Sunday, October 7, 2012

It is the Sin, Stupid.

"Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday opened a meeting of Roman Catholic Church leaders from around the world to debate how to counter rising secularism on the 50th anniversary of the momentous Second Vatican Council." Read more...

There have always been agnostics and atheists in the pews. We all come to experience community. Secularism is not harming the church. The Roman Catholic hierarchy are harming the church. I do not know why they think this conference will help. The RCC actively discourages telling the truth and they excommunicate or demote any theologian, like Hans Kung, who points to reality.

The RCC can always tell you who is to blame for their decline. It is the Gays' fault. No, it is the children's fault. No, it must be secularism. It must be my fault. I left your church when I was 13, swearing to never come back, and so did every other sane Catholic kid. We all know the RCC is never to blame. Never. 

It is the kiddy fucking and the kiddyfucker aiding and abetting that is the cause of your decline, stupid Nazi-Poop. It is trashing Gay folks. It is the Magdalen Laundries. It is prohibiting condoms in Africa. It is promoting Cardinal Law. It is the sad and sickening sexual dysfunction. It is your SIN, you dumbass arrogant Perverts.
“The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures, and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all from continual lying to other men and to himself.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

Friday, September 21, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Anniversary Video

I stole this video from a new political blog 
edited and written by Cecelia Morgan.

Scott McPartland provides us with a real sense of the space, emotional and physical, that is Occupy Wall Street and Liberty Park. I felt there in spirit when I watched it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Scrofulous Donkey Dick with Music

I got mad at Governor Sam Brownback. I cannot believe what I twatted to him on Twitter. I am so going to Hell.

One day, young Miss Emma Sullivan tweeted a nasty tweet to Governor Sam Brownback. Con brio.
Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot
Somebody from the Governor's office called her school and reported her. How high school is that? It was so corn snorting pea picking stupid that news of the event went viral. The British press even got hold of it.

Brownback ended up apologizing to Emma Sullivan. I like to think I had a small hand in that. Some snarky blogger suggested we bombard Brownback's office with nasty tweets in a show of support for Ms. Emma. Seemed appropriate to me. Some people don't know what Peace is unless they have experienced Fuss.

I tweeted (twatted?) nasty tweets to Governor Sam Brownback in the service of Justice and the American Way. Old Women can say any goddamn thing we want to say.  It is one of the perquisites of being older than dirt.

I have to confess (brag about?) how mean to Sam Brownback I have been. I need absolution, Cher Reader. You know what the worst part is? It was fun being a Filthy Tweeter. I discovered I am not half bad at it. It is like putting a message in a bottle and tossing it in the sea. One hopes for a response.

I twatted, among other things:

Yo Sam, stop sucking off prostitutes in the capitol rest room. You embarrassing the junkies.

 sucks scrofulous donkey dick.

I now have 20 new Twitter Followers. Filthy Tweeters of America Unite! You have nothing to lose but Sam Brownback. Phooey. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wonderful Political Cartoons

The artist is John Darkow. I found this website that publishes and sells political cartoons. I have signed up. Link below:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

OCCUPY is Back. Hallelujah!

Thousands are gathering in Liberty Park for the one year anniversary of the Occupy movement. I am so proud of them. I hope no one gets hurt.  They are really brave. There is a gathering in San Francisco also. More information at the link below:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Boys with Toys in Tampa

Welcome to Tampa and the Republican Convention
 I comfort my SeIf with the thought that:

I do not wonder what the sex workers are doing right about now in Tampa. I know that "Republican kink" is not a fantasy. It is an understatement. Think of the way they have been mentally raping women for months now. Translate that mindset into amorous expertise across the Bell Curve. It will be a hot time in the old town tonight. Shudder.

Please note: Those who object to my attitude toward Law Enforcement (da PoPo, Sexpigs etc.) will understand me better if they go to this Website. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Twitter Follies

I am fricking old. So I do not entirely understand how Twitter works.

However, I have big brass ovaries and I often learn things by jumping right into the mess to see what happens.  So I have Twatted in the past.  I decided today that I can learn a lot more by creating a new hash tag and watching how it grows. Maybe it will grow; maybe it will not.

New Hash Tag:

My first tweet:

Paulie Ryan has a dick,
Eee Eye Eee Eye Oh 
Who would fuck him? He makes me Sick.
Eee Eye Eee Eye Oh.

Now you might ask "Why is such a sweet Old Lady saying such nasty things about Paul Ryan?" Eezy Peezy. Just read THIS. No that is not ME above. It is a protester at the RNC.

I draw your attention to this carefully researched essay on Rape. I recommend every woman and any man who loves women read it. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Four More Years

By Ralph Maxwell

O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou, Mitt Romney?
You flip-flop here, you flip-flop there,
You flip-flop almost ev'rywhere.
You ballyhoo what you're gonna do
And then you pull a switcheroo;
You now malign what you found fine;
Seems like you've got a jellyfish spine.
Obamacare, by you begun,
Now you'd trash it on day one.
Gun control you did extol,
But now you're preaching decontrol.
O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou, Mitt Romney?
We've got no clue what you will do
Or what new view you'll pander to.
Time was you championed women's choice,
But you no longer heed their voice;
On gay rights, too, guess you withdrew
Support they once enjoyed from you.
Global warming, EPA,
Immigration, minimum pay,
Roe V. Wade, also fair trade,
All joined your flip-flop cavalcade.
O, Romney-O, Romney-O Wherefore art thou, Mitt Romney?
So many things that you were for
You've turned against and slammed the door.
Stimulus and cap and trade,
Education, foreign aid,
Campaign reform, tarp rescues, too,
All victims of your switcheroo.
You take your stand on shifting sand,
We never know where you will land;
You vacillate, you fabricate,
A wishy-washy candidate.
O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou Mitt Romney?
As gov'nor you let taxes rise,
Now ev'ry tax you demonize.
You say regardless of the facts
You'd take an axe to the millionaire's tax;
You'd feed the greed of the richest few
The poor and middle class you'd screw.
Your tax returns you hide from view
What evil lurks there we've no clue;
If they're not bad why hesitate?
Is it that they incriminate?
O, Romney-O, Romney-O, Wherefore art thou Mitt Romney?
At Bain you plundered with a flair
And walked away a zillionaire.
You shipped off-shore, good jobs galore
To China, India, Singapore;
A job creator you are not.
And to boast you are is tommyrot.
As a total fraud, Mitt's got no peer;
What we must do is crystal clear:
Let's give Obama four more years!
Yes, it's Obama – four more years!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Chicken Follies

Tomorrow, August 1, is Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day for the Fundagelicals. The Fundagelicals want us to know they hate Gay Folks and they want to let us know that they have a right to say so.  I agree.

I hate to be left out. So I will express my appreciation for Chick-fil-A right here, right now. I do not know who this young woman is, but I would like to buy her lunch. Anywhere but Chick-fil-A.

For those who support our LGBT brothers and sisters and really like the sandwiches, I have a solution.  Here are the directions for making your own southern-style chicken sandwich.

For those of you in NYC, Schnipper's Quality Kitchen is donating $1.00 to Marriage Equality USA for each chicken filet sandwich sold in August. See the link below:

Gay folks are not the only folks suffering under the yoke of Dan Cathy's "biblical principles." He fires women who have had a baby and replaces them with men. He fires Muslim managers who do not want to participate in Christian prayers at business meetings.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Billy Lynn Takes One for The Team

PHILADELPHIA — Msgr. William J. Lynn was found guilty of endangering children, becoming the first senior official of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States convicted of covering up sexual abuses by priests under his supervision. Read more...

To see more of this New York Times article and get the facts, go to the link above. What you get here is a personal reaction from a lapsed (big time lapsed) Catholic.

I congratulate our District Attorneys Williams and Abraham and our brave Grand Jurors on this important conviction. Now get back to fixing the statute of limitations problem please. Archbishop Chaput has been defanged a bit. Thank you.

I take no pleasure in watching this (curiously boyish, chubby, gray, befuddled, cute) Old Man dragged off to the pokey. I think of him taking that book of offenders names from the safe late at night, and adding to it in secret. I think of Lynn keeping it when Rome wanted it destroyed. Think of it.

Monsignor Lynn did all he was allowed by Rome to do: keep his mouth shut. And then he did more. He kept the truth for us when Rome wanted the list of offenders destroyed.

Cardinals Krol and Bevilacqua, princes of the church, died quietly in their beds at home. They used their law degrees to shield child rapists upon orders from the Vatican. They never went to trial after hiding mucho child abuse with holy aplomb for decades. Think of me wailing here like a child "... but it's not fair."

Let me be clear. Monsignor Lynn deserves to go to jail for his part in aiding and abetting kiddyrapers for years. But Lynn is the least of the offenders.

Sure makes you wonder exactly what his fellow priests were applauding at the big dinner, don't it? Was it keeping the secret book of offenders? What heroic act were they applauding? Taking one for the team of course. Like I said.

Msgr. Lynn got standing ovation at Chaput dinner, say those at event:

Msgr. William J. Lynn, the former church official awaiting trial for allegedly protecting sexually abusive priests, drew words of encouragement from Philadelphia's new archbishop and a standing ovation from scores of priests at a private gathering last month, according to people familiar with the event.

During the invitation-only dinner for Archbishop Charles J. Chaput at a parish hall in Montgomery County, Chaput singled out Lynn in the crowd and noted how difficult the ordeal has been for him, according to one priest who attended and two people briefed by others at the gala.

Much of the audience, which included hundreds of priests, then stood and applauded, said the sources, who asked not to be identified.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tea Party is No Party for Hungry Americans

Citizens of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, thank Governor Tom Corbett for his plans to make working people poorer by removing subsidies for public transportation and requiring food stamps recipients be absolutely destitute.

Evidently, Republicans as a group are bigtime into paying for The Shrub's wars and the deregulation of the banking industry on the backs of the average Joe and Josephine. And yes, the Republicans do expect us to thank them for these fiscally sound ideas.

The Tea Party and Rand Paul and Tom Corbett are evil little mushrooms.

What happened to the old style Republicans like Ike? Ike's tax rate on capital gains was 90%. And everybody had money and job. These MoFos want to take the food out of the mouths of children and old folks. Literally.

Maybe this Rand Paul guy should come down to my local church food pantry and see how poor and beat down some of the Mothers and Seniors look who come for food aid.

I bet this Rand Paul guy never went to bed hungry a day in his life. If you believe this FruitBat, I got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn real cheap and . . .

Friday, June 15, 2012

Pride. It is a Beautiful Thing.

Thank you Kameron Slade. I am so sorry that you were kept from delivering your Excellent Speech.

If I were this young man's Momma, I would be bursting with pride. And then I would be on that school like The Banshee. I would wail so loud the ACLU can hear me.

Thank you President Obama for standing up for the LGBTQ members of my Family and for Public Education. The Obama campaign has posted Pride 2012's cover image to their Tumbler page. You can read the magazine online in its entirety.

Update 1:
 Kameron Slade got to deliver his Awesome Speech after all.  He delivered it with Pride in front of the New York City Council.  God bless the InterNet. See the video at the link below. Go Kameron Slade and Kameron's Mom. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Continuing Adventures of Bionic Me

I have been missing, I know. It seems that I have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. That means the last two fingers of my right hand are numb, electric shocky and not functioning. Try typing without two of your fingers. Yuck. In addition, my computer is broken. Thank God for Frankford Library and their public computers.

The good news is that my hand can be fixed and will be next Tuesday. It will, however, be even harder than it is now to type, slice good hard crusted bread and whack off. Poor me.

I will not be deterred. I have quite a few really rude things to say and I am looking forward to saying them over the next few weeks. And, old as I am, I know I can find somebody to help with the whacking off part. And eventually my computer will be repaired or replaced.

So it is all good. See you soon.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Random Thought - or - Maybe I will not finish my entry about my Ass. Well, I will, but I want to get this in.

The nuclear family is a modern invention. As social innovation, it sucks the Big Badoody. Naturally, it was the gift of wealth and the corporations after the close of WW II. The concept that the nuclear family is the ideal has done a great deal of damage to America and American children.

The best way to raise children is in an extended family: grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles and cousins all living together cooperatively.

IMO the idea that we should live in nuclear families is a chief cause of our epidemic of child abuse. You do not know America is suffering from child abuse of epic proportions? You have not been reading my blog. Sometimes I am funny. Sometimes I suffer and yell about it. It is my blog.

Lots of yelling below:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Ass is Gone

There was a young maid from Madras
Who had a magnificent ass.
Not rounded and pink
As you probably think
It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass!
Those of you who have been reading my blog know that I had both my knees replaced on August 10. I am getting about now. For 8 weeks I was confined to a bed with knees the size of large cantaloupes, lots of pain, and no appetite. Do you have any idea what 8 weeks of bed confinement does to your muscles, and your Ass in particular?

I have always loved the Limerick above. And I love my Ass. Miss Angie told me "That is the biggest ass I have ever seen on a white woman."

I made a lot of money shaking my Ass. And I miss it. The Ass, not the money.

Note: This photograph is not my ass. It is Lisa Lyon's ass photographed in 1980 by Mapplethorpe.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Start Spreading the News - New York! New York!

The police must obey the law while enforcing the law. - Earl Warren

There are not enough jails, not enough police, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people. - Hubert H. Humphrey

I'm not against the police; I'm just afraid of them.- Alfred Hitchcock

Thursday, November 10, 2011

SexPig City - with Update 1

Once you have spent time in SexPig City as I have, the real world never looks quite the same again. You develop a kind of sexpig radar. I raved away about Tony Baloney and the video of Baloney macing women for shitz and giggles here.

And I was starting to feel that maybe I overreacted a wee bit. Then I saw this video and I read this excellent diary by Horace Boothroyd III, a citizen journalist and an OWS hero. In the diary's comments, Horace and others comment on how often those beaten by the police are women. A comment was made that cops are cowards. Some cops may indeed be cowards. But I think an equally primal need is being satisfied.

Cowardice has nothing to do with it. The Man has a woody and he is getting it off. Same as Tony Baloney.

And I think a euphonious name for this paraphilia (sexual perversion or fetish) needs to be coined. A thing may exist but be invisible until named. I dub this perversion peculiar to The Man "woodywhacking." As in: "Man, I woodywhacked that peace sign woman so good I came in my dark blue pants."

Update 1.

NO! I am not psychic. Just well acquainted with SexPigs. Now The Man is stripping women naked for shytz and giggles.

There were three people dressed in tents. Two were men and one was a woman. It was the woman they chose to disrobe. They woodywhacked her so good.  So how long is immunity from sexual assault going to be a perk of the job?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sign Up and Push Back

Crooks and Liars has an excellent article and video about resisting Forced Birther terrorists. A very smart man has shown us the way and it is nonviolent and effective. And  YOU CAN HELP.

Sign up to volunteer and push back! It is easy. It is nonviolent. Your fellow women will Thank You. 

Rachel Maddow talked to Todd Stave who created Voice of Choice to push back at the vicious harassment he received for just being a landlord to an abortion provider.

Anti-abortion protesters target clinic’s landlord outside child’s Md. school.

A brief excerpt from the article:
This was an extremely refreshing change of pace from the usual stories we hear about abortion providers being harassed, bullied and threatened by these so-called "pro-life" groups who are always terribly concerned about inserting themselves into women's reproductive health and the rights of the unborn, but not so terribly concerned about what happens to any child after they're born. After that, you're on your own and you'd better be ready to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
You can read more about his group here --

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A message from Occupy Wall Street at Oakland and a brief word from Abbie Hoffmann

Poster by R. Black

You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists.  - Abbie Hoffman

Tikkun (July-August 1989); also quoted in The Best Liberal Quotes Ever : Why the Left is Right (2004) by William P. Martin, p. 51.

More Occupy Art can be found here:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sign at Occupy Philly and YOU can Occupy ANYWHERE!

More signs at Think Progress:

Tax Cuts for Millionaires
Tell Me Why
No Jobs Created

Feeling isolated? You can Occupy anywhere!

 "Lonely vigil in remote Alaska. I'm wearing a muskox neck warmer (that is not a beard on my face) and I am a woman .... The day is chill. The sentiment is solid. Find your spot. Occupy it. Even if it is only your own mind. Keep this going..."

The lonely vigil is lonely no more. Occupy Everywhere!!! We are growing and learning.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Child Abuse: What God Wants for Your State

This is what Religious Authoritarians want for your State. I apologize to God for the rabble rousing title. 

This article about Texas can be read at its source:

A disturbing new report reveals that child abuse in the United States has reached “epidemic” levels, with one child dying every five hours from abuse or neglect ...

And Texas has one of the worst child abuse records in the country, BBC noted. In Texas last year, 10.2 of every 1,000 children suffered confirmed abuse or neglect, and children younger than age 6 were the most common abuse victims — 39 percent were between the ages of 1 and 3.

But as governor, Rick Perry (R-TX) has repeatedly slashed funding for child abuse prevention ... Under the budget put forward by Texas Republicans, the state will have to lay off 565 caseworkers who investigate child abuse. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services will see a loss of nearly $40 million.

And then there is this report from my home state of Pennsylvania:

Monsignor Lynn got standing ovation at Chaput dinner, say those at event
Posted by John P. Martin, Inquirer Staff Writer on October 05, 2011

Msgr. William J. Lynn, the former church official awaiting trial for allegedly protecting sexually abusive priests, drew words of encouragement from Philadelphia's new archbishop and a standing ovation from scores of priests at a private gathering last month, according to people familiar with the event.

During the invitation-only dinner for Archbishop Charles J. Chaput at a parish hall in Montgomery County, Chaput singled out Lynn in the crowd and noted how difficult the ordeal has been for him, according to one priest who attended and two people briefed by others at the gala.

Much of the audience, which included hundreds of priests, then stood and applauded, said the sources, who asked not to be identified. Go to this excellent article for more information.

I will close with Jesus' promise to the phony Christians of this world, like Rick Perry, Monsignor Lynn and Archbishop Chaput:

“And everyone who commits an offense against one of these little ones who believe in me, it were profitable for him that a donkey's millstone would be hung around his neck and he be sunk in the depths of the sea.”

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Off the Pigs !!! with Update 1 and 2 and 3 and 4

I never thought I would drag the sentence above out of the 60s and 70s and into the present. I am a peaceful Quaker for years now. I am shocked to find myself thinking it. I am so angry. Some history:

Seems like shocking rhetoric, does it not?

 Well, here is some shocking present day mayhem brought to us by Mayor Bloomberg and the Boys in Blue below.

Just  look at the video above. What other response can you have to the NYC PigForce penning peaceful female protesters behind a barrier and Maceing them. Where was the provocation and necessity, Pigs? How many of you Pig Perverts came in your pants when the women were screaming and crawling?

Hey, Mayor Bloomberg, do you stand for this perverted "justice?" Are you not a Jew? Why then would you sponsor gestapo tactics in a police force? Or did you get a copy of the tape to view and whack off with back at Gracie Mansion? Men do not need their penises to rape women. When getting your peener out is inappropriate, you can always use an object and men do that with anything at hand: a stick, a knife, a can of mace.

Let us for once tell it like it is. A goodly number of Philly cops and cops around the country are using steroids and addicted to them and they do not get drug tested. Cops will lie at the request of their superiors or to cover their own crimes without turning a hair. Most cops are dumb as stumps and understand the law they are "enforcing" not at all. These paragons feel free to attack innocent women because Bloomberg gave them permission. Say what?

You may say "How dare you say such a thing?" to me. I have evidence. Try reading this blog for a couple of weeks and then tell me:

How safe do you feel? Still have respect for the police?

Update One:

Witness accounts and extensive information on who maced the innocent women, and what YOU can do about it, and a picture of Tony Baloney the perpetrator of the cowardly attack, can be found at this site. Let us do something more sensible than shout Off the Pigs. While it may be satisfying, it is only self indulgent. Let us take action.–-Suspend-Tony-Bologna-NOW?via=stream

Update Two:

Citizen Journalists are on this like white on rice. Tony Baloney maced his own. More eyewitness testimony. The cops were setting the protestors up to look like criminals. It is just like what they did at the Vietnam protests.!-You-F!ng-Maced-Us!?via=siderec

Update Three:,-Manhattan-DA,-to-investigate-use-of-pepper-spray-on-demonstrators?via=siderec

What is to "investigate." We have film of the crime and the criminal in action.  Tony Baloney needs to be fired and charged with assault. I pray the deaf woman who was victimized files a civil suit too.

I will not argue with due process. But it is clear this event is being handled with obfuscation from the starting gate. "Investigate" leaves the impression there is some doubt as to what happened.

There is no doubt. Tony Baloney assaulted several women (and others) using his can of mace as a penis. He clearly physically and emotionally enjoyed the torture of helpless women. Have you noticed that all the protesters assaulted were at some kind of physical disadvantage when attacked. They were women and men burdened by cameras.

He is a criminal and a sexual pervert. I am sure this behavior is not at all new. So let's tell it like it is:

New York City and its Mayor are happy to keep sexually perverted criminal sadists employed, pay them a large salary and defend them when they are caught. NYC does not need to defend itself against foreign terrorists so much. They create and nurture their own terrorists. They need to start cleaning up their act bigtime.

Update Four:
Love and Babies happen in SexPig City too; and Tony Baloney will not be supported by the NYC Police in court. Tony Baloney is being sued by his victims. Question: Why has the NYC PoPo failed to arrest Baloney for assault?

Friday, September 9, 2011


I am still here and alive and thrilled to be so. I have new knees and straight legs. I am convalescing.

It is a good thing I am mean and I have a bigmouth or they might have tormented me to death in the hospital.

Am I glad I did both knees at once? I think so; I am still in a lot of pain.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Becoming Bionic

On August 10 ( if I live through the surgery), I will become a Bionic Woman, a Wonder Woman, the Hero of my girlhood. Both my knees will be replaced with knees that function.

I am remarkably healthy for a woman of my age. No diabetes, no heart disease, no high blood pressure. But my remarkable health will quickly deteriorate if I cannot do what has kept me healthy all my life: WALK long distances.

No scooter for me. I am making an investment in my future health and productivity. I am scared. I am doing the scary thing anyway.  I will be gone and convalescing for a bit. Meet you soon, cher Reader.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dance and the World Will Dance with You

This video is one of the most inspiring I have seen of late. Derek Sivers is remarkably astute. Below is a link to his blog. This is how new movements and unique projects begin and grow in my experience. Someone stands for the idea and develops the intention and begins the dance. Then the second and third and nth followers show up. A profound idea is here in a silly hat.

I offer a bit of the Tao Te Ching, translation by Herrymon Maurer, that seems appropriate. The Tao Te Ching was written by Lao Tzu (translated "Old Man") as a moral and spiritual treatise and counsel for Leaders and Creators.


When a superior man hears about Tao,
He goes after it diligently.
When an average man hears about Tao,
He both gets it and loses it.
When an inferior man hears about Tao,
He laughs loudly at it.
If he did not laugh,
It would not be Tao.
There is an old saying:
The bright way looks dark;
The forward way looks backward;
The smooth way looks rough;
High virtue looks low;
Great whiteness looks defiled.
Broad virtue looks deficient;
Solid virtue looks illicit;
Simple virtue looks decayed.
Great space has no corners.
Great talent ripens late.
Great music is out of key.
The great symbol is out of shape.
Tao is without name and hidden.
Hence Tao helps and completes.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Cher Reader, how I have missed you.

Did you think I was never coming back? It would take more than two blown knees to keep me from You, ma Cher. I danced for a living for years. And my knees have finally cried "Enough."

On August 10, I will receive two new knees. I have been taking a lot of pills for pain. I find they interfere with my ability and desire to write.

Nevertheless, I am delighted to have found the energy and clarity of mind to write today. Who am I trying to kid? It is more like the energy to rant, whine, kvetch, and stamp my feet.

Stay tuned. Some rants coming up anon.


For those concerned about the SCOTUS' Citizens United decision ( that a Corporation is a legal person with all the right of free speech attached to that status ) and the effects of the decision on the body politic, I point you to a diary at dKos.

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission refused to grant a license to sell Raging Bitch  beer in Michigan because Flying Dog brewers are rude. In March of this year, Flying Dog filed suit, citing a violation of their 1st Amendment rights.

It seems that the State cannot now protect us from an artisan beer maker's raunchy sense of humor and deprive of us of an excellent new beer.  A good thing, eh?  Go get yourself a Raging Bitch beer and settle in your favorite chair. This may amuse you as much as it amuses me.

"This week, the Michigan Liquor Control Commission reversed their position. They did so based on the outcome of a U.S. Supreme Court decision last week that said the state of Vermont could not prevent pharmaceutical companies from harvesting data about doctor's prescribing patterns and habits as a way to market to them more effectively. This restriction on the rights of states to regulate "speech" by corporations is beginning to have far-reaching impacts." - from the diary at the link above.

When you get done laughing, think about this whole debacle. What will this decision do to the labeling regulations, for example? You know, those laws that have kept the Corpos from poisoning, maiming, and bamboozling us since 1920.

I think the Suits and Robes and Corpos have overreached. Bigtime. Get thee some popcorn and a couple more Bitches, sit back, and enjoy the ride. It is going to be a Hoot. And it will only get funnier and more absurd (if that is possible) as the months go by. And laughing at the Azzoles sure beats crying over the whole sickening mess.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Twat Did You Say? - Update



There is Tempest in the Progressive Teapot. Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a "dumb twat."

This time the orange pekoe tsunami comes from the front page of dkos. A pox on the National Organization of Women for their holier-than-thou stance.

I "must" do what?

Defend Sarah Palin from the Big Bad Bill Maher?

Alaskans are erecting Poop Flags in Sarah Palin's honor. You think maybe Alaskans know something we don't know? Sarah Palin is a "dumb twat." Truth is an absolute defense to a charge of slander. And like my Father always said "I do not have to do anything but die."

There used to be a great photograph of a Sarah Palin poop flag on the blog Mudflats. It has been removed. No problem. Here is an example of a poop flag hung for another fabulous politician, just in case you have never seen a poop flag:

Comedians traditionally get a pass from PTA brand politeness. The Jester can say anything to anybody. That is the rule. If you do not like that, do not watch comedy. But "call off your tired old ethics" as Margot St. James says so succinctly. I am okay with the word Twat. The Prime Minister of Great Britain is okay with the word Twat. Twat is a unisex description. Do not watch comedy if you cannot take a joke.

Comedians have a special license to use language in any way they see fit. Lenny Bruce suffered to make that privilege a reality. And the Whiners and Pearl Clutchers are not going to make light of his sacrifice and his travail.

 Do not like evil dirty jokes? Do not listen to comedy. I am pro choice about more than my pudenda. I am a comedian. Comedy is an Art. I get to choose the brush strokes, the color, and the subject. Words are my paint. I will use any fucking word I want to use.

I am very dirty in a very polite way in my act. I can make any crowd laugh within 3 sentences. It took me awhile to learn to do that. It took Bill Maher awhile too. Doing standup is a trial by fire. I think Maher's politics are right on. I do not find Maher particularly funny. We both do comedy. I will defend to the death his right to be bad at it, in all senses of the word "bad."

You go on with your bad self, Bill Maher. Good night, Lenny, wherever you are.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States of America in the Northern Hemisphere on Earth

Twenty-one priests from the Philadelphia Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church have been named and/or suspended because of credible charges of child sexual abuse. Cardinal Justin Rigali has requested prayer for these priests.

A Prayer for Justin Rigali and his Merry Men:

I pray that their carnal members rot and fall to the ground.

I pray that they develop suppurating stinking boils on every square inch of their body.

I pray that they die soon in writhing pulsating prolonged agony.

I pray that Jesus really is waiting to see them and keep his promise:
"And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea." - Mark 9:42
I am a good Catholic. I know rote. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

I quote from the Grand Jury Report 0f 2011 Summary:
"The present grand jury, however, is frustrated to report that much has not changed. The rapist priests we accuse were well known to the Secretary of Clergy, but he cloaked their conduct and put them in place to do it again. The procedures implemented by the Archdiocese to help victims are in fact designed to help the abusers, and the Archdiocese itself. Worst of all, apparent abusers – dozens of them, we believe  remain on duty in the Archdiocese, today, with open access to new young prey."
A poster named Sfer (BabyBoomer) on a message board made this apt comment:
"Gee, it's usually defense lawyers who try to paint their clients as co-victims. It sounds odd coming from an Archbishop. They're usually the ones accusing others of "relative morality" and "objectively disordered". The shoe is on the other foot now."
Update 1:
After I wrote this blog entry, I had a moment in which I repented and considered that the entry might be blasphemous and a little too coarse. See, I really am a Catholic; always second guessing my feelings and thoughts because I have been taught that my instincts are sinful by the RCC.

And then I read that the Jesuits (the fucking Jesuits) are paying now for making themselves ignorant of and aiding and abetting the child abusers in their midst for decades. Words fail me.

Update 2:
Rolling Stone has published one of the most readable and comprehensive articles on the Philadelphia Roman Catholic Church's coverup of the sexual abuse of children and the effort by two District Attorney's to bring light and justice to Philadelphia. This case is remarkable because it is the first time a member of the RCC administration has been charged with child abuse:

Update 3:
Monsignor Lynn has been found guilty. Of course, I have an opinion.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tea Party in the Afternoon with Pearls

I am tired down to the ground of these Tea Party women. My kids are plotting emigration. They see no
future in America. I do not blame them. We now have nothing. We make nothing. We know nothing. And these women are the epitome of "know nothing."

As a nation, we have been date raped. And we did not even get dinner. And what is the Republican solution?
  1. A woman who appears to have bad tranquilizer habit. I  look at Sharron Angle and see the spaced out eyes and perpetual smile of the Xanax devotee, but maybe it is just me and I have been hanging out at AA too long.
  2. A professional virgin who does not understand separation of church and state and thinks mice with human brains exist.
  3. A half term governor with a voice like a screech owl and the brains of a door stop.
All  of them come disguised as French Maids. Oooh la la. Just look over here at their cute shoes.

Watch these idiots run-run-run from the media and whine about how misunderstood and mistreated they are by having to actually campaign and maybe explain their political positions. Watch them lie without turning a carefully groomed hair. Listen to them call for a "second amendment solution." And why are they whining about MY SEX LIFE? We should turn rape into "lemonade"* Are they crazy?

Oh, the poor misunderstood Good Women. Here is a pearl of wisdom for you Tea Party women. Listen closely, Sharron and Christine and Sarah, and you will hear my virtual violin play a minor key accompaniment to your whining.

I like safe and legal medical abortion, same sex marriage, and paying taxes so bridges don't fall down. I am not into shooting people who do not agree with me. I am not into legislating what people do with their Things. And you know what, Tea Party ladies of all stripes? I think most Americans agree with me. Minding your own business is an American value. You do not speak for me.