs are trying to make mowing down protesters in your car legal.

Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable. In short, remote-control murder by lone wolf. Learn more at the link.
This is an example of stochastic terrorism, one of many, used by our POTUS which I saw on cable TV. And here is another example:

And this is an example of the crazy thinking gun toting POTUS and other stochastic terrorists produce. This man is threatening to shoot women of a particular political persuasion.

Artists are fighting back. Read the story of the Chump Change mural.

Words cannot convey my pain, sympathy and sorrow. Music can.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Bullshitters Bullshittng

"Let's take America as an example. America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"
- American-born al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn
I resolved to say nothing about the massacre in Orlando. Nothing I can say seemed meaningful.

Then, having resolved to say nothing, I read the quote above. When in pain, I return to the expressions of my childhood. No shit, Sherlock.

I feel powerless. I am horrified. I keep writing about guns. And mentally ill people (like me) go right on murdering gaggles of people. And the meaningless canned speeches, ready tears, and same-old-same-old stochastic terrorism crap goes down. We are buried up to our noses in rank bullshit, inane and ugly speeches, and salty tears. 

ISIS did it? Right. Sure. Uh huh. Be afraid. And Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, not.

Another colloquialism applies here. Do not piss on my shoes and tell me it is raining Muslims.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Getting Real Jiggy in Texas

I'm from Texas, and one of the reasons I like Texas is because there's no one in control. - Willie Nelson
By August 1 of next year, if you are a frugal college student attending a state school like the University of Texas, everybody is allowed to conceal carry a gun into your classroom and on campus.

They are posting signs and making slide shows to counsel the Faculty.

The Faculty is beside themselves and many are threatening to quit or strike. Daniel Hamermesh has already quit.
“Will I be the first of many?” Daniel Hamermesh told the Guardian. “No.
The reason I won’t be the first of many is for me it’s a pretty low-cost item. I’m 72, I have a very large pension and I have lots of alternatives. I’m fairly successful and economics is a good business. So it’s sort of cheap heroism. I’m a cheap hero. On the other hand it will cost the university and other universities in the state.
Because while people who are here are to some extent stuck, those who are thinking of coming here have alternatives. So I think the real thing is, it’s going to cost us either more money to recruit people or we’re just not going to get as good-quality people recruited to the faculty here; that’s where I think it’s going.”
If you are a rich kid and can go to private college, Baylor University for example, guns are/can be forbidden. All the private Texas schools have yet to make a decision to allow guns on campus and in classrooms. Most have opted for gun free campus. The state schools do not get a choice.
Nobody really knows for sure what the LAW means in its entirety. Everybody has to figure it out before August 1 of next year. Meanwhile...

bill that allows children of all ages to handle guns passed Iowa’s house of representatives on Tuesday.

Approved by a 62-36 vote, the bill permits children under the age of 14 to have “a pistol, revolver or the ammunition” while under parental supervision. The bill will now head to the state senate.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Mourning, Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth. I have got to cut it out.

I am/was going to write about Ted Cruz calling for carpet bombing. Something...

But every time I type carpet bombing, tears roll down my cheeks.

It is the concussion not worked out yet. I just cry like a fool.
This is what the Lord says: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Jeremiah 31:15
It is the awful photos of Dresden. Dresden had no strategic value. We broke it because we could. It is what Kurt Vonnegut wrote about being there and here:

“The corpses, most of them in ordinary cellars, were so numerous and represented such a health hazard that they were cremated on huge funeral pyres, or by flamethrowers whose nozzles were thrust into the cellars, without being counted or identified,” Vonnegut wrote in “Fates Worse Than Death.

“America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register.

Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What the Teacher Saw: Baltimore Cops Created the Riot. Pass it on.

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."– Malcolm X
The only questions I have are:

Did they do what the Teacher describes below because they are stupid, paranoid and cowardly?

Or did they do this to make noise loud enugh to obscure and cover up their torture and murder of Freddie Gray?

I say "they" because the cops are a gang of thugs. The many act as one. The good cops cover for the bad cops. Therefore there are no good cops.
Meghann Victoria Harris

A clear narration of what my students and I just saw (and please SHARE this so people know the story): we drove into Mondawmin, knowing it was going to be a mess. I was trying to get them home before anything insane happened. The students were JUST getting out of Douglas, but before that could even happen, the police were forcing busses to stop and unload all their passengers. Then, Douglas students, in huge herds, were trying to leave on various busses but couldn't catch any because they were all shut down. No kids were yet around except about 20, who looked like they were waiting for police to do something. The cops, on the other hand, were in full riot gear marching toward any small social clique of students who looked as if they were just milling about. It looked as if there were hundreds of cops. So, me, personally, if I were a Douglas student that just got trapped in the middle of a minefield BY cops without any way to get home and completely in harm's way, I'd be ready to pop off, too.
I hope everyone's kids are getting home to them safely tonight.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Thug is the New @#$%^&

You find that new usage by perusing the contents of this comment thread on Cops are getting fired for using the "N word"on social media. So they have substituted "thug."

It is true I hate the police. You can tell by the street art I chose. Evidently I am not alone in my hatred and distrust. I have never been arrested or charged with any crime. Maybe I am biased nevertheless. You read the comments and tell me what you think.

" is a discussion forum for law enforcement officers, and while anyone can access some of the site content, commenting privileges are available exclusively to verified police. The staff "confirm[s] the status of all officers registering for PoliceOne by calling that officer's department directly."

Posted by SAPDMAS on Wednesday, December 03, 2014 08:27 PM Pacific Report Abuse
People are sick and tired of thugs. Certain people better wake the hell up and stop supporting the thugs. 2 years 1 month before the head thug gets thrown out and hopefully a real POTUS gets elected.

This is the post that disturbed me the most below. Do you want to be policed this way and with this attitude. In Great Britain the police do not have guns and very few police shootings. In Japan the police help Seniors get their groceries home. American cops are the thugs. And it is not just poor Black folks who are being murdered by the Police anymore. It is the mentally ill. It is upper middle class business owners. It is old women. It is children.

Posted by haziz on Thursday, December 04, 2014 01:01 AM Pacific Report Abuse
President just does NOT understand - it is NOT police who need modify or change their approach to public encounters with blacks, BUT blacks who must not turn almost every encounter with police into a racial incident.
My 5 tips on how black and others can survive a police encounter with police are very simple and if you stop and think about it make a lot of sense:
1.Do NOT under any circumstance ARGUE with police out in the street. You cannot win an argument with police out in the field.
2.2. Do NOt raise your voice, but stay cool and calm. Do NOT make any quick or aggressive movements. Remember the police officer does NOT know you and will react to protect himself or those around him.
3.Police know that hands kill, so always keep your hands in plain sight. Before you move your hands ask permission, officer I need to go into my back pocket to get my ID, is that OK with you?
4.NEVER run from police even if you are innocent. When you run you create a heightened sense that something must be wrong here.
5.DO NOT resist arrest – if you do one of three things is going to happen:
a.You are going to get beat down till you stop resisting
b.You are going to get injured or accidentally killed
c.And you are going to have charges taken out against you

Thursday, October 9, 2014

St. Louis Blues - Sign of the Month - October 2014

Another young black man in St. Louis shot by an off duty white police officer because he was "running like he had a gun." Say what? His name is Vonderrit Myers Jr. 

Seems like a 'pedestrian check' is the St. Louis version of "Papers please." I would run from the cops in St. Louis and I am pink. 
This is the statement from St. Louis PD sent to Buzzfeed reporter Jim Dalrymple:
An officer working department-approved secondary for a security company, wearing a St. Louis Police Officer's uniform was in the 4100 block of Shaw when he attempted a pedestrian check. The male suspect fled on foot. The officer pursued the suspect. The suspect turned and fired a gun at the officer. Fearing for his safety, the officer returned fire striking the suspect, fatally wounding him. The officer was not injured. A gun was recovered from the scene. The officer is a 32-year old white male. He has been on the force for 6 years. The suspect is a black male believed to be 18-20 years old. As is department policy, the officer has been placed on administrative leave. The investigation is ongoing.
This post has musical accompaniment - St. Louis in better days - and we have to go back to 1929 to find those 'better days.' Now that is sad. It is more than sad. It is intolerable. This video is beautiful.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

When was the last time a Philosopher went viral?

Open Carry Texas Activists
Below is an excerpt of A Rational Response to Open Carry Activists written by Philosopher Jack Russell Weinstein that went viral.

You want to read this essay in full and the resulting comments at the source. 
"As most people know, there are activists in Texas who are making a point of going to public places with visible firearms. They have gotten a lot of attention because some chain restaurants and stores have prohibited them from openly carrying their weapons, mostly because it frightens other patrons.
This fear is legitimate. As many have pointed out, there is no way for bystanders to know whether the people with guns are “good guys” or “bad guys.” It is rational to be afraid of someone with a weapon, especially if you know nothing about them.
Furthermore, as Jon Stewart has pointed out better than anyone else, since people are often legally permitted to use guns to protect themselves when they are legitimately afraid for their lives, there is no predicting when someone is going to see the activists and shoot before they ask questions. This will happen. It is just a matter of time. And, in many cases, it will be a legal and rational act. None of us want to be victims of the crossfire.
My proposal is as follows: we should all leave. Immediately. Leave the food on the table in the restaurant. Leave the groceries in the cart, in the aisle. Stop talking or engaging in the exchange. Just leave, unceremoniously, and fast.
But here is the key part: don’t pay. Stopping to pay in the presence of a person with a gun means risking your and your loved ones’ lives; money shouldn’t trump this. It doesn’t matter if you ate the meal. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just received food from the deli counter that can’t be resold. It doesn’t matter if you just got a haircut. Leave. If the business loses money, so be it. They can make the activists pay."

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Signs of the Month - Albuquerque in April 2014 - UPDATE

UPDATE 2: The man murdered in the video, James Boyd, was shot in the back and that is the shot that murdered him. The citizens of Albuquerque are battling their own police force.

ALBUQUERQUE — The 13 protesters who stormed the mayor’s office here and were arrested and jailed Monday said they were spurred by renewed outrage over the latest development in a string of fatal police shootings: An autopsy released last week showed the bullet that killed a homeless man, James Boyd, had been fired into his lower back.
UPDATE: See the raw video of the citizens of Albuquerque kicking butt and taking names. Way to go Albuquerque! We need more of this populist political participation. God bless voters. It is a long video and it is a thing of beauty. God bless voters. God bless America.

I had no trouble picking the political signs this month. These signs are from the Albuquerque Police Protest.

Police Assault Protest Against Police Violence

What began as a peaceful protest against the Albuquerque Police Department’s systemic abuse of force and frequent shooting of unarmed civilians spiraled into chaos Sunday evening after police officers—many mounted on horses and in riot gear—assaulted the demonstrators with tear gas.

Photo: Sergio Ximenez via Daily Lobo

Monday, May 5, 2014

Asshats on Parade - Which ones are the Good Guys? Edition

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.” 
― Lewis CarrollAlice in Wonderland
Hot damn I love Texans. A bunch of open carry Mofos showed up at the Jack in the Box and the employees called the Cops and hid in the freezer. Mofos were indignant that they were treated like criminals. Video at the link.
Open Carry Demonstrators Scare Restaurant Employees
By Ken Kalthoff
 “They locked themselves inside a freezer for protection out of fear the rifle-carrying men would rob them,” the email stated. “The demonstration had no signage that would have alerted anyone to their real purpose, and to our knowledge they did not attempt to contact anyone in the Fort Worth Police Department to advise us prior to the demonstration.”
Fort Worth police responded to the situation as if it was a robbery. 
Imagine if the employees were also big fans of open carry and 'stand your ground'. You want to be the Cop deciding who to shoot?

What are the PoPo going to do if some customer decides to stand their ground and shoots these Mofos? Charge the frightened customer?  Know how much a trial would cost?

Shaking my damn head. Not in my State. How much tax money do they have to waste in Texas? How crazy stupid are these folks? Maybe it is the heat? You have to admit that Texans have panache. What does Pennsylvania have to offer? Scrapple? Quakers? At least when we go out to get a hamburger, we do not end up hiding in the freezer. I will take it. I am getting a little too long in the tooth for hide and seek. And scrapple is delicious.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Open Carry MoFos or Not in My State

"Use a picture. It's worth a thousand words." - Arthur Brisbane 
The guy in the white coat is C.J. Grisham of Open Carry Texas and the other guys are his Posse. Aren't they special?  How confident do you feel that they can and will meet the challenges of Wayne LaPierre's brave new world?
“We, the American people, clearly see the daunting forces we will undoubtedly face: terrorists, crime, drug gangs, the possibility of Euro-style debt riots, civil unrest or natural disaster.” - Wayne LaPierre, National Rifle Association

"Most Texans are surprised to learn that the people they see openly carrying in our streets and our public spaces are not required to have had a background check or to have received any firearms safety training whatsoever," said Hillary Rand. 
Activists have congregated in malls, store parking lots, restaurants and city parks in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston and San Antonio in an effort to "normalize" the open carry of firearms. Last year in Arlington, nearly 40 open carry activists protested four Moms Demand Action volunteers by standing in the parking lot with long guns.
When I googled "open carry Texas," I also found this lovely young lady with a BLOG. I looked at the picture of the posse above and I looked at her and I thought to myself "Self, maybe you misunderstand Texas culture. Could this be a mating ritual like Christian Mingle?" 

Then I found this photograph with the label "gun-girl.' My mind is officially blown. And I grew up in New Jersey. These are the women Texas legislators are trying to take reproductive rights from? 

Texas, like New Jersey, has lately become one long messy greasy salty popcorn worthy event. I am starting to love Texas. 

Note: For those who are not familiar with American slang, the meaning of 'mofo' can be found HERE. 

I'm from Texas, and one of the reasons I like Texas is because there's no one in control.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Fetus Freaks and Gun Nuts Stalk Little Girls for Clicks and Giggles

You think this is going to be satire, right? Wrong.

A conservative group is pushing Cookie Cott 2014. They have a fancy logo and everything:

What is the Girl Scout's crime that engendered the cookie boycott? Here is a list of crimes and a policy statement they are working with:
Because Girl Scouts USA promotes, both directly and indirectly through other organizations, policies and behaviors clearly contradictory to the goals and purposes of Missouri Right to Life, Missouri Right to Life urges citizens to consider carefully whether to participate in Girl Scouts or support them in any way.
Now if you think "stalk" is too strong, you want to read THIS: 
For four consecutive Saturdays, protesters have come to Teabearies, which hosts parties for girls ages 3 to 12, carrying graphic pictures and placards reading, "Teabearies supports baby killers."
The connection? In addition to running Teabearies, a children's birthday party place in this southern Illinois town 40 miles east of St. Louis, Dudek runs the front desk and serves as an administrative assistant at Hope Clinic for Women in nearby Granite City, which performs abortions.
 "They were intimidating young girls with graphic posters of aborted fetuses and statements of murder, and they were utilizing the intimidation of these girls as a way to coerce the owner to quit her job at the clinic," said Mark Levy, Dudek's lawyer. 
During the hearing, one mother tearfully described taking her 7-year-old daughter for a birthday party at Teabearies on Jan. 19, when, according to Dudek, 17 protesters showed up and shouted at arriving tearoom customers. 
Gail Pickett of Highland had adopted the little girl last year; this was her first birthday party with her adoptive family. "She was scared; the pictures scared her," Pickett said. "And we had to usher her through the back door to her own birthday party." Pickett, a Girl Scout leader, said she has canceled her plans to take some scouts to Teabearies, where they can earn a badge on manners. "I cannot subject my Girl Scouts to this kind of thing," she said.
What this viral photograph proves to me is this: If gun nuts are stupid enough to think this is good publicity, they are too stupid to own guns. The lady gun nut in the photo and Fox News says it is all a misunderstanding. Her name is Kathy Perkins. Here is her organizations's facebook page. 

Look at the reflections in the windows of the other gun nuts standing guard in case the Girl Scouts get jiggly.

Like they say at JuanitaJean's: 
So the way I figure it, we liberals are under a sacred obligation to buy some Girl Scout Cookies! Oh hell, go wild, buy three or twenty boxes. Use them to feed your campaign block walkers at your local Democratic headquarters.
Find when and where you can buy Girl Scout Cookies in your neighborhood HERE.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Two Million Dollar Finger Rape - UPDATE

UPDATE: There has been another Traffic Stop Rape in New Mexico. Same noncertified drug dog and same medical center.

A routine traffic stop in New Mexico turned into a cavity search, three enemas and a colonoscopy for David Eckert. He sued and won 1.8 milliion and that is only one lawsuit. More to come.

Never talk to Cops. Never help them. Do whatever you can within the law to make their lives a living Hell before they get a chance to stick their fingers up your rectum.

Cops are the brownshirts of the 1%. How do I know? The SCOTUS says they have "no duty to protect" citizens. Protect me? I will be thrilled if they do not finger rape me for God, Country and the American way.

The War on Drugs is a War on Poor People. You think my response is over the top? Spend some time reading HERE and HERE and get back to me.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Boys with Toys in Tampa

Welcome to Tampa and the Republican Convention
 I comfort my SeIf with the thought that:

I do not wonder what the sex workers are doing right about now in Tampa. I know that "Republican kink" is not a fantasy. It is an understatement. Think of the way they have been mentally raping women for months now. Translate that mindset into amorous expertise across the Bell Curve. It will be a hot time in the old town tonight. Shudder.

Please note: Those who object to my attitude toward Law Enforcement (da PoPo, Sexpigs etc.) will understand me better if they go to this Website. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Start Spreading the News - New York! New York!

The police must obey the law while enforcing the law. - Earl Warren

There are not enough jails, not enough police, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people. - Hubert H. Humphrey

I'm not against the police; I'm just afraid of them.- Alfred Hitchcock

Thursday, November 10, 2011

SexPig City - with Update 1

Once you have spent time in SexPig City as I have, the real world never looks quite the same again. You develop a kind of sexpig radar. I raved away about Tony Baloney and the video of Baloney macing women for shitz and giggles here.

And I was starting to feel that maybe I overreacted a wee bit. Then I saw this video and I read this excellent diary by Horace Boothroyd III, a citizen journalist and an OWS hero. In the diary's comments, Horace and others comment on how often those beaten by the police are women. A comment was made that cops are cowards. Some cops may indeed be cowards. But I think an equally primal need is being satisfied.

Cowardice has nothing to do with it. The Man has a woody and he is getting it off. Same as Tony Baloney.

And I think a euphonious name for this paraphilia (sexual perversion or fetish) needs to be coined. A thing may exist but be invisible until named. I dub this perversion peculiar to The Man "woodywhacking." As in: "Man, I woodywhacked that peace sign woman so good I came in my dark blue pants."

Update 1.

NO! I am not psychic. Just well acquainted with SexPigs. Now The Man is stripping women naked for shytz and giggles.

There were three people dressed in tents. Two were men and one was a woman. It was the woman they chose to disrobe. They woodywhacked her so good.  So how long is immunity from sexual assault going to be a perk of the job?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Off the Pigs !!! with Update 1 and 2 and 3 and 4

I never thought I would drag the sentence above out of the 60s and 70s and into the present. I am a peaceful Quaker for years now. I am shocked to find myself thinking it. I am so angry. Some history:

Seems like shocking rhetoric, does it not?

 Well, here is some shocking present day mayhem brought to us by Mayor Bloomberg and the Boys in Blue below.

Just  look at the video above. What other response can you have to the NYC PigForce penning peaceful female protesters behind a barrier and Maceing them. Where was the provocation and necessity, Pigs? How many of you Pig Perverts came in your pants when the women were screaming and crawling?

Hey, Mayor Bloomberg, do you stand for this perverted "justice?" Are you not a Jew? Why then would you sponsor gestapo tactics in a police force? Or did you get a copy of the tape to view and whack off with back at Gracie Mansion? Men do not need their penises to rape women. When getting your peener out is inappropriate, you can always use an object and men do that with anything at hand: a stick, a knife, a can of mace.

Let us for once tell it like it is. A goodly number of Philly cops and cops around the country are using steroids and addicted to them and they do not get drug tested. Cops will lie at the request of their superiors or to cover their own crimes without turning a hair. Most cops are dumb as stumps and understand the law they are "enforcing" not at all. These paragons feel free to attack innocent women because Bloomberg gave them permission. Say what?

You may say "How dare you say such a thing?" to me. I have evidence. Try reading this blog for a couple of weeks and then tell me:

How safe do you feel? Still have respect for the police?

Update One:

Witness accounts and extensive information on who maced the innocent women, and what YOU can do about it, and a picture of Tony Baloney the perpetrator of the cowardly attack, can be found at this site. Let us do something more sensible than shout Off the Pigs. While it may be satisfying, it is only self indulgent. Let us take action.–-Suspend-Tony-Bologna-NOW?via=stream

Update Two:

Citizen Journalists are on this like white on rice. Tony Baloney maced his own. More eyewitness testimony. The cops were setting the protestors up to look like criminals. It is just like what they did at the Vietnam protests.!-You-F!ng-Maced-Us!?via=siderec

Update Three:,-Manhattan-DA,-to-investigate-use-of-pepper-spray-on-demonstrators?via=siderec

What is to "investigate." We have film of the crime and the criminal in action.  Tony Baloney needs to be fired and charged with assault. I pray the deaf woman who was victimized files a civil suit too.

I will not argue with due process. But it is clear this event is being handled with obfuscation from the starting gate. "Investigate" leaves the impression there is some doubt as to what happened.

There is no doubt. Tony Baloney assaulted several women (and others) using his can of mace as a penis. He clearly physically and emotionally enjoyed the torture of helpless women. Have you noticed that all the protesters assaulted were at some kind of physical disadvantage when attacked. They were women and men burdened by cameras.

He is a criminal and a sexual pervert. I am sure this behavior is not at all new. So let's tell it like it is:

New York City and its Mayor are happy to keep sexually perverted criminal sadists employed, pay them a large salary and defend them when they are caught. NYC does not need to defend itself against foreign terrorists so much. They create and nurture their own terrorists. They need to start cleaning up their act bigtime.

Update Four:
Love and Babies happen in SexPig City too; and Tony Baloney will not be supported by the NYC Police in court. Tony Baloney is being sued by his victims. Question: Why has the NYC PoPo failed to arrest Baloney for assault?